Chapter 6 : THE DEAL

As the night wound down, Mia clocked out and began to head home with her friend Katherine. The ride home was surprisingly calm and quiet for the two of them, a stark contrast to the drama that had unfolded at the Red Club.

As soon as they got home, This time, Katherine's curiosity couldn't be contained. "Mia, I have to ask: What the hell were you thinking?" she blurted out.

"What do you mean?" Mia asked, pretending to be oblivious.

"You know what I mean!" Katherine exclaimed, her eyes widening. "You're lucky you're still standing after what you pulled tonight! He could have had you taken out."

"Oh, please," Mia scoffed. "I'm not that easy to kill."

"What if he tries again? What if next time he doesn't just ask for a night?" Katherine pressed, her voice growing more urgent with each word.

Mia shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant, but Katherine could see the fear in her friend's eyes. "He won't," Mia said, "I'm not scared of him."

"Well, you should be," Katherine shot back. "Blacksmith isn't just some rich douchebag, he's-"

"not as dangerous as you think, gurl you worry too much" Mia assured, "instead of worrying about that issue, worry about what we'll be making tonight" she said smiling at her then walking towards the kitchen, "geez I'm hungry."

"Really, Mia? Food is the first thing on your mind after what happened?" Katherine shook her head, but followed her friend into the kitchen. "Fine, I'll help cook if it'll make you feel better."

Mia grinned, pulling out some vegetables and a pot from the cupboards. "See, food always makes things better."

Katherine rolled her eyes. "You're impossible, you know that?"

"But you love me anyway," Mia teased, nudging her friend playfully with her hip.


Somewhere in Newyork, a man in his late forties is seen staggering out from a seedy casino, a haze of smoke and neon lights following him. His eyes were bloodshot, and his hair looking unkempt.

As the man stumbled into the alleyway, a sleek black car pulled up next to him.

The car's doors thudded open, and two men dressed in casual clothes stepped out, their movements smooth and deadly. They had an air of the street about them, their clothes—plain t-shirts and jeans—belied their power. And in a split second, they grabbed him as he struggles to break free.

"what else do you want Sebastian, you already took my whole money, I already lost the bet, what else do you want" he yelled in his drunken state as one of the men punched him hard in his face before pulling him forward, while he mumbled still trying to break free.


In an unknown dark underground house, the man is seen tied up in a metal chair with his face cover, not ignoring his badly-beaten body.

The dark, musty air of the underground house clung to the man's skin like a layer of filth. The metal chair, cold and unforgiving, bit into his bruised flesh as he struggled against his bonds. He could hear the heavy footsteps approach, each step a measure of his impending doom.

Suddenly, the footsteps halted, and the room fell silent but for the man's labored breathing. Then, the distinctive click of polished shoes on concrete broke the silence.

Jonathan emerged from the shadows like a wraith, his presence bringing with it the aura of a ruthless predator. His eyes, cold and calculating, raked over the man's battered form, taking in every detail with an unnerving precision.

"I never asked for him to be beaten up like this, but he deserves it anyway" Jonathan said in a cold yet mocking tone, "I want to see his face".

With that, the fabric was removed revealing the bruised and swollen face of Gabriel Salvador, Mia's uncle

Gabriel's eyes widened in shock, his heart pounding with terror. Mere looking at him he already knows what he wants and that alone sent chills to his spine.

"si- sir blacksmith ?" Gabriel stammered.

Jonathan's lips curled into a faint smile that held no warmth, only a predatory glint. "Ah, he remembers me, after so many years Gabriel," he said, "four fucking years" he yelled at his face grabbing Gabriel's wrists, making him wince in pain.

"you think you can hide from me huh"

"I- I was- I swear I wasn't hiding from you, I was planning on paying back-"

"10 million, paying back 10 million" he laughed, "okay that is acceptable" he said in a low cold voice, "when, tonight, tomorrow, or you're planning on surprising me" he Chuckled.

"ple- please, I beg you, I'll pay back I promise, I just need more-"

"more time", Jonathan snapped, " how much more time do you fucking want" he said holding Gabriel bruised face real tight, "huh, heard you gambled with my money, my fucking 10 million" he spat angrily.

Gabriel whimpered, tears rolling down his swollen cheeks as he tried to form words. "P-please, sir. I can get you your money. I just need another week, maybe two."

Jonathan's grip tightened, the tips of his fingers digging into Gabriel's face. "Another week? Another two? How stupid do you think I am?" He thrust Gabriel's head backwards, the metal chair creaking under the force. "You've had your chances, Gabriel. I warned you what would happen if you didn't pay up."

"No- no, please don't hurt my family, they're all I have-"

Jonathan let out a humorless laugh. "Your family doesn't matter to me, Gabriel. They are merely collateral damage in my quest for retribution. If they suffer because of your mistakes, that is on you."

Gabriel's heart sank to the depths of his stomach. He had no leverage, no bargaining chips. Only the cold, hard truth that he had failed those he loved the most.

"Please," Gabriel begged, tears streaming down his face. "Please don't hurt them. I'll do whatever you want."

Jonathan stared at Gabriel for a long moment, his expression unreadable. "It's a little late for that, isn't it?" he said finally, straightening up. "You should have thought of that before you lost my money. Now, the only thing that can save your family is if you give me what I want."

Gabriel's hands trembled, his desperation growing with every second.

"Just tell me what you want, sir. Please," he pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion.

Jonathan turned away, his hands tucked in his pockets. "I want a lady from you".

Gabriel's heart skipped a beat. A lady? What could Jonathan possibly mean by that? But he knew better than to argue with a man like him, a man who held the power to destroy his entire world.

"W-what do you mean by a lady? What...what would you do to her?" he managed to stammer out, his voice thick with fear, as he hoped it's not his daughter, Clara.

Gabriel's fears were mounting. His mind racing, his thoughts jumbled with panic and a deep-seated sense of dread. He knew all too well that he couldn't trust Jonathan, couldn't put anything past the man standing before him. But he needed to protect his family, needed to ensure that he and his loved ones were kept safe from Jonathan's wrath.

Jonathan's lips curved into a thin, malicious smile. "Emilia Salvador."