Mia's heart sank as Jonathan sauntered in, his eyes trained on her with an intensity that made her skin crawl. The lawyer behind him carried a briefcase that seemed to weigh a thousand pounds.

"Good afternoon, Miss Salvador" Jonathan greeted, settling into a chair next to Gabriel. His tone was smooth and measured, but there was a sinister edge to it that belied his true intentions.

"What is he doing here?" Mia spat, her gaze shifting between the two men.

"since both parties are here, let's begin,shall we", Donovan the lawyer spoke up with a serious expression.

"woah, hold up, what parties, what do you want to Begin" Mia said with confusion written all over her face

Gabriel chuckled, a sound that sent chills down Mia's spine. "My dear niece, I'm glad you asked," he said, the smugness in his voice more pronounced than ever. "Sir Jonathan and I have come to an agreement, one that will be mutually beneficial to all of us."

Mia's stomach churned at the thought of being in any sort of agreement with Jonathan, let alone Gabriel. "What sort of agreement?" she demanded.

Jonathan cleared his throat, adjusting his cufflinks before speaking. "It's quite simple, really.

Donovan, the lawyer, leaned forward, fixing Mia with a piercing gaze. "Sir Jonathan and your uncle, Mr. Salvador, have quite an extensive history of financial dealings," he began. "Unfortunately, Mr. Salvador has been less than punctual in his payments to Sir Jonathan, and as such, we have been forced to explore alternative means of collecting said debts."

Mia's mind reeled as she struggled to process the information. "What are you saying?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Gabriel shot her a withering glare.

Donovan continued, his voice devoid of emotion. "Sir Jonathan has generously agreed to forgive a portion of Mr. Salvador's debts, on the condition that Mr. Salvador provides a...favor, if you will. A favor that involves you, Miss Salvador"

Mia's heart pounded in her chest. "What kind of favor?" she asked, her voice quivering.

"Mr. Salvador," Donovan said, turning his gaze to Gabriel, "has agreed to offer you as a collateral to Sir Jonathan, until he's able to pay up what he owes."

Mia's blood boiled, her face flushing with anger. "You've got to be kidding me!" she exclaimed, her voice shaking. "I'm not some piece of furniture to be passed around like collateral! How dare you even suggest such a thing?!"

Gabriel shifted uncomfortably in his seat, a flicker of fear crossing his face at her outburst. "Now, now, Mia, there's no need to get upset," he said, his voice quite gentle. "This is just a temporary arrangement, until I'm able to settle my debts."

Mia stood up, her chair screeching against the floor as she pushed it away. "A temporary arrangement? Is that what you're calling this?" she seethed. "And what am I supposed to do in the meantime? Be Jonathan's slave? His toy? I won't do it! You can't make me!"

Jonathan's face hardened at Mia's outburst. "You're in no position to refuse, Miss Salvador," he said, his voice cold and authoritative. "Your uncle has already signed the agreement. Your fate is sealed."

"He has a daughter yunno," Emilia said in a calm tone hoping he would reconsider

"Oh, I know that, but I want you"

"He wants you", Gabriel mouthed in a whispery tone

Mia's jaw clenched in frustration as Jonathan's response confirmed her worst fears. "You're twisted," she hissed, her hands balling into fists. "Do you enjoy playing god with people's lives?"

Jonathan's expression remained impassive. "I enjoy doing whatever it takes to get what I want," he said simply. "And right now, I want you."

Mia's chest heaved as she glared at the two men. "I'm not some object you can trade like some commodity," she spat. "I won't be part of your sick game. I'd rather die than be your pawn."

As Mia's words hung in the air, a tense silence fell over the table. Jonathan's steely gaze remained fixed on her, his face revealing nothing. Gabriel fidgeted nervously, glancing between the two of them as if waiting for one of them to break the stalemate.

"You know, Miss Salvador," Jonathan finally spoke, his voice dripping with false sympathy, "there are far worse fates than being my pawn. In fact, I can be quite generous to those who serve me well."

Mia recoiled, her revulsion evident in her expression.

"I have no interest in being a part of your twisted games," Mia snapped, her voice low and deadly. "And I certainly have no desire to serve you in any capacity. I am not a commodity to be traded, or a toy to be played with. I am a human being, with a right to live my own life, free from your sick machinations."

Jonathan's expression hardened further, his eyes narrowing. "You have a right to live your life, Miss Salvador," he said coldly. "But your uncle's debts give me certain...rights over you as well-"

"I don't care," mia finally snapped losing all the cool she had in her, Mia's voice grew louder, her eyes blazing with fury. "This whole situation is sick and twisted," she spat, her gaze flitting between Gabriel and Jonathan. "And it's also highly illegal. Holding someone as collateral for a debt is human trafficking, plain and simple. If you think I'm going to stand for this, you're sorely mistaken."

She turned to Donovan, her expression challenging. "As a lawyer, you should know that. So either you're complicit in this or you're as blind as a bat."

Donovan shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his face going pale.

"I am well aware of the legal implications of such an arrangement," Donovan said, his voice even but betraying a hint of unease. "However, the situation is not so clear-cut as you might believe. Your uncle's debt is substantial, and my client has certain...resources at his disposal to ensure that the matter is resolved to his satisfaction."

Mia shook her head, her disbelief palpable. "So you're telling me that you're willing to turn a blind eye to human trafficking?

Donovan cleared his throat, his face growing even more ashen. "Miss Salvador, please understand that my client is not a man to be trifled with. If he wants something, he will find a way to get it, and I fear that your well-being is of little consequence to him."

Mia's gaze hardened, her hands balling into fists. "Then I'll take it up with the authorities, the law and-".

"Girl, I am the law," Jonathan's patience finally snapped. He stood abruptly, the chair behind him sliding back with a harsh scraping noise. "I own the authorities, the government and every high personnel you could think of" he roared, the veins in his neck bulging with rage. "Do you think I give a damn about your threats?"

Mia's jaw tightened, her own anger flaring in response to Jonathan's outburst. "You're pathetic," Mia hissed. "Both of you, all of you" with that she steps back before walking away, her heart filled with fear, confusion and anger.

"Think about it Emilia, while I'm still being nice," Jonathan says making her pause, "because next time, won't be in this scenario". He ended as mia walks away without looking back.