As Mia stormed out of the restaurant, her mind was racing with thoughts of defiance and escape. Her heart was pounding, and her hands trembled with a mixture of rage and fear. She couldn't believe that her own uncle, her own blood, could betray her like this.

As she made her way out of the building and onto the street, she couldn't help but think about what Jonathan had said: "Think about it Emilia, while I'm still being nice, because next time, won't be in this scenario". The words echoed in her mind like a warning, chilling her to the bone.

Rain pelted down as Mia's fury rose to match the intensity of the storm above. The wind whipped at her clothes, her hair tangled like the web of deceit that had ensnared her.

Her eyes stung with rain, her feet numb from the cold pavement beneath her. She was at the mercy of the elements, just as she was at the mercy of the monsters that now controlled her fate.

"Even nature's not on my side today", Emilia muttered as she flagged down a taxi.

The hum of the engine and the rhythmic patter of the rain against the window were the only sounds that filled the taxi as Mia sat silently in the back seat, her mind still reeling from the events from the restaurant.

The silence was deafening, as Mia's gaze was fixed on the passing cityscape, but her thoughts were far away, lost in the confusion and turmoil of the situation.

She could feel the adrenaline slowly leaving her body, replaced by a bone-deep exhaustion that threatened to swallow her whole.

As the taxi pulled up to her apartment building, Mia felt the full weight of her exhaustion. She paid the driver and stepped out, the rain still falling in a steady rhythm as she trudged up the stairs to her door.

Inside, Mia sank into her couch, the warmth of the room enveloping her like a cocoon. But even the safety of her home couldn't erase the lingering sense of dread that clung to her like a shadow.

She leaned her head back, closing her eyes as she tried to make sense of the events that had transpired.

Mia's thoughts swirled around like the raindrops outside her window, refusing to be still. The silence of her apartment was both a comfort and a curse, allowing her mind to replay every sinister word and cold glance from the meeting over and over again.

But it was Jonathan's final threat that loomed largest in her mind: "Think about it Emilia, while I'm still being nice." The words hung in the air like a threat, a promise that she knew he had the power to fulfill.

Mia shivered, wrapping her arms around herself as if she could ward off the chill of the situation.

The silence of Mia's apartment was shattered by the sudden ring from her phone. She jumped slightly, startled by the sound.

She glanced down at the screen, seeing it was Katy, she picked it up.

"hey, badass" Katy said in a cool energetic voice, "you're not here at the club, boss asking of ya, que pasa" Katy ended, hoping to hear a response, which surprisingly didn't come, "hello, Mia, are you there, what's wrong-"

"I'm having a bit of hangover,-"

"geez, you startled me, why was you silence in the first place-"

"I feel sick, not sure I'll make it to work today, send my apologies to señor Lorenzo, hope he understands"

"sure, sure, I will, you don't have to worry about that just-, take care of yourself okay, and get well soon milia-" Emilia cuts the call, "she hanged up, well that it weird" Katy said as she continues what she was doing.

The silence fell again in Mia's apartment, its weight almost palpable. Katy's voice had been a temporary respite, but now she was alone once more with her swirling thoughts. She stared out into the dark, rain-streaked night, her mind racing as she tried to make sense of what had happened.

'Think about it Emilia, while I'm still being nice.' Jonathan's words echoed in her head, a chilling reminder of the danger she faced. She was trapped, like a bird in a cage, and there was no one to save her.

Time flies as Mia's thought was interrupted with a knock at her door.

The persistent knocking jolted Mia out of her thoughts, the sound echoing like a drumbeat in the quiet of her apartment. Her heartbeat quickened, her mind racing as she considered the possibilities of who could be on the other side of the door.

With tentative steps, she approached the door, the doorknob cold against her fingertips. "Who is it?" she called out, her voice betraying her fear.

"It's me, Katherine," came a familiar voice from the other side.

With a sigh of relief, Mia opened the door to reveal Katherine standing on her doorstep, a look of concern etched across her face. "You look like you've seen a ghost, Emilia," Katherine said, stepping into the apartment and closing the door behind her.

Mia forced a weak smile.

"I dropped by at the club, hoping to see you tonight, Katy said you-" her words was cut short when mia pulled her to a hug, sobbing, letting all the pain, confusion, fear, and anger wash away..,

Taken aback by the sudden embrace, Katherine froze for a moment, but then wrapped her arms around Mia in a tight hug. "Hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay?" she murmured reassuringly.

Mia clung to her friend, her tears soaking into Katherine's shirt. "I'm in a mess Katherine, I'm so confused, I don't know what to do, I have no one to pull me out Trina, please help me," she whispered, all in one go, her voice shaking.

Katherine pulled back slightly, holding Mia by the shoulders and looking into her eyes. "Tell me what happened. We can handle this, I promise."

"No, I don't think we can handle this one, it's about Jonathan, he's hell bent on making my life miserable" mia sniffed, shocking the hell out of Katherine.

"Jonathan?" Katherine's eyes widened in disbelief. "Emilia, what are you talking about?."

Mia took a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts. "He wants to... use me as a fucking collateral for something Gabriel owes him," she said, her voice shaking. "He's blackmailing me, Katherine. I don't know what to do."

Katherine's face turned grim. "This is serious, Emilia. You can't just let him do this. Have you thought about going to the police?"

Mia shook her head.

"Going to the police won't work, they are all in Jonathan's pocket," Mia said, her voice laden with fear and despair.

Katherine sighed, rubbing Mia's shoulders in a soothing gesture. "Okay, we-, we need to think this through. Here have a Sit first," as she helps her sit, "I'll go prepare something hot for you, then we can talk."

Mia looked at Katherine with a glimmer of hope.