Chapter 10 : A WAY OUT

As Katherine bustled around the kitchen, Mia sank onto the couch, trying to get her thoughts in order. Her mind was racing, trying to come up with a plan that would save her from Jonathan's clutches.

Katherine returned with two steaming cups of coffee and handed one to Mia. "Drink this," she said. "It'll help clear your head."

Mia took a sip, the warmth of the liquid spreading through her body. She looked at Katherine, her eyes welling up with tears. "Katherine, I'm scared. I don't know what he's capable of." mia Chuckled painfully, "you know, you was right about him, I feel-, I don't even know what I'm feeling right now, and to think that my uncle had a hand in it-"

"Gabriel's involved" Katherine said as her shock quickly turned to anger. "Your uncle is involved in this?! Mia, he's supposed to be looking out for you, not putting you in harm's way!"

Mia shook her head. "Gabriel doesn't cares about me."

Katherine took a sip of her coffee, "Well, I care about you, Emilia. We're going to figure this out, okay? There has to be a way to get out of this."

"I don't know if there's a way out, Katherine," Mia said, her voice wavering. "Gawd, I just wish I could just disappear, fly out of the country, go where no one would ever find-"

"that's it-" Katherine said

Mia looked at Katherine, her brows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean 'that's it'?".

Katherine's eyes lit up with a new idea. "You could disappear, but not just you, both of us. We'll make a run for it, get out of town, go somewhere Jonathan can't find us."

Mia's eyes widened in surprise, and then slowly a smile crept across her face. "Katherine....., yea, I could, we could go to my abuela's place in Catalonia."

"Catalonia," Katherine repeated, excitement building in her voice. "It's perfect. Gabriel will never even think to check there, when he realises you're gone."

There was a glint of hope in Mia's eyes but it died out in a split second, Katherine who noticed it queried" what's wrong,"

"it's just-"

"shhh, no negativity, told you we'll find a way out of this, there's always a way, come here" she said as she pulled mia into a hug, "we'll move slowly, that way no one would notice, and for the main time, no outdoorsy" she said as they both Chuckled

"oh, come on you know I barely go out" mia said with a sad smile accompanied by a sniff.

"it's alright, we're in this together and we'll get out of this together," she said then looked her in the eye, "I'm hungry, what are we making tonight".

"oh, what will I do without you, Trina"

"I love you too, now come on, to the kitchen," she said pulling her, "go back to being you" Katherine said making making giggle.


The next morning, a ray of sunlight danced across Mia's face as she slowly opened her eyes. She stretched her arms, allowing her body to wake up. Glancing around her room, she noticed the usual mess of clothes and books scattered on the floor. But this time, there was a sense of ease that she hadn't felt in a while. "It's a new day," she thought to herself.

Downstairs, she heard the clattering of pots and pans and the scent of coffee wafted through the air. Katherine was already up, humming a tune as she cooked breakfast.

Mia made her way down the stairs, the hunger in her stomach pulling her toward the kitchen. "Hey," she said, giving Katherine a hug.

"you're up early" Katherine replied, playfully nudging Mia. "I thought I'd surprise you with some pancakes."

Mia smiled, surprised by Katherine's sudden burst of energy. "Thank you. I really appreciate it."

"Of course." Katherine handed Mia a plate of golden pancakes. "...can't fight Jonathan on an empty stomach." Katherine's eyes held a determined glint.

Mia paused, the fork hovering over her plate. "I never planned on fighting him, can we stop talking about Jonathan, hearing that name this morning gives me chills which makes me sick".

"it's fine, so... what do you plan on doing today"

"groceries, probably, I'm almost out" mia said taking a huge bite from the pancake.


"And, for now I'd stop going to the club, would not want to risk seeing, you know who there, and lastly" she paused, "I plan on going to Gabriel's house to give him a-"

"woah, woah, you will not be doing that"

Mia's expression hardened as she stopped mid-chew. "Why not?".

Katherine sighs, "listen, I know you're angry, Mia," Katherine said, a note of caution in her voice. "But, laying low is the best way to deal with this, until we're finally free from all this shit". Mia only breathe out not knowing what to say.


The tension was palpable in the Black Corp conference room, the air electric with anger. Jonathan stood in the center, his face twisted into a sneer as he glowered at the board members seated around the table.

"You're questioning my strategy? My vision for the company? You dare to second-guess my decisions?" he seethed, his voice rising to a dangerous pitch.

One of the board members, a middle-aged man in a tailored suit, attempted to interject. "Mister Blacksmith, we simply believe that the market conditions have changed since your initial plan was put into motion..."

"Market conditions be damned!" Jonathan bellowed, cutting off the board member's explanation. "You think I don't know the market? You think I don't have my finger on the pulse of this industry?" His voice grew increasingly shrill, a vein pulsing at his temple.

"This company was built on my genius, my innovation, my vision! And if you fools can't see that, then you are not worthy of being a part of it." His words hung in the air like a dark cloud, oppressive and threatening.

The board members shifted uncomfortably in their seats, exchanging nervous glances.

After several moments of silence, Jonathan drew himself to his full height, his face a mask of icy contempt. "It is clear to me that we are at an impasse," he said, his voice cutting through the air like a knife. "If you are not willing to trust my judgment, then there is no further use in us discussing this matter."

He turned his back on the board members, gesturing towards the door. "This meeting is adjourned.

As Jonathan strode out of the conference room, his PA Brandon rushed to keep up with his boss' long, determined strides. "Sir," Brandon ventured, "would you like me to arrange a follow-up meeting with the board?"

Jonathan's face remained stony, his expression betraying nothing of his internal fury. "No."

Brandon faltered for a moment, struggling to keep pace as they made their way down the corridor. "Sir, perhaps it would be beneficial to-"

Brandon fell silent, struggling to hide his uncertainty. "Should I inform the board that there will be no further meetings on this matter?" he asked cautiously.

Jonathan stopped abruptly, turning to face his PA. His expression was unreadable, his dark eyes fixed on Brandon's face. "Yes. Inform them that I will not be revisiting this discussion. My decision stands." he paused "about Emilia"

"No response from her sir" Brandon replied, earning silence from Jonathan, "Do-, don't you think you was too hard on her sir-"

Jonathan stopped abruptly, turning to face his PA. His expression was unreadable, his dark eyes fixed on Brandon's face, "Are you that desperate to quit your job".

"No-, sir, I'm sorry, it won't happen again"

"clear my schedule, I have somewhere to be". With that, Jonathan resumed walking, leaving Brandon to scramble after him, the echo of his footsteps reverberating down the corridor.