Chapter 13 : RETRIBUTION

As Jonathan arrived at the warehouse, he could feel his anger and determination coursing through his veins. He jumped out of the car and strode towards the entrance.

Reaper was already outside waiting for him, a nod indicating that everything was in place. "Boss, we've got him inside. but he's not saying a thing"

Jonathan's expression turned cold and unforgiving as he followed Reaper into the warehouse. The dim lighting and musty smell only added to his growing tension.

Mario, Fernandez's man, was tied to a chair, his clothes soaked in his own blood and his body badly bruised, Jonathan's gaze bore into him, his voice low and menacing. "where is my goods?" he asked but Mario remained silent.

"he's been like that for a while, refusing to say a word" Reaper said.

Jonathan only Chuckled "Is that how you want to play it?" Jonathan chuckled, his voice dripping with malice. He stepped closer to Mario, close enough for the reek of blood and fear to mingle with the stench of sweat and gasoline. "Tell me what I want to know, and maybe I'll let you live."

Mario's eyes darted back and forth, his jaw clenched tight.

"I'm a patient man, Mario," Jonathan continued, his voice almost silky with menace. "But even my patience has its limits." He straightened, stepping away from Mario, hoping to hear a response from Mario,but he got silence from him.

Jonathan's expression turned from menacing to furious in an instant. His eyes blazed with anger, and his face twisted in a snarl. He took a step back, his hands clenched into fists, and then spun around to face the table filled with various weapons—guns, knives, and his personal favorite, the brass knuckles. He slid the metal ring over his fingers, feeling the cold weight of the metal. With a satisfied smirk, he turned back to Mario, who whimpered as he saw Jonathan approaching, his fists clenched.

Reaper who had been watching the exchange, took a step back, knowing better not to intervene when Jonathan was in this state.

"You think you can play games with me?" he growled, his voice low and deadly. "You think you can stay silent and I'll just let you go?" he scoffed punching Mario hard in the face.

Mario's head snapped back, a sickening crack echoing through the warehouse. He let out a cry of pain, his mouth filling with blood, but Jonathan was not done. He leaned in close, his lips curling into a cruel smile.

"I'll ask again, where, is my goods," Jonathan growled.

Mario's eyes welled up with tears, his face contorted in agony. He tried to speak, but his words were muffled by the blood pouring from his mouth. Jonathan's grip on his shirt tightened, his fingers digging deep into Mario's flesh.

"Answer me!" Jonathan's voice was a snarl, his hot breath on Mario's face. "Where. Is. My. Goods?".

"I-I can't tell you," he stammered, his voice hoarse. "Fernandez will kill me."

"loyal dog huh" Jonathan said with a scoff, "You're worried about Fernandez killing you?" he sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "where's the fucker when you need him, he's not even here to save your sorry ass". Jonathan said, his voice holding Mockery in it.

"Fernandez can't help you now," Jonathan said, his voice as cold and hard as steel. "And neither can anyone else. You're at my mercy, Mario."

He stepped back, his eyes never leaving Mario's face. "You have two choices, Mario. You can either tell me what I want to know and hope that I let you live, or you can refuse and face the consequences. It's up to you."

Jonathan reached for a gun on the table, his fingers caressing the cold metal. "Choose wisely, Mario. You won't get a third chance."

Mario's eyes fixed on the gun, his mind racing with the weight of Jonathan's words. He knew he was trapped, and the consequences of refusal would be dire. But he also knew that betraying Fernandez would seal his fate, and possibly that of his loved ones.

"I...I won't tell you," Mario stammered, his voice barely audible.

Jonathan's expression turned icy. "Very well," he said, his voice cold and detached. "You've made your choice, and with that he sent multiple shots to Mario's body. The shots rang out, echoing through the warehouse, as Mario's body jerked violently with each bullet. His screams of pain filled the air, his blood spilling onto the cold concrete floor.

Jonathan watched with a stony expression, his gaze never wavering as Mario's life slowly ebbed away. "You see, Mario," he said, his voice a low growl, "when you cross me, there's only one way it can end."

Reaper and the others stood silent, not making a single sound.

As Mario's screams died away, Jonathan turned his attention to Reaper, his expression unchanged. "send his body to Fernandez, I don't care how it's gonna happen but make sure Fernandez knows of this," he barked, gesturing to Mario's body, "and find my goods," Jonathan snapped, his eyes narrowing at Reaper. "I want every last piece of merchandise recovered. I don't care what it takes. Get it done."

Reaper nodded in obedience. "Yes, boss".

Jonathan's gaze lingered on Mario's body for a moment, before he turned and strode out of the warehouse, leaving Reaper and the others to carry out his orders.

As the sound of Jonathan's footsteps faded away, Reaper turned to the others. "you heard the boss" he said, his voice cold and efficient. "clean this place up".

The men nodded, their faces expressionless, and began to move towards Mario's dead body.


Jonathan entered his penthouse, slamming the door behind him. He stormed over to the bar, pouring himself a glass of whiskey, his mind racing with anger and frustration.

Jonathan's face turned red with rage as he thought about Fernandez, Leonard Fernandez, his rival in literally everything. The more Jonathan thought about it the more Jonathan's blood boil.

"He's going to pay," Jonathan muttered to himself, his eyes blazing with fury. "Fernandez is going to pay for this".