The morning sunlight streamed through the penthouse windows, casting a warm glow on the room. Jonathan stirred, his body aching from a night of fitful sleep on the bar counter, Jonathan eyes groggily opened, his head pounding and his mouth dry. The events of the previous night came flooding back, and he groaned, remembering the amount of whiskey he had consumed. Jonathan rubbed his temples, trying to ease the throbbing pain. He glanced around the penthouse, taking in the signs of his outburst.

With a heavy sigh, Jonathan slowly got up, his body aching from the night's excesses. He stumbled to the bathroom, splashing water on his face and trying to shake off the hangover. His mind was still foggy, but the memory of Fernandez and his anger from the night before began to resurface.

As Jonathan was trying to shake off the lingering fogginess, his phone suddenly rang, piercing the silence of his apartment. He groggily reached to answer it.

"Boss, we've got a lead," Reaper's voice was crisp and direct. "Khloé tracked down the last location of the goods."

Jonathan's hangover was momentarily forgotten as his mind shifted into focus. "Where?" he asked, his tone sharp and alert.

"An abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town," Reaper responded. "She's still working on narrowing down the exact location, but we should be ready to move in as soon as she does."

"Good work," Jonathan said, his thoughts already racing with plans for the impending operation. "Keep me updated as soon as Khloé gets a lock on the exact location. And Reaper?" "Yes, boss?"

"Keep an eye on miss Salvador, will you?".

"Yes, boss" Reaper replied. As Jonathan hung up the phone.


For the next few days, Mia's life became a blur of waiting, checking her email, and jumping at every sound. As the days passed with no response, her anxiety grew. She was caught in a limbo - between the life she had known and the one she hoped to find in Catalonia.

Finally, as the deadline Jonathan had given her draws near, an email appeared in her inbox. With trembling fingers, she opened it, her heart thudding in her chest.

"Visa application approved," it read, and for a moment, Mia felt as though her world had stopped.

Mia read the words over and over again, her heart racing with a mixture of relief and anticipation. This was it – her ticket to a new life, a fresh start away from the danger and uncertainty that had consumed her in recent months.

She wasted no time in booking her flight to Catalonia, her hands shaking with excitement as she entered her information and clicked the confirmation button. As the details of her one-way journey appeared on the screen, a sense of finality washed over her.

Mia thought of calling Katherine to share the news, but she quickly pushed the thought aside. She didn't want to drag Katherine into this any deeper than she already was. Katherine had been a loyal friend more like a sister, but Mia knew that she was already too entangled in her messy situation.

With a sigh, Mia realized that she would have to say goodbye to her friend without even being able to see her. She felt a pang of sadness, knowing that she would miss Katherine dearly, but she also knew that this was the only way to keep her safe probably.

Mia's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her phone buzzing. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should answer it, but then saw that it was an unknown number. She let it go to voicemail, her mind racing with worst-case scenarios.

She took a deep breath and tried to shake off the feeling of unease. She had made it this far, and she was just one step away from starting her new life. She couldn't let fear hold her back now.

With a newfound sense of determination, Mia began to pack her bags, her eyes fixed on the future, and the promise of a new beginning.

"This is the right choice, mia", she reminded herself. And as she closed the door of her apartment for the last time, Mia knew that she was ready for whatever lay ahead.


Jonathan hung up the phone, he was already striding toward his private jet. A while ago, Reaper had called to inform that Khloé had successfully tracked down the location of the goods, which were now on the way to Italy.

Jonathan pilot, a seasoned veteran with years of experience, was already waiting for him by the jet's entrance. "Ready to depart, sir?" he asked, as Jonathan climbed aboard.

"Yes, let's go," Jonathan replied, strapping himself into his seat. "We need to get to Genoa as quickly as possible."

The pilot nodded, and the jet began to taxi down the runway, accelerating rapidly as it hurtled toward takeoff.


Mia stepped out of her apartment building, the door closing behind her with a sense of finality. She was dressed in a black jacket and black jeans, a face cap pulled low over her eyes, and a backpack. The backpack contained only the essentials – a few changes of clothes, some cash, and her most important documents.

She took a deep breath, savoring the feeling of freedom that washed over her. She had made her choice, and now she was ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. With a confident stride, Mia made her way down the street, blending into the crowd as she put more distance between herself and her old life. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness for the life she was leaving behind. But she also knew that it was the right choice.

As Mia hastened through the bustling crowd, a sleek black Benz crept along the street, its driver's eyes trained on her every move. The tinted windows obscured the driver's face, but his intent was clear – he was watching Mia's every step.

And as Mia glanced at her watch and quickened her pace, the driver of the Benz made a call, his voice low and urgent. "Boss," he said, "she made her move."

"Keep her in sight Tyga, but don't make a move yet," Jonathan command in a cold tone.

"yes boss" Tyga responded.

"And inform me when she gets to the airport, let's have a little fun shall we" Jonathan Said coldly but with a hint of sarcasm.

"Yes, boss," Tyga replied, his curiosity piqued by Jonathan's cryptic words. He knew better not to ask questions, but he couldn't help but wonder what Jonathan had in mind.

As Tyga continued to tail Mia, he kept Jonathan updated on her every move. The minutes ticked by, and soon they arrived at the airport. Mia hurried out of the taxi, and Tyga followed her at a discreet distance.

Once inside the terminal, Tyga contacted Jonathan once more. "Boss, she's at the airport," he reported, his gaze fixed on Mia as she made her way through the crowded space.

"Good" Jonathan Said with a smirk on his face.

As Mia made her way to the check-in counter. She approached the receptionist, a friendly-looking woman with a warm smile. Mia submitted her documents, and the receptionist began to process her information.

Just as the receptionist was about to hand Mia her boarding pass, the telephone rang. She answered, listened for a moment, and then her expression turned apologetic.

"I'm so sorry, miss," the receptionist said, shaking her head. "It seems there's a problem with your documents. I can't check you in for your flight."

Mia's face fell, confusion and frustration etched on her features. "What do you mean? I have all the necessary papers right here..."