Chapter 15 : PLAN GONE WRONG

The receptionist's voice remained empathetic, but firm. "I understand your confusion, Miss Salvador. Unfortunately, we've just received notice that your documents have been flagged-"

Mia's heart began to race, her mind a whirlwind of questions and fears. "Flagged? by who"

  "It didn't say, which I don't understand, but I recommend you contact the government agency to address the issue as soon as possible," the receptionist advised, offering a sympathetic smile. "I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience, but our hands are tied."

Defeated, Mia collected her documents and stepped aside, allowing the next passenger to approach the counter. As she finds a place to sit. "This can't be a coincidence," she thought to herself, glancing warily around the crowded airport. "Someone must have tipped them off."

As Mia sank into a seat, her mind raced with questions and suspicions. Her instincts keeps telling her all this is not a coincidence, definitely not normal.

Just then, a group of men in black suits entered the airport terminal, their sharp gazes scanning the crowd. They moved with a sense of purpose, their polished shoes clicking against the tiled floor.

As Mia noticed the men in black suits, something hit her like a ton of bricks. Their tattoos on their necks looked so familiar, like she had seen them before. The black Python head with wings on both sides was a distinctive mark, one that sent a shiver down her spine. She had seen that same tattoo on Jonathan's men, and something like that on Jonathan himself.

Mia's heart raced as she realized the truth. These men weren't just any government agents - they were Jonathan's henchmen, disguised as authorities to trap her. The visa issue was just a ruse, a clever ploy to detain her. Panic set in as she scanned the airport, searching for an escape route.

The men in black suits moved closer, their eyes locked on her like predators. Mia knew she had to act fast. With a surge of adrenaline, she sprang up from her seat and made a dash for the nearest exit. The men gave chase, their footsteps echoing through the terminal.

Mia weaved through the crowd, desperate to lose them. She knocked over a luggage cart, using it as a barrier between her and her pursuers. As Mia sprinted towards the exit, her heart pounded in her chest. She could hear the men closing in, their footsteps getting louder. She dodged and weaved through the crowd, using her quick reflexes to avoid collisions. The luggage cart she had knocked over proved to be a effective barrier, slowing down her pursuers.

As she burst through the exit doors, a warm breeze hit her face, and she smiled to herself, feeling like she had finally escaped. But Mia's smile was short-lived as it quickly faded as she stared at the airport's exit doors. The fact that she was able to escape Jonathan's henchmen doesn't mean she's out of danger.

Hesitating, she took a few steps forward. Suddenly, she felt two strong hands grab her. Mia let out a surprised yelp, instinctively struggling against her captors.

"Let me go!" Mia exclaimed, "let me go" she said trying to break free, but her struggles were in vain. The men's grip was too strong, and they dragged her away from the exit. Mia's heart raced as she kicked and squirmed, trying to break free. But they were too powerful, and they held her firm.

Mia's struggles continued as she was dragged away from the exit, her eyes scanning the airport terminal for someone, anyone, to notice her distress. She tried to call out for help, but her voice was muffled by the men's grip.

"Help!" she shouted, trying to draw attention to herself. "Someone, please! Help me!"

But the people around her seemed oblivious to her plight. They hurried past, avoiding eye contact, minds focused on their own travels. A few glanced her way, but quickly looked away, not wanting to get involved.

Mia's desperation grew as she realized she was on her own. No one was coming to save her. Mia knew she had to think fast. She began to struggle with renewed strength, trying to break free from the men's grip. But just as she thought she was gaining ground, one of them pulled out a chloroform-soaked handkerchief and placed it over her mouth and nose.

Mia's eyes widened in panic as she tried to fight off the effects of the chloroform. She kicked and punched, but her blows were weak. The men held her firm, their grip unyielding as they dragged her towards the van.

As the chloroform took hold, Mia's vision began to blur and her thoughts grew foggy. She tried to call out for help, but her voice was barely a whisper. Her body went limp, and she was unable to resist as the men tossed her into the van like a rag doll.

As darkness overtook her, Mia's last thought was of the danger she would face once she awoke.

Tyga then came out from his spot pulled out his phone and dialed a number, his eyes gleaming with a sinister light. As the call connected, he spoke in a low, menacing tone.

"Boss, We've got her"

"you just got her, just now, I gave orders mins ago and you just got her, it took six men that long to catch a lady, a mere lady, how pathetic" Jonathan voice was calm yet sarcastic.

"I apologize, boss," Tyga replied, his voice tinged with a hint of nervousness. "it won't happen again"

Jonathan chuckled, a cold, mirthless sound." it won't happen again, like there would be a next time, take her to the empty room underneath the penthouse," Jonathan continued, his voice dripping with malice.

"Yes, boss?" Tyga replied, his nervousness, The line went dead, and Tyga's eyes gleamed with a sinister light as he turned to the men beside him.

  "Drive, to the penthouse," he ordered, his voice low and menacing.


Mia finally regained consciousness, she found herself in a cold room with grey walls and a single, flickering light bulb overhead. She was lying on a narrow, metal bed, with a thin, worn-out mattress that creaked as she shifted her weight. The air was stale and musty, filled with the scent of decay.

As she sat up, her head spun, and she felt a wave of nausea wash over her. She looked around, trying to remember how she got there, but her memories were hazy and unclear. The last thing she remembered was being dragged away by Jonathan's men

Mia's eyes adjusted to the dim light, and she saw that the room was small, with no windows and only one door. The door was made of thick, metal bars, with a small, sliding panel at the bottom. She knew she was trapped, and a surge of fear coursed through her veins.

Just as she was about standing, the metal door opened.

"you're awake" the voice said.