Mia's eyes strained to see the figure's face, but it remained shrouded in darkness. She tried to speak, but her voice caught in her throat.

"Who are you, and why am I brought here?" she finally managed to whisper.

  "Eat", the voice said holding no emotion, as it place the tray of food on a table towards her.

Mia's eyes widened in horror as she stared at the tray. It held a plate of plain toast with a small amount of oatmeal , a glass of water, and a small, white pill.

"What's this?" she asked, her voice shaking.

The figure didn't respond, simply standing there, its presence looming over her like a dark cloud.

  Mia's gaze fixed on the pill, and a wave of fear washed over her. She knew she had to get out of there, but how? The door was made of thick metal bars, and the figure seemed to be enjoying her distress.

"No!" she shouted, her voice defiant. "I won't eat, and I won't take your pill. Tell me what you want from me!".

The figure didn't flinch, its expression unchanging. "Eat," it said in a cold, detached voice.

Mia's defiance slowly gave way to desperation, her eyes fixed on the tray. She knew she had to think, to come up with a plan. But for now, she was trapped.

After a few moments of silence, Mia's voice came out calm and steady. "Eat," she repeated, her eyes locked on the figure. "How do you expect me to do so when my right hand is tied?"

The figure raised an eyebrow, its expression unchanging, Mia's gaze never wavered. "Untie me. If you want me to eat, untie my hand." she yelled.

The figure hesitated for a moment before stepping forward towards her, its face revealed in the dim light. Mia saw piercing blue cold eyes, masked with no emotion. He untied her right hand, which was tied to the metal bed, his movements swift and efficient.

  Mia felt a surge of relief as her hand was freed, but she didn't let her guard down. She kept her eyes locked on the figure, her mind racing with possibilities.

As soon as her hand was free, Mia snatched the tray and flung it at the figure. It hit him with a loud clang, and he stumbled back, surprised. Mia took advantage of the distraction and made a run for the door. But it was locked, and the figure quickly recovered, closing in fast, mia turned around, her back facing the door. The figure grabbed her arm and twisted her around. He pushed her hard, making her fall to the ground. As she struggled to catch her breath, Mia's eyes scanned the floor, desperate for a weapon. That's when she spotted a fork, lying just out of reach. With a surge of determination, she stretched out her hand, her fingers closing around the fork's handle. Just as the figure was about to grab her, Mia swiftly turned and stabbed the fork into his arm.

  "fuck" he yelled in pain, as he pulled her by the leg, almost hitting her when the door opened.

  "what the fuck Marco, let her go" Lorena yelled at him

  "let her go, she fucking stabbed me" Marco said his voice filled with pain and anger.

  Lorena's expression turned cold, her eyes narrowing at Marco. "You have no idea why the boss wants her," she said, her voice low and menacing as she stare at mia in disgust. "so if you value your life, leave her alone".

  Marco's face twisted in anger, but he seemed to be aware of his place. He glared at Mia, loosened his grip on her leg , then took a step back, clutching his wounded arm, before leaving the room.

  Lorena turned to Mia, whose face was quite bloody and bruised, and said, "Next time, you won't be so lucky." Her gaze was unyielding, and her voice sent a chill down Mia's spine.

  Mia's eyes flashed with boldness, despite her battered condition. "I'm not afraid of you," she spat, her voice firm but shaky, "let me go".

  Lorena raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "Now I see why Marco lost his cool with you," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "You're quite the feisty one, aren't you?"

  Mia's gaze never wavered, despite the fear creeping up her spine. "Just let me go," she repeated, her voice firm but shaky.

  "Oh Emilia," Lorena chuckled, a cold, mirthless sound, "I'd eat up if i were you, won't know when the next meal's coming" she added before leaving the room.

  Mia's eyes flashed with anger as she heard the door lock behind Lorena. She was trapped, alone and helpless. The fear and frustration boiled over, and she burst out into tears. She stood up, her fists clenched, and began hitting the door, pounding on it with all her might. The sound echoed through the room, as she desperately cried for help.

  "Let me out!" she screamed, her voice hoarse from crying. "Let me go!", But the door remained shut, unyielding, Mia's hands hurt, but she kept pounding, kept screaming, until her voice was raw and her fists were sore. She slid down the door, exhausted, defeated.

  As she sat on the floor, her tears began to flow even more, mingling with the pain and frustration. She thought of Katherine, whom she had left without even saying goodbye. Did she even know she was missing?.

  Meanwhile, Katherine had been calling Mia's phone nonstop, but it kept going straight to voicemail. She tried again and again, her worry growing with each failed attempt.

  "Where is she?" Katherine thought to herself, her mind racing with worst-case scenarios.

  She decided to take a drive to Mia's house, hoping to find some clue as to her whereabouts. When she arrived, the house was dark and silent. Katherine's heart sank.

  "She didn't leave for Catalonia without me, right?" she asked herself, "No, no she wouldn't, even if she wants to, she would call, oh mia please be safe" she assured herself, but the doubt lingered. She decided to ask around the neighborhood, hoping someone might have seen or heard something.

  "Excuse me," Katherine approached a neighbor, "have you seen my Mia? She's been missing since last night and I can't reach her."

  The neighbor looked concerned, " oh you mean Milia, the last time I saw her, she was going for groceries shopping i guess, but ever since I haven't seen her. But I'll keep an eye out. Let me know if you need any help."

  Katherine thanked her and continued her search, her anxiety growing with each passing minute. Little did she know, Mia was trapped, alone and helpless, her cries for help falling on deaf ears....