Chapter 17 : ORDEAL

It had been five days since Mia was taken captive, Mia kept struggling to stay alive. She was weak and dizzy from hunger, and her body was starting to shut down. She knew she had to keep fighting, but it was getting harder by the minute. in the underground room with no hope of escape, no food or water, not even a single person came to check up on her, it was as if she never existed.

  Meanwhile, Jonathan's mission to retrieve his stolen goods had been a success. He boarded his private jet, heading back to New York, throughout the ride to new York, he kept smiling to himself for no reason.

  As the private jet touched down at New York's Airport, Jonathan felt a sense of relief wash over him. He had gotten what he wanted, and as he steps out of the plane He was greeted by his loyal associates, who had been waiting for his return.

  "Welcome back, sir, your car is ready," one of them said, as they escorted him off the jet.

  Jonathan nodded, his eyes scanning the surrounding area. He knew he was being watched, that there were those who sought to do him harm.

  But he wasn't afraid. He was Jonathan, the king of the underground. And no one could touch him.

  As he approached the car, the chauffeur opened the door, and Jonathan slid into the luxurious leather interior, his bodyguard followed, taking his positions around the vehicle.

  "Home, sir?" the chauffeur asked, his voice low and respectful.

  Jonathan nodded, his eyes fixed on the city skyline as the car glided out of the airport. He felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him. He had gotten what he wanted, and now it was time to take care of other matter

  As the car pulled out of the airport and onto the highway, speeding towards the penthouse, Jonathan's mind turned to Mia wondering how she's doing knowing her plan did not the way she expected it to. A smile spread across his face as he thought about it. He loved her spirit, but it was time to break her.

  As the car pulled up to the penthouse, Jonathan's anticipation grew. He couldn't wait to see Mia. He stepped out of the car, his eyes fixed on the entrance, his mind racing with thoughts of her.

  "Marco," he said, his voice low and commanding. "Take me to her."

  Marco nodded, leading Jonathan through the penthouse to the elevator, as they descended to the underground part of the penthouse then heads to the  room where Mia was being held.

  As the doors opened, Jonathan's eyes widened in rage. Mia was sitting on the floor, her arm tied to the metal bed with a thick rope. She looked pale and weak, her eyes sunken, and her skin bruised. Jonathan's anger boiled over as he took in the scene.

  "Who did this?" Jonathan growled, his voice low and menacing. "Who dared to touch her?"

  Marcus took a step back, his eyes flicking in fear, "I-I thought the order was to keep her under control."

  Jonathan's face twisted in fury. " to keep her under control, I never said to tie her up like an animal! or hurt her like this!"

  Lorena and the others rushed into the room, cause of Jonathan's outrage, and as they got in, Lorena spoke out, her voice firm. "She tried to escape twice from here, and she also stabbed Marco with a fork -"

  But before she could finish, the sound of a gunshot pierced the air, jerking Mia from her thoughts as the bullet tore through Lorena's skin. Lorena's eyes widened in shock, her mouth opening in a silent scream as she fell to the ground.

  Mia's eyes snapped back to reality, her mind reeling in horror, as she stare in shock.

  Jonathan's face twisted in rage, his eyes fixed on all of them, "I gave a simple task," Jonathan's voice thundered, his eyes blazing with fury. "Capture her, I never SAID TO HURT HER!, now I'll ask again, who did this", Jonathan growled in fury.

  Marco got real scared, his eyes wide with fear, "I'm sorry, boss, I was only defending myself, she-"

  But before he could finish, Jonathan's gun went off, and Marco crumpled to the ground, a bullet wound in his abdomen, Mia's eyes widened in horror, and she screamed with the little strength she had, "STOP! STOP IT, JONATHAN!"

  Jonathan's face was still twisted in rage, but he slowly lowered his gun, his chest heaving with anger. "You're lucky I didn't kill you all," he growled, his eyes fixed on Marcus. "You're responsible for this mess. You'll pay for what you've done."

  Marcus trembled, his eyes fixed on Marco's lifeless body. "P-please, boss, I'm sorry, have mercy..."

  But Jonathan just turned away, his anger and disappointment evident. "Get her out of here," he ordered, his voice cold and detached. "And take care of this mess."

  As Jonathan turned away, his men quickly moved to untie Mia. But as they tried to help her up, she stubbornly refused their assistance.

  "Leave me alone," she spat, her eyes blazing with anger. "I can walk on my own."

  Despite her obvious weakness and pain, Mia struggled to her feet, her eyes fixed on Jonathan's retreating back. As Mia took her first tentative steps, her legs trembled beneath her, and her vision began to blur. She tried to take another step, but her body betrayed her, and she crumpled to the ground. And as she fell, the sound of her name echoed in her mind: 'Mia...Mia...Mia...' The voices of Jonathan and his men grew distant, their faces blurry, the room began to spin and she finally gave into darkness.


  Mia's eyes fluttered open, and she was met with an unfamiliar ceiling. She blinked several times, trying to clear the haze from her mind. As her vision sharpened, she took in the luxurious chandelier above her, the intricate molding on the walls, and the plush carpet beneath her feet. She was lying on a lavish bed, surrounded by velvet drapes and expensive-looking furniture.

  Mia's mind raced as she tried to remember how she got there. But nothing concrete came to mind.

  She struggled to sit up, her head spinning, and her body aching all over. A soft voice spoke from the corner of the room, "Welcome back, Miss Emilia. You've been asleep for a while."

  Mia turned to face the speaker, a woman dressed in a black and white maid attire, her hair tied back in a neat bun. She approached Mia, a concerned look on her face.

  "Here," the maid said, handing Mia a glass of water. "Drink this. It'll help you feel better."

  Mia took the glass, her hand trembling, and drank the cool liquid, feeling slightly refreshed. "Who are you?" Mia asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

  "I'm Anita" the woman replied, her voice soft and soothing, "I was assigned by sir blacksmith to be your personal maid"

  "ooh, well Anita, where am I" mia asked in a low tone

  "oh you're in the Black's penthouse, miss Emilia, in the heart of the city, I've prepared your bath for you and your clothes, sir blacksmith wants to see you at the dining in 45mins.

  "No, I will not be seeing your boss," mia said in annoyance as she laid back in the bed.