Chapter 18 : A REBEL'S DINNER

Anita's expression changed, her eyes filled with a hint of desperation. "Please, Miss Emilia, you have to see him. If you don't, it won't just be you who suffers the consequences. I'll be held responsible too."

Mia raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Anita's sudden change in demeanor. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice slightly softer.

Anita took a step closer, her voice barely above a whisper. "Sir Blacksmith is not a man to be trifled with, Miss Emilia. If you refuse to see him, he'll...he'll punish me for failing in my duties. I've served him for years, and I've never disobeyed him. Please, don't put me in this position."

Mia's gaze softened, her heart going out to Anita. She could see the genuine fear in her eyes, hesitating for a while, she nodded slowly, making a decision.

"Okay, Anita. I'll see him. But only because I don't want you to suffer for something that's not your fault."

Anita's face lit up with relief, and she bowed her head in gratitude. "Thank you, Miss Emilia. Thank you so much. I'll make sure everything is ready for you".

Mia lazily got up from the king-size bed, her eyes scanning the room's expensive look. The plush carpet felt soft beneath her bare feet as she walked towards the bathroom. The marble countertops and crystal chandeliers sparkled in the dim light, and she couldn't help but wonder how much wealth Jonathan possessed.

As she entered the bathroom, she gasped in awe. The room was almost as large as the bedroom, with a massive tub and a separate shower stall. The walls were adorned with intricate tile work, and the mirrors seemed to stretch on forever.

Mia stared at herself in the mirror, her eyes were drawn to the plaster on her forehead, she removed it gently revealing a small but deep cut which she got when Marco pushed her brutally, She gently traced the scar with her finger, sighing as she remembered the painful moment when Marco pushed her brutally. But as she touched the scar, she noticed something strange - it didn't hurt as much as she expected. In fact, it seemed to be healing at an incredible rate, as if it had been treated with some kind of advanced medicine.

She leaned in closer, examining the scar more closely. The edges were smooth and pink, with no signs of redness or swelling. It looked like the wound had been expertly stitched and cared for, but Mia had no memory of receiving any medical attention.

Mia's curiosity finally got the better of her, "Anita, what happened while I was unconscious?" Mia called out, her voice firm but laced with a hint of curiosity.

Anita entered the bathroom, her expression guarded. "What do you mean, Miss Emilia?"

Mia gestured to her forehead. "This cut-"

"I'm afraid I don't know anything about it, Miss Emilia," Anita Said, "I was transferred to the penthouse from the mansion just yesterday and you was still unconscious.

Mia's eyes widened in surprise. " how long was I out". she expected a response but got only a confused stare from Anita, "I meant how long was I unconscious"

"Oh, I'm not sure, Miss Emilia. Sir Jonathan didn't share that information with me." Anita said, "I'll leave you to shower, miss Emilia-"

"Mia, call me Mia,"

Anita's eyes flickered with hesitation. "I'm sorry, Miss Emilia, but I can't call you just 'Mia'. It's not proper protocol for a maid such as myself to address a member of the household by their given name alone."

Mia's expression turned puzzled. "Protocol? What do you mean?"

Anita's voice dropped to a whisper. "Sir Jonathan's rules, Miss Emilia. We maids are to maintain a level of formality at all times. Using your given name without the proper title would be... disrespectful".

Mia's eyes narrowed, "I see..., Well, Anita I don't wish to be called that, you're like.. older than me, I guess, so call me Mia just mia, we cool".

Anita's expression turned taken aback, her eyes widen in surprise due to Mia's response. "Oh, erm, yes, Miss... I mean, Mia, I'll just go now" with that Anita curtsied and departed, closing the door behind her.

As the door closed, Mia let out a sigh of relief, feeling a small victory in standing up for her own wishes. She walked over to the tub, her eyes fixed on the steaming water, and began to undress. The warm scent of lavender and chamomile filled the air, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of luxury wash over her.

As she slipped into the tub, the water enveloped her like a gentle embrace, soothing her tense muscles and calming her mind. Mia closed her eyes, letting out a soft sigh, and began to relax, letting the warmth seep into her pores.

After showering, Mia wrapped herself in a plush towel and stepped out of the bathroom surprised to see Anita waiting at the door, "do you, was it a part of your job to do this?".

Anita who was confused at that question asked, "do- what miss, ma'am, Mia, I'm so sorry I'm not just used to this no title thing".

"oou, it's okay, you'll get used to it" Mia awkwardly Said as she walks to the big bed.

"I've prepared a dress for you, Sir Jonathan insist you wear this" Anita said lifting the dark purple diner gown.

Mia gasped at how beautiful the gown is but it was short-lived, "and where is this dining located, the red carpet" Mia said, her words filled with sarcasm as Anita stares in a confused tone, "wait I have to wear this to see Jonathan".

Anita who only understood Mia's last sentence replied, "yes, mis- mia, that's his order-"

"well order or not, I'm not wearing that, I'll wear what I want" Mia said as Anita gave a *please not again, just follow orders* look.


Jonathan drummed his fingers on the table, his eyes fixed on the doorway, his patience running thin, "where the hell is she" he barked just then mia walked into the dining room, took a seat then begin eating ignoring Jonathan's presence.

Jonathan's eyes widened in shock, He had expected defiance, but not this - not Mia completely ignoring his existence. He had been prepared to scold her, to lecture her on obedience and respect, but he was left speechless.

The room fell silent, the only sound heard was the sound of cutleries. Anita's eyes darted back and forth between the two, her face pale and worried for mia.

Mia continued to eat, her eyes fixed on her plate, her expression calm. She didn't even glance at Jonathan, didn't even acknowledge his existence. It was as if he was invisible to her.

Jonathan's face darkened, his eyes narrowing, his jaw clenched in anger. He was not used to being ignored, with a deep breath he asked, the first thing that came to his head right after she walked into the dining, "what are you wearing", Jonathan's voice was low and menacing, his words cutting through the silence like a knife, as his eyes fixed on the white shirt she was wearing that stopped on her thigh.

Mia didn't flinch, as she looked him straight in the eye "clothes," she replied, her voice calm and sarcastic.