Chapter 20 : POWER PLAY

"Thank you," was all Mia said, as soon as Anita stepped into the room.

Anita stood in the doorway, her eyes fixed on Mia's, she took a hesitant step forward, as she gave a pleading look "Sorry to say, miss, but you're not welcome," Anita said with a disappointment tone, "What were you thinking, standing up to Sir Jonathan like that? He could have killed you, you know-"

"But he did not" mia opposed her voice firm but filled with victory.

"yes he did not" Anita agreed, "reasons best known to him, I suppose".

"Why does he even have a gun with him?" Mia said in a sarcastic tone, her eyebrows raised in disbelief. "What does it look like to him, a gun? A toy to wave around whenever he feels like intimidating someone?".

Anita pinched herself, wincing in pain, but it was enough to stop her from revealing the secrets she knew about Sir Jonathan's underworld dealings. Anita cleared her throat, nervously adjusting the sleeve of her maid uniform. "Erm, Miss Emilia, I suggest we stop talking about that" .

"Why, is there something you're not telling me?" Mia queried, her eyes narrowing suspiciously.

"No, absolutely not, miss," Anita replied hastily. "But it's against the rules to gossip about the Blacksmith famiglia".

"Famiglia, as in Italian?" Mia asked, "so he's Italian"

"yes, miss Emilia that is-"

"well I don't care about the fucking rules and regulations here", mia said her voice rising in defiance, "as long as he keeps me here I'll keep frustrating him".


After Jonathan's outburst earlier, he decided to cool his head and headed to an exclusive bar, as soon as he arrived, the air turned chill as he gracefully entered the building not without his body guard and people gasping at his presence, their whispers and murmur filled the air. The almighty Jonathan has arrived, he ignored the people words as a guard led him to the VIP section.

"To what honour do we deserve his Highness presence" Damien teased, with a bow of his head., "how are you doing man" he said in attempt to playfully shake his hands.

"Quit the childish act, Damien," Jonathan scolded, his voice firm but familiar.

Damien is Jonathan's best friend since childhood, and he was also involved in the underworld business. but, he doing a great job in keeping a low profile, and he's the one person who isn't intimidated by Jonathan's cold attitude. Despite Jonathan's gruff demeanor, Damien knew how to navigate their friendship with ease.

"He-hey-, chill out, man, I was only teasing you," Damien said, trying to lighten the mood. "You know, sometimes you should loosen up a bit, not keeping a stone heart like the world's against you—" His words were cut off by a deadly glare from Jonathan.

"Okay, I'll shut up now, you do you," Damien ended, his voice trailing off as the only sound between them became the loud music playing in the bar.

"So...., what brings you here?" Damien asked, trying to break the silence as two sexy ladies in stripper clothing walked towards him, making Damien smile. "Lemme guess, ladies?" he said, his eyes fixed on the approaching women.

As they reached him, the ladies began to touch every part of his body and shower kisses on him, their hands roamed his chest as one of them unhooked his belt fondling his dick.

Damien closed his eyes, enjoying it all, and Jonathan couldn't help but roll his eyes in amusement.

"Looks like you're in good hands, Damien," Jonathan said, with clear sarcasm in his tone.

"Ah, Jonathan, don't be shy," Damien said, in a teasing way, "Join the party!".

"It's not what I came for fuckass," Jonathan said coldly, "I came here to clear my fucking head" Jonathan blurted out.

Damien chuckled groaning in pleasure as his hand went to the one sucking on him, gently guiding her head. "fuck," he groaned again, "you came to a bar to clear your head, damn that's just sick" he teased, "from what if I may ask".


Damien Chuckled in surprise, "Almighty Jonathan came to a bar to clear his head from Emilia".

"She's driving me crazy, man, more than I already am!" Jonathan exclaimed, his frustration evident. "She's got a tongue sharper than a sword, and she talks to me with no fear, just foolish pride and stubbornness." He angrily gulped his drink, his expression a mix of anger and irritation.

Damien grained loudly in pleasure, "shit, j-just a few time with her and you already frustrated, sounds fun if ask me," Damien said, "heard you kidnapped her from the airport when she was trying to escape, what do you even want from her, I mean there are lot of bitches out there who would be dying to follow your orders, just like this one" he said as he stares at the lady between his legs, fondling her hair.

"Those bitches out there are nothing like Emilia," Jonathan said, his eyes narrowing. "She's got this feistiness in her spirit, stubbornness which I aim to crush, I'll break her will, mold her to my desires, and silence that sharp tongue of hers once and for all". Jonathan said, his eyes glinting with a cold intensity.

Damien raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Jonathan's determination. "wow-, thats, I'm speechless, why can't you just let her go and save yourself the stress-" he asked, taken aback by Jonathan's deadly gaze, "Stop giving me that look, man. It's creepy. It's not my fault you're in this mess," he said giving the lady fondling and sucking his balls a signal to stop, tossed bundle of cash at her and she giggled along with the other lady as they gracefully walks out, "well that was fun," he sigh, "they was fun and I have just the solution to your problem".

"Hello, Blacksmith," the voice said, calm but seductive.

Jonathan's gaze rose to meet the familiar face, Bianca, his sex toy. "You called her," he accused Damien, his eyes narrowing.

Damien shrugged, avoiding Jonathan's gaze. "Oh, actually, I called her for me, but since you're here, you can have her."

Bianca sauntered closer, her hips swaying seductively. "The evening's still fresh, Blacksmith, and I've missed you," she said, her voice husky and inviting.

Jonathan's expression remained guarded, but a spark of pleasure ignited in his eyes. "Bianca," he growled, his voice low and even.

Bianca's smile was slow and sultry as she walks towards him, her eyes locked on his. She sat on his lap, kissing his earlobes, "I know you want this" she whispered seductively sparking the fire in him as he grabbed her face kissing her roughly.

"Wow, I'm jealous," Damien said, gulping his drink. "Get a room, you two!".

Jonathan stood up hastily, his Aura flushing with desire. He quickly pulled Bianca into the VIP room, the door closing behind them with a soft click. The privacy of the luxurious room enveloped them, as he grabbed her kissing her roughly from where he stopped, their moans filled the soundproof room".

"fuck, I've missed this", Bianca whispered as she starts to unbutton his shirt.

Jonathan ignored her words as he grabbed her boobs so hard making her wince in pain and pleasure, then he pushed her to the bed as he got one her, not giving her a chance to breathe, he tore out the half naked sluty outfit, putting his fingers deep in to her pussy.

"Oh, fuck, Jonathan," Bianca gasped, her fingers digging into his shoulders.

Jonathan continued to finger her roughly, his fingers curling inside her, hitting her sweet spot making her toes curl. He moved his mouth to her earlobes, kissing her as she rode his fingers.

Do you want me to fuck you, Bianca?" he whispered, his fingers still working their magic.

"Yes, fuck, please, fuck me," she begged, her hips moving faster as her climax built inside her.

Jonathan smirked darkly, his eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief. "No," he said, his voice low and husky, as he withdrew his fingers and got off the bed, his movements fluid and graceful.