Jonathan's sudden withdrawal left Bianca panting and frustrated. She glared at him, her eyes flashing with anger. "why?, What game are you playing, Jonathan?, why did you stop?" she demanded, her voice thick with desire and confusion.

Jonathan chuckled coldly,his eyes glinting with cruelty. "oh Bianca, you don't excite me anymore, your moans, your gasps, they are all too predictable" he said, his words cutting deep.

Bianca's face fell, "I'm sorry, I'll change, I'll try to excite," she pleaded hoping he'd come back to finish what he started, "please you cannot leave me hanging".

Jonathan smirked darkly as he dropped a bundle of cash on the table, his eyes gleaming with a sinister light. "Consider this a tip for your... efforts, Bianca," he said, his voice dripping with disdain.

With a dash, he dressed himself, his movements swift and efficient. Bianca's eyes widened in disbelief as he turned to leave, her mind racing with desperation. "Wait, Jonathan! Please don't go! We can work this out, I swear!" she pleaded, her voice shrill with desperation.

But Jonathan just chuckled, a cold, mirthless sound, as he strode out of the room, leaving Bianca frustrated, humiliated, and utterly defeated. The door slammed shut behind him, and Bianca was left alone, her anger and desire mingling in a toxic brew of despair.

"Well, that was quick," Damien said, surprised to see him emerge so soon. "I see you had your fun."

Jonathan shrugged, a smirk still playing on his lips. "Nah, you can have her. She'll be needing ya."

With that, he walked out of the VIP section, leaving Damien to rush into the room welcomed with a scene of Bianca pleasuring herself, her face contorted in frustration and anger as she cursed Jonathan's name. "Fuck," Damien muttered.


Mia spent the entire time doing nothing, other than conversing with Anita and staring at the night clouds, which she was currently doing from her room's balcony. She had to admit, the penthouse was actually quite large, and she planned on taking a tour the next day. She smiled at the thought, thinking that at least she wouldn't be so bored as she was now. But the smile was short-lived when a car drove in, revealing Jonathan. She scoffed, "Great, he's back," she said sarcastically, her tone dripping with disdain. "He's back," she repeated, as if realizing something, a sly smirk spreading across her face. With a sudden burst of energy, she rushed out of her room.

Jonathan walked into the penthouse, welcomed by the few guards present, including Anita, but he ignored them as he headed to the bar to get a drink. "Hey, Jona," Mia said calmly in a friendly tone.

"What do you want, Mia?" Jonathan said coldly, with a hint of gradually building frustration. "And haven't I told you not to call me that? It's Jonathan."

"Um, it's my mouth, so my words, Jona," she said, stressing the name "Jona" with a hint of sarcasm. Mia sighed, "I really don't want to do this, but I just have to." She paused, then continued, "I'm sorry for my attitude today."

Jonathan scoffed, "You think doing that would make everything cool?"

Mia rolled her eyes, "Hey, apologies make everything better. I mean, who trained you?" She said earning a glare from Jonathan, which she ignored. "You should try it," she said.

"Try what?" Jonathan asked, taking a sip from his wine.

"Um, apologizing," Mia replied. "You pointed a gun at me."

Jonathan shrugged, "Well, you provoked me."

Mia's annoyance grew. "And I already apologized. You should do the same."

Jonathan scoffed again, "I don't apologize"

"But I apologized to you, and it's only fair you do the same," Mia said, her voice rising in anger.

"I never asked you to do so—" Jonathan said but his words were cut off when Mia poured his drink all over him.

"What the fuck, why the hell did you do that?" Jonathan exclaimed, shock and anger written all over his face.

Mia smirked, her eyes glinting with sarcasm. "Eish, that was a mistake. Hmm, what should I do? Should I apologize? Oh wait, I remember, I don't apologize." With a parting shot, she said, "Good night," rushing back to her room, leaving Jonathan stunned and fuming.

Anita, who had witnessed the whole scene, was also in shock. She rushed to Jonathan's side, trying to clean up the mess. "I'm so sorry, sir, I'm so sorry—" she apologized, but Jonathan cut her off.

"Get out!" he barked, his anger boiling over. Anita hesitated for a while, he yelled again, smashingthe glass making anita flinch, "Get the fuck out, all of you!" The room fell silent, the tension palpable.

Anita's eyes widened in fear as she quickly retreated, her gaze fixed on Jonathan's furious face. The other guards and staff in the room also scrambled to leave, not wanting to be the target of Jonathan's wrath.

As the room emptied, the silence grew thicker, heavy with tension. Jonathan's chest heaved with rage, his eyes blazing with fury. He sat there, frozen, as if trying to calm himself down.

Suddenly, Jonathan turned and stormed towards Emilia's room, his anger boiling over. "Emilia, Emilia!" he shouted, reaching the strong wooden door. "Open the fucking door, Emilia, I've had enough of you!"

"Then let me go, I never asked to be brought here, Jonathan," Mia replied from behind the door, her voice firm but laced with fear.

"If you don't open this door, I swear I'll break it down!" Jonathan threatened, his voice rising.

"Yeah, try it, let's see how strong you are, Jonathan," Mia retorted, but her confidence was short-lived. She heard the lock clicking open and realized, to her horror, that it was a password lock and a regular lock - meaning Jonathan could unlock it.

In a swift moment, Mia dashed to the bathroom, locking the door behind her just as Jonathan finally entered the room, his eyes blazing with fury.

Jonathan's face was red with rage as he stormed into the room, his eyes fixed on the bathroom door where Mia had taken refuge. He slammed his fist against the door, making the wood creak in protest. "Mia, open the door! You can't hide from me forever!" he bellowed, his voice echoing off the walls.

Mia's voice was steady, but laced with fear. "Leave me alone, Jonathan. I won't come out until-untill, just go away Jonathan"

Jonathan's response was a menacing laugh. "Go away, after what you did?" he scoffed, beginning to hit the door with a fierce determination.

"Stop acting immature, Jonathan," Mia said, hoping he'd reason with her. "With the way you look, you should be way older than me."

Jonathan laughed, a genuine one that surprised him, but he decided not to dwell on it. "Now I'm acting immature?" he scoffed. "I'll show you what immature really looks like." he says as he continued hitting the door.

"Stop, stop! You can come in, I'm... I'm naked," she said, hoping he'd consider her vulnerability. She breathed a sigh of relief as silence reigned.

"Enough reason for me to break the door down," he said, breaking the silence continuing his assault on the door.

Mia was shocked as she whispered, "jerk", she then continued, "No, no, no! Fine, I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. You don't need to apologize back to me, I'm sorry," she said hastily, hoping to appease him.

Jonathan stopped hitting the door, and Mia breathed a sigh of relief, thinking he had finally considered her apology. But then he spoke, his voice cold and menacing. "Too late."