"ooukay, hold up mia, what do you mean by escaping tonight? Mia, that's such a risky thing to do," Katherine's voice was laced with concern. "I mean, I know you're trapped and all, but escaping can be dangerous, you're under Blacksmith's roof, What if you get caught?".

Mia took a deep breath, her mind made up. "I know but I have to try, Trina. I can't just sit here and wait for who knows what to happen. I need to take control of my life back."

Katherine sighed, understanding in her voice. "Mia, just-, just be careful okay".

Mia smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "I will, Trina. I promise."

"Emilia, Emilia-", Anita called from outside the cottage.

"um, I gotta go Trina, I'll see you, I hope", Mia Said hopefully.

"Yea, please be careful, stay safe Mia", Katherine said.

Mia hunged up the call as she took a deep breath before walking out of the cottage. "Hey," she says to Anita.

"you're done with the call?", Anita asked.

"yea, I am-"

"well the meal is ready-".

"oh, yea I'll be right in", Mia said nervously as Anita went in without her.

As soon as Anita had left, Mia began to walk around the penthouse, counting how many guards who were guarding the penthouse. There weren't many, as she had hoped - just a few at the main entrance and a couple lurking around. She felt a wave of relief wash over her, and a small smile played on her lips as she entered the house.

Mia got into the house, hurriedly ate dinner which surprised Anita, as they usually eat and chat for a while, not this which is quite confusing.

"Are you okay, Emilia?", Anita just had to ask, "didn't think you'd be this hungr-" "No, it's fine, I'm fine", she said, quickly getting up from the table and heading to her room "Good night."

"Wait, you're going to bed?", Anita asked surprised

"yea-", Mia Said faking a yawn.

"isn't it too, early, it's 7:01-"

"I'm just so tired, don't know why but I need to sleep", Mia said, trying to sound convincing.

Anita looked at her skeptically, but Mia just shrugged and continued to her room. As she closed the door behind her, she let out a sigh of relief.

Mia quickly begin to pack her stuff- her backpack which she was with on the day of her kidnapping- then changed into a black hoodie and joggers before walking towards her balcony, she cursed at the cloudy sky and hoped it won't rain, then she heard a faint knock on her door. She rushed to the bed, got on it and covered herself well with the duvet. "Mia, are you sure you're okay?" Anita's voice came through the door, laced with concern, Mia's heart skipped a beat as she hesitated, unsure of what to say. She didn't want to arouse Anita's suspicion.

"I'm fine, Anita," Mia said finally, trying to sound convincing. "Just need some rest, that's all."

There was a pause on the other side of the door, and for a moment, Mia thought she heard Anita sigh. "Okay, goodnight then," Anita said finally. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call."

Mia let out a sigh of relief as she heard Anita's footsteps fade away. She knew she had to be more careful from now on. One mistake could mean everything.


Jonathan's fingers flew across the keyboard, his eyes fixed on the screen as he reviewed the latest designs for his company's new electric car. His office was a monument to his ruthless self, with floor-to-ceiling windows glaring like icy eyes over the city Street, the sleek, modern decor screamed luxury, but a while lot of chilly vibe.

As he typed, his phone buzzed, breaking the silence. He answered without hesitation, his deep voice commanding. "speak".

"Boss," the voice on the other end said, his tone low and gravelly. "I've got good news. The shipment will arrive at the warehouse within couple hours"

Jonathan's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with the implications. "Inform me when it arives, I need to see it in person and ensure the cargo is secured, I don't want history to repeat itself again, I expect no...mishaps"

"yes boss-", Reaper paused, his voice carrying hint of hesitation, "The landline in the cottage was turned on. And... there was a call-"

Jonathan's eyes snapped up, his anger rising like a storm. "What did you just say?" he growled, his voice low and deadly. "you're just telling me this now?."

Reaper's voice trembled slightly, "I-I was about to inform you, boss. The call was made a number we've traced to a town in the Midwest. It was a brief conversation, but Khloé managed to intercept it and get recordings".

Jonathan's gaze turned glacial, his eyes freezing onto some invisible point in front of him. "Recordings?" he repeated, his voice dripping with menace. "Let me hear them."

Reaper's tremble grew more pronounced, "Y-yes, boss. I'll patch Khloé through to your line. She'll play the recordings for you."

There was a faint click, and then a soft, melodic voice filled the line. "Boss, I've got the recordings ready. The conversation was brief, but it sounds like...well, you'll hear."

A pause, and then a low, Girish voice said, "hello?"

Jonathan's eyes narrowed, his grip on the phone tightening but he kept listening.

The voice on the recording replied, "Trina, it's me-", Jonathan lips curled into an unknowingly smile as he heard Mia's voice, a warmth spreading through his chest.

But it was short-lived. As Mia continued speaking, her words sent a chill down Jonathan's spine. "...i don't plan on staying here any longer, I'm escaping tonight -"

Jonathan's smile vanished, replaced by a dark frown. His eyes blazed with anger, his grip on the phone tightening to the point of strangling it. "STOP!!" He yelled, his voice thundering through the room. "STOP IT RIGHT NOW!"

Khloé's voice cut in, apologetic. "Sorry, boss. I'll stop it." The recording went silent, leaving Jonathan seething with rage.

Jonathan's chest heaved with restrained fury, his mind racing with the implications of Mia's words. Escape? How dare she even think of it? He slammed his fist on the desk, making the phone rattle.

"Bo-boss, do you need me to do anything for you-"

Jonathan's eyes burned with intensity, his thoughts already turning to the measures he would take to ensure Mia's escape plan was foiled. He would not be made a fool of. "No", he said, his voice was low and deadly. "handle the goods Tonight, any issues will be on you", he said, cutting the cutting the line, as he tapped As he tapped on the small bud on his ear, connecting himself to Viktor, a head guard at the penthouse, "I want all guards to be off duty tonight," Jonathan said in a cold, calculated voice.

Viktor's voice came through the comms device, firm and resolute. "Understood, sir. I'll make sure the guards are pulled back, What's the objective?"

The objective," Jonathan replied, his tone turning even colder, as he chuckled, "you don't get to question me Viktor," he paused his tone getting annoyed, "WHEN I GIVE ORDERS, YOU COMPLY!!"

Viktor's voice remained steadfast. "Yes, sir. Consider it done


The night's cloudy sky was now visible, and the whole place was dark enough for a person to remain unseen. Mia strapped on her backpack, covered herself with her hooded cap, then began climbing out through the balcony as the sky rumbled. "Oh please, goddess of the rain, I beg of you, please don't bless the earth with rain yet, oh please, please, please," she said hopefully, her voice barely audible over the wind. She moved swiftly, her heart racing with anticipation and fear. She had to escape, had to get out before she gets caught, and the cloudy sky was not helping at all.

After minutes of climbing, her hands trembling with exhaustion, she finally made it to the ground. She scanned around, surprised to see no one guarding the penthouse. The darkness seemed to swallow everything, and the only sound was the distant rumble of thunder. Mia's eyes darted left and right, her heart still racing with fear. She had expected to see Jonathan's men lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce. But the coast seemed clear, it all feel strange but she tagged it as luck as she begin to run at the direction of the entrance her steps real careful, her eyes fixed in the path ahead.