Chapter 25: TRAPPED

After Jonathan ended the talk with Viktor, he stood up, his expression stern, and headed out of his office in long strides.

"Going home, sir," Brandon, his assistant, called out, his voice laced with confusion.

Brandon knew Jonathan's habits all too well. He was unlikely to leave the office without finishing his work, and his abrupt departure only meant one thing - something was amiss.

"Go home, Brandon," Jonathan said curtly, his tone icy, not even bothering to turn around.

"But, sir-" Brandon tried to object, his voice trailing off as Jonathan ignored him walking into the elevator.

Ignoring the greetings of the few workers who hadn't gone home, he headed to the parking lot, his long strides devouring the distance. The workers couldn't help but stare, surprised by his haste, but they dared not say a word. They knew better than to approach Jonathan when he was in one of his moods.

As he burst through the doors leading to the parking lot, the chilly night air hit him like a slap in the face, but he didn't slow down. His eyes were fixed on his car, parked in its designated spot, and he didn't stop moving until he reached it.

As Jonathan approached his car, his driver, a stoic man with a keen sense of timing, opened the door for him. "Sir," he said, his voice neutral.

"I'll drive myself, Tyga," Jonathan said, his voice cold and detached, as he brushed past Tyga and reached for the door handle.

Tyga's expression remained impassive, but a flicker of surprise crossed his eyes. "Sir-"

Jonathan's gaze snapped at him, his eyes glinting with a hint of annoyance. "Get out of my way."

With that, he yanked open the door and slid into the driver's seat, his movements swift and precise, then he started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot, Tyga couldn't help but wonder what had triggered his boss's sudden change in behavior. But he knew better than to ask questions, He simply followed the car at a discreet distance, ready to assist if needed.


Mia's feet pounded the pavement, her eyes fixed on the unfamiliar path ahead, as the sky rumbled Mia's heart race with fear, After what feels like an eternity, she stumbled out of an alley. As Mia made her way out of the alley, she found herself in the bustling city center. The neon lights from the bar signs were almost blinding, and the street was filled with the sounds of music, chatter, and busy people just going about their night, Mia took a moment to catch her breath, slowing down her rapid pace.

As she was a bit calm, trying to get familiar with the area, the rain finally began pouring down, making her hissed in frustration. People around took to their heels not wanting to get soaked by the rain, and she did the same, running as fast as she could. In her haste, she bumped into a man, and her ID fell out of her pocket without her realizing it. "Sorry!" she exclaimed, as she kept running.

The man picked up the ID card, mouthing the name "Emilia Salvador" as he looked around, trying to spot the owner. His eyes scanned the crowd, finally landing on Mia's fleeing figure. He smirked, then tucked the ID card into his pocket, his expression unreadable. With a calm strides, he walked away, seemingly oblivious to the rain pouring down around him.


While driving Jonathan's smirk grew wider as he listened to Viktor's panicked voice on the comms device. "Boss, the young miss Salvador escaped from the penthouse. We're trying to track her down, but she seems to have vanished into thin air."

Jonathan's eyes gleamed with amusement as he replied, "Good then, let's see how far she can get". He chuckled to himself as he drove through the rain-soaked streets, He had a feeling this was going to be a very interesting night.

Mia's legs ached and her lungs burned as she slowed down her pace, her body heavily soaked by the rain. She tried reaching out to the people around her, hoping to ask for directions, but they all ignored her, hurrying past with their heads down. Who would want to talk to a strange, disheveled person on a night like this?

She stopped under an awning, trying to catch her breath and assess her situation. She had no idea where she was or where she was going. No phone and she had no money. She was completely alone and adrift in the city.

As she stood there, a shiver ran down her spine. She felt like she was being watched. She looked around, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Just people rushing to find shelter from the rain.

But the feeling persisted. And then, she saw him. A tall, dark figure standing across the street, his eyes fixed on her. Mia's heart skipped a beat as she realized that Jonathan had found her.

With Her heart racing, Mia's eyes locked onto Jonathan's, her mind frozen in fear. She couldn't move, couldn't breathe. She was trapped, like a rabbit caught in a snare. Jonathan's gaze was piercing, his eyes gleaming with a menacing intensity. He didn't smile, didn't move, just kept staring at her with an unnerving focus. Mia's skin crawled, her instincts screaming at her to run, to hide, to escape. But her legs wouldn't budge, her feet rooted to the spot. She was paralyzed with fear, unable to do anything but stare back at Jonathan, her heart pounding in her chest. And then, he started walking towards her, His long strides eating the distance between them, forcing Mia to finally snap out of her trance. She took steps backward, her eyes fixed on Jonathan, her heart racing with terror.

Not knowing what to do next, Mia turned to run, her legs trembling beneath her. But she abruptly stopped when she heard the sound of gunshots ringing out through the streets. Her heart skipped a beat as she froze, Had Jonathan pulled out a gun? Was he going to shoot her?.

"Take one more step and i swear you'll be responsible for the death of someone here," Jonathan said, his voice cold and detached, his annoyance evident.

Mia, her back still facing him, tried to take another step, ignoring his warning. But she froze in fear as another shot rang out, and she spun around to face him, her eyes welling up with tears, the rainwater mixing with tears as it streams down her face. Her expression was a mix of pleading, annoyance, and terror, her eyes locked on Jonathan as she struggles to find her voice.

"why-,just why are you doing this," she said, her voice shaking.

Jonathan's expression remained unchanged, his eyes fixed on her with an unnerving intensity. "the car Now", he said, his voice devoid of emotion. "Do not make me force you".

Mia's eyes darted frantically around the alley, desperate for an escape route. But she was trapped, with no way out. She was at Jonathan's mercy, and she knew it.

"Please," she whispered again, her voice barely audible. "just, stop"

Jonathan raised an eyebrow, his gaze never leaving hers. "You're running out of options, Mia." he said, his voice dripping with menace.

"NO!!", Mia opposed, her voice firmed despite her trembling lips, "I'm not going back with you".