Chapter 26: FEAR GRIPPED

Jonathan's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes flashed with anger. He raised his gun and fired at the ground mere inches from Mia's leg, the bullet grazing off the pavement with a loud whiz. Mia's eyes widened in terror as she felt the heat from the bullet's trajectory, her heart racing with fear. She looked around desperately, hoping someone would save her, but they all sought shelter, unwilling to intervene in Jonathan's wrath

"Next time, I won't miss," Jonathan said, his voice devoid of emotion, Mia's eyes fixed on Jonathan's face, her mind racing with fear, this all feel so unreal to her, all she wanted was to escape, how was he able to find her that quick?, her head banged with multiple confusing questions, "I'm going to walk to that car," he said breaking her thought gesturing to a black vortex parked nearby, "and if you're not in it in 30 seconds, you'll regret it."

Mia's heart raced as she watched Jonathan turn and begin walking towards the car. She knew she had to move fast, but her legs felt like lead. She forced herself to take a step forward, her eyes fixed on the car.

With a surge of adrenaline, Mia started to move towards the car, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew she was taking a risk, but she had no other choice. She reached the car and opened the door, her eyes darting back to Jonathan. His expression remained unchanged as he kept a straight face ignoring her presence.

Mia hesitated for a moment, then slid into the car. Jonathan brought the engine to life as the car surged forward, speeding away.

The drive to the penthouse was a silent one, the only sound known was the hum of the engine and the soft purr of the tires on the wet road. Mia's heart raced with anxiety, her mind filled with dread as she gazed out the window at the city lights blurring by as the rainwater streaming down the glass like tears, The tension in the air was thicked, and it had nothing to do with the temperature outside. Jonathan's icy demeanor made her skin crawl, and she couldn't help but wonder what lay in store for her at the penthouse.

As they approached to the penthouse, the silence grew thicker, Mia's heart felt heavy, weighed down by fear.

As soon as they got to the penthouse Jonathan turned off the engine, then got out of the car almost immediately, leaving Mia hesitating in the passenger seat. As he walked into the penthouse, he headed straight for the bar, pouring himself a drink in a bid to calm his nerves. The sound of the liquor splashing into the glass was the sole disruption to the oppressive silence. Mia's heart raced with trepidation, as she walked slowly her eyes fixed in him. Suddenly, Jonathan's calm composure shattered like the glass he slammed down on the counter, making Mia flinch. The sound echoed through the penthouse, His eyes blazed with a fierce intensity, finally staring back at her.

"I-, I'm sorry-" Mia finally found her voice, stuttering.

"You're sorry," Jonathan chuckled coldly, "can you hear yourself?" He sneered, his voice turning deadly. "Have I ever been heartless to you? Huh!!" He paused, expecting a response. "ANSWER ME!!!" He yelled, smashing more glass cups when he got no response. Mia flinched, shuttering in fear.

"N-, no-" she stammered.

"Have I ever threatened you, tortured you, or shown you THE WICKED SIDE OF ME!!!" Jonathan's yelled, his voice laced with anger.

"NO!!" Mia screamed out in terror.

"Then why did you choose to escape from me?" Jonathan's tone was icy, his eyes blazing with anger.

"I-, j-just want my old life-" Mia stuttered, her voice trembling.

"You think I'd let you go that easily?" Jonathan's said, his words dripping with malice, "YOU ARE MINE!!! EMILIA, I OWN YOU. THE SOONER YOU UNDERSTAND THAT, THE BETTER FOR YOU." He yelled, his voice laced with possessiveness. "Henceforth, you will no longer be free to roam as you please, Emilia. You will be assigned to a different room, one that's more... secure. You won't even think of escaping from it. Your every move will be monitored, your every action controlled. You will be a prisoner in my penthouse, and until you learn to obey my rules and submit to my will, you will remain a captive."

Mia's eyes widened in horror as Jonathan's words painted a picture of a life she couldn't bear. She felt a suffocating sense of claustrophobia, her mind reeling with the thought of being trapped.

"No, please, Jonathan," she begged, her voice barely above a whisper. "Don't do this to me. I'll do please, I'm sorry, don't take my freedom away, please"

Jonathan's expression was unyielding, his eyes cold and unforgiving as he touched the bud in his ear calling in Viktor, who came in with two more guards. "take her to the vault" he said coldly as Viktor got surprised.

Viktor's eyes widened in surprise, "the-, vault boss" he asked, just to be sure he heard well, cause he knows what the vault is like.

The vault is a foreboding structure, disguised in the luxurious penthouse. But beneath its lavish appearance, lies a dark dungeon, devoid of any light or hope. The walls were made of thick, impenetrable steel, and the windows were mere decorations, unable to be opened.

The door was a massive, reinforced slab, secured with automated locks and a retinal scanner, ensuring that only those with the highest clearance could enter. Once inside, the darkness was absolute, a suffocating drape that wrapped around you like a cold, damp grave.

The vault were designed to resemble luxurious bedrooms, with plush carpets and velvet drapes, but the illusion of comfort was quickly shattered by the stark reality of the situation.

Jonathan's gaze narrowed, "Do not make me repeat myself Viktor," Jonathan said coldly already burning in anger. "On no account would she be allowed leave the vault, AM I CLEAR!!"

Viktor nodded hastily grabbing Mia, "ye-, yes boss".

Mia struggled, confusion and fear etched on her face. "Wait, let me go! Where are you taking me? Please, Jonathan, stop this! Please!"

Her pleas faded away as she was dragged out of the room, leaving Jonathan's icy demeanor unchanged.


As the door to the vault locked, Mia's muffled cries and desperate pounding were swallowed by up by the soundproof walls.

Mia's mind raced, her thoughts consumed by anger. She loathed Jonathan and her uncle, who had conspired against her. How could they do this to her?.

With a surge of adrenaline, Mia flung herself at the door, pounding on it with her fists. But her efforts were futile, the door unyielding. Exhausted, she slumped against the cold steel, her tears falling like rain, as she remembered how she was locked away for days, with no light, no food, and no hope. Her uncle's cruel punishment for disobedience.

The memory hit her like a wave, and she felt the same fear and helplessness wash over her. Her heart raced, her breath quickened, and her skin crawled with goosebumps. The vault's darkness seemed to close in around her, suffocating her.

Mia's fists faltered, her body trembling as the past and present merged. She was trapped, just like before. The door, the darkness, the silence - it was all too familiar. She felt like she was reliving a nightmare she thought she'd escaped.

With a strangled cry, Mia slid down the door, her body shaking uncontrollably.

"Why?" she whispered, her voice lost in the darkness. "Why are you doing this to me?"