Chapter 28: OBSESSION

"Don't tell me you've got feelings for her?" Damien asked.

"I don't know what I feel, man. I don't even understand women. I'm just trying to make her get used to me," Jonathan replied.

"By locking her up in this penthouse?" Damien asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I locked her in the vault," Jonathan said calmly, taking a sip of his liquor. "She's so frustrating. Never in my life have I ever been frustrated like this.

Damien's eyes widened in disbelief. "You locked her in the vault? Are you kidding me? why the hell would you do that, not like I care, but seriously that's not the best way, Jonathan", he paused then continue, "so what do you plan to do with her, win her over".

Jonathan's gaze remained cold, his expression unyielding. "I'm not trying to win her over, Damien. I'm trying to break her. She needs to learn to obey me, to submit to my will."

Damien shook his head, a mixture of amusement and concern on his face. "You're playing a dangerous game, Jonathan. With the way i see her, She's not like the others and you know that. She's got spirit, fire in her soul. You can't just break her like you do with everyone else.

Jonathan's eyes narrowed, his voice dropping to a low growl. "I can break anyone, Damien. Anyone. And I will break her, no matter what it takes."

The air was thick with tension as the two men stared each other down, the only sound the clinking of ice in their glasses. Finally, Damien spoke up, his voice laced with a hint of confusion. "I don't get why you're stressing yourself over this one chick, when there are plenty bitches who would jump at the chance to be, even your slave"

Jonathan's gaze remained unyielding, his expression cold.

"Hell nah would I chase a woman like that," Damien continued, shaking his head. "She's not even worth the trouble."

The silence that followed was palpable, until Damien spoke up again. "How long has she been locked in the vault?.

Jonathan's response was casual, but his words sent a chill down Damien's spine. "Two days, maybe three. I didn't count".

Damien's eyes widened in disbelief. "Two days?! You've kept her trapped for two days?! Are you out of your mind?".

"she tried to escape from me, even when I was in my nicest behavior, well no more will I do that", Jonathan said gulping the drink.

"Well, that's just crazy, man. A lady trying to escape from you? That's how scary you are, bro," Damien teased, his voice laced with sarcasm and concern as Jonathan ignored him.

Jonathan's gaze remained fixed on his drink, his expression unyielding. "I'll do whatever it takes to keep her, Damien. Whatever it takes."


The days went by, Jonathan going about his daily routine, all while keeping a watchful eye on Mia through the CCTV camera mounted in the vault, the feed streaming live to his tablet. His obsession with her only grew stronger, his grip on her tightening like a vice. He spent most of his time in his study room in the penthouse, surrounded by blueprints, books and screens, his eyes constantly flicking to the tablet that showed Mia's every move. Until one fateful morning, as he sat at his desk, sipping his coffee while typing away in the computer before him, the silence was shattered by a sound that made Jonathan's heart race - the sound of Mia's screams blasting from the tablet's speaker, a desperate cry that sent a chill down Jonathan's spine. He quickly grabbed his tablet, his eyes fixed on the screen as watch her moves.

Mia, traumatized by the darkness that brought back memories she wished to forget, screamed, "Jona, I know you can hear me, and if you can't, I know you can see me!", her eyes fixed on the CCTV camera in the corner of the vault, its red light blinking ominously as it captured her every move "I'm sorry, please let me go! I promise to never try to escape from you again, please, I promise! Just make this all stop, please, it hurts so much!" She clutched her head, as it felt it was spinning, whuch made her scream like she was crazy, her voice descending into whispers and whimpering as she slid down the door, collapsing onto the cold floor. "Mom, Dad, come save me, come take me away from here," she begged, her eyes fixed on something shimmering in the dimly lit vault - a broken mirror, its fragments glinting in the faint light, She reached for it, her gaze transfixed on the shattered glass, her action causing Jonathan to panic, a reaction he had never shown before.

"Shit," he cursed, grabbing the earbud in his ear, "open the vault door, now!" he barked, his voice rising in urgency as he hastily stood up from his seat and strode towards the door.

The guard in charge, surprised by the abrupt order, hesitated, "Boss-?" he asked, his voice laced with uncertainty.

"I swear, if anything happens to her, you'll have yourself to blame," Jonathan yelled into the comms device, his tone menacing. "Open the fucking vault, now!" he barked, sprinting towards the vault as the guard hastily unlocked it, With fear in his eyes, which he struggled to conceal, the guard hesitated, his hand on the comms device, "Boss, there's a problem," he stammered, his voice trembling.

Jonathan's heart pounded in his chest as he burst through the vault door, revealing a sight that made his blood run cold, His eyes darted from the guard's terrified face to Mia, sitting on the floor, her wrists slashed deeply with blood oozing out, her eyes vacant and her body covered in her own blood. "Mia!" he exclaimed, rushing to her side. He fell to his knees, gently lifting her body into his arms. "Fuck, Mia, what have you done?" he whispered, his voice cracking with emotion.

The guard took a step back, his eyes fixed on the gruesome scene. "I-I didn't know she was going to...I mean, I didn't think she'd actually..." he stammered, his voice trailing off.

Jonathan's eyes locked onto Mia's face, his heart racing with fear. He checked her pulse, his fingers trembling as he felt a faint beat. "Call the damn medical unit!" he bellowed at the guard. "Now!"

The guard stumbled back in fear, clearly overwhelmed by the situation. "B-But the backup, sir..." the guard stammered, clearly confused.

Jonathan's voice was laced with urgency as he shot back, "what fucking backup, just get the fucking team down here, NOW!!, he yelled in anger and annoyance.

The guard turned and fled from the room, the sound of his footsteps echoing in the silence.

Minutes later, the team arrived, hastily rushing to the room where Jonathan had placed her in the penthouse. The team worked swiftly, hooking Mia up to monitors and IVs. The doctor in charge, a middle-aged man, examined Mia with a critical eye before turning to Jonathan, who was standing beside him the whole time. "Sir Blacksmith, we need to get her to the hospital, ASAP," he said, his voice firm but urgent. "She's lost too much blood, and we can't provide the proper treatment here. She needs a transfusion, and we can't delay."

Jonathan's face twisted in anguish. "No, no, no...she will not be leaving my sight," he protested, his voice laced with command.

The doctor began to explain, "I understand, sir, but we can't-"

But Jonathan's hands closed around the doctor's throat, choking him. "You're a doctor, are you not?" he hissed, his voice low and dangerous.

The doctor's eyes bulged as he struggled to speak, "Y-yes-"

Jonathan's grip tightened. "Good. Now, you will do your job as a doctor and treat her. And if you don't do it right, I swear your family will take the blame. Am I clear?" he yelled, his face inches from the doctor's.

The doctor, still choking, managed to nod, his eyes wide with fear. Jonathan released his grip, and the doctor gasped for air, his face red.

Jonathan's eyes locked onto Mia's pale face, her eyes still vacant. He knew the doctor was right, but the thought of letting her out of his sight was unbearable.