Chapter 29: LOOSEN UP

Two weeks had passed since the incident, and Mia's body had finally begun to show signs of recovery. The doctor had done an excellent job of treating her injuries, but Jonathan had refused to leave her side, monitoring her every breath, every heartbeat.

Mia's eyes slowly opened, unfocused at first, but as she gradually became aware of her surroundings, her gaze sharpened and her eyes widened in shock. She tried to sit up, but her body was too weak to support her weight, and she fell back onto the bed.

Jonathan, who had just walked into the room with a cup of coffee, was taken aback by her sudden awakening, but his surprise was short-lived. "You're awake," he said in a calm, detached voice, his expression unreadable.

Mia's eyes darted around the room, realizing she was no longer in the vault. Her gaze finally focused on Jonathan, and she tried to speak, but her voice was barely audible, a faint whisper. "Y-You won't...lock me up again, right?" she stammered, her eyes searching his face for reassurance.

But Jonathan ignored her question, his expression darkening as he took long strides towards her. "Why did you do it?" he demanded, his voice low and intense. "Why did you cut yourself, huh?" he asked, his eyes blazing with a mix of anger and concern.

Mia's eyes snapped shut, her face pale and her body tensing as if bracing for impact. She didn't respond, her silence hanging in the air like a challenge.

Jonathan's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched in frustration. He reached out and grasped her chin, forcing her to face him. "Mia, look at me," he commanded, his voice firm but gentle. "Why did you hurt yourself? What were you thinking?"

Mia's eyes flickered open, her gaze meeting Jonathan's. She tried to speak, but her voice caught in her throat. She swallowed hard, her eyes welling up with tears. "I-I couldn't take it," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "The darkness, the was suffocating me." She paused, her body shaking with sobs. "Oh, please don't take me back there," she begged, her voice cracking. "I'm so...sorry, please, I'm sorry."

Jonathan's eyes flashed with hurt as he gazed at her, his expression softening for a moment. But he quickly masked his emotions, his face hardening into a cold, detached mask. Without a word, he turned and walked towards the door, his footsteps echoing in the silence. "I'll send a maid to check on you," he said finally, his voice cold and detached. "And this time, don't expect any friendliness from her." With that, he left the room, leaving Mia alone in her tears, the silence surrounding her.

Mia laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling, her face pale as she thought about her life and everything that had been happening to her. When the door opened, it jolted her from her thoughts, and she turned towards the door.

"Miss," the maid said, bowing her head as she walked towards her. "Can you sit up? Do you still feel weak? Sir Blacksmith asked that you drink this." The maid held out a glass of sweet, golden tea, its aroma filling the air. "It's a special blend, miss. It will help you regain your strength and feel better soon."

"Where's Anita?" Mia asked, hoping to get a response from the maid, but got none. "Look, I understand you're not allowed to speak with me or talk about what's goes around the Blacksmith's, but please, I really need to know if she's fine and alright." She paused, but the maid remained silent. "Please," Mia begged.

The maid hesitated, then spoke in a low tone, "She was sent back to the mansion, that's all I can tell you, miss. Now, please drink up. I'll come check on you later so you can have your bath." The maid quickly picked up the golden tray and hurriedly left the room, avoiding any further conversation.

"I didn't even get her name," Mia muttered quietly to herself, "Please be safe, Anita. I'm sorry."

"How is she doing?" Jonathan asked, his voice cold.

"Well, sir, I gave her the tea as you asked me to," Joann, the maid, replied, her head bowed.

"Good, leave," he ordered, and she hastily departed.

Butler Gary, also known as Sir Gary, chuckled and said, "Still that same bossy attitude, when will you change, Sir?" as he offered Jonathan a cup of coffee. "You know, if you like her, just tell her. There's nothing wrong with a mafia lord finding love."

"I don't like her, nor do I feel any love towards her," Jonathan replied.

"Then why keep her if you feel nothing for her?" Sir Gary asked, leaving Jonathan lost in thought.

"I heard you locked her in the vault," Sir Gary continued. "For someone with a history of claustrophobia and fear of darkness, that was never the best thing to do. I understand you're young and weren't trained in love, but if you keep treating her this way, she won't only run from you but also hate you."

Jonathan's eyes flashed with multiple unreadable expressions before he asked calmly, for the first time in 25 years, "What do you suggest I do?"

"Loosen up towards her, and she'll come around," Sir Gary said with a smile plastered on his face.


Days went by, and Mia finally regained her strength. To her surprise, Jonathan lifted the restrictions on her movement, allowing her to leave her room. She was currently sitting in her room, reading a book, the maid, Joann, did a great job in ignoring her which only fueled her boredom. Joann would only respond when summoned, and even then, her responses were brief and terse.

As Mia turned the page of her book, she heard a soft knock on the door. "Enter," she said, not looking up.

Joann entered the room, her eyes fixed on Mia with a hint of caution. "A note for you, miss," she said, holding out a small piece of paper.

Mia's eyes narrowed slightly as she took the note from Joann. It was brief and to the point: "Meet me outside in 30 minutes. Dress appropriately."

Mia's heart skipped a beat as she read the note. "What does he possibly want?" she wondered.

"Wait, that's it? That's how it's done? He just sends notes like in the 80's?" Mia complained, her tone laced with sarcasm.

"If I may ask, miss, what does the note say?" Joann asked politely.

Mia handed her the note, and Joann read it before saying, "I'll go prepare a dress for you."

"No, it's fine. I'll do it myself. You can go now," Mia sighed, already walking towards the walk-in closet.

Joann bowed slightly before leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

Mia emerged from the penthouse, her shoulder-length bob swaying with each step. She wore a pair of baggy joggers, a long sleeve crop top, and a bucket hat, looking effortlessly cool in her tomboy-inspired outfit.

Jonathan, who had been waiting for an extra 10 minutes, raised an eyebrow as he took in her appearance. His expression turned from irritation to annoyance, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"You're late," he said curtly, his voice devoid of any warmth. "And what are you ... wearing?"

Mia shrugged, her eyes flashing with defiance. "I dressed appropriately, just like your note said."

Jonathan's gaze lingered on her, his expression unyielding. "You look like you're going to a basketball game, not a meeting with me."

Mia smirked, her eyes glinting with amusement. "I'm sorry, then," she said, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Should I go change into something more suitable for your taste?"

Jonathan's face darkened, his jaw clenched in frustration. "No, get in the car," he muttered, turning to walk towards the vehicle.

He didn't need any drivers to drive him, but his guards would be riding behind them, a habitual precaution he took wherever he went. Mia rolled her eyes and followed him, her bucket hat tilting slightly as she climbed into the passenger seat.