The ride to wherever Jonathan was taking her was a quiet one, as Mia kept staring out the window, feeling awkward.

"How's your hand?" Jonathan asked, breaking the silence, staring at her hand where the scar was still visible.

Mia stared at it, covering it up with her sleeve. "It's getting better," she said with a pause. "Where are we going?" she asked, expecting a response, but he ignored her. She glared at him, her look so intense that if looks could kill, he'd be long gone."

As the car turned a corner, Mia's gaze remained fixed on Jonathan, her eyes blazing with frustration. But her anger was soon replaced by astonishment as the vehicle pulled up to a magnificent estate. The car came to a stop, and Mia's jaw dropped in awe at the sight of the renowned fashion house, Áloura Vixár, one of the top designers in the industry. Her eyes widen in awe still trying to comprehend what's happening, "Oh my god, it's Áloura! It's freaking Áloura!" she blurted out loud.

Jonathan shot her a disapproving glance. "When you're done gawking, meet me inside," he said, exiting the car.

"No, no no no wait", Mia hastily tried to follow, but struggled to unlock the door. "Shit," she muttered, finally managing to open it. "Jonathan, wait!" she called out, quickening her pace to catch up with him.

As she was about to enter the building, a woman in corporate attire blocked her path. "I'm afraid you're not allowed in here, miss," she said, her tone firm but irritated.

Mia's eyes widened in disbelief. "What do you mean I'm not allowed in?

The woman raised an eyebrow. "This establishment caters to exclusive clients with refined taste. I'm afraid your...kind doesn't quite fit our criteria."

Mia's face flushed with embarrassment, "erm excuse you, what do u mean by my kind", she asked.

The woman's gaze swept over Mia's appearance, her expression a mixture of disdain and scorn. "Well, your...attire, for instance. It's not quite...haute couture, is it?"

  Mia's eyes narrowed, her anger simmering. "And what's wrong with my clothes?" she asked.

Jonathan who was speaking with Loura, the designer herself overheard the bickering. "What's going on?", he asked in a cold, low voice.

"Glad you asked, sir blacksmith, I was just talking with this...peasant here, whom I think didn't check her map well when planning to go shopping-"

"What did u call her", Jonathan asked his tone cold but with a hint of sarcasm.

"Peasant sir-"

"Peasant", he responded before turning towards Mia's direction who felt like slamming the bitch's head on the fucking glass door. "Peasant you say".

"Yes sir", she replied glaring at Mia like she had the upper hand.

Jonathan smirked. "You have 5 secs to apologize to the one you called peasant", he said shocking the lady as mia smirked widely."1-"





"why should I-"


  "but s-"

"She's fired", Jonathan Said shocking everyone, then turned to loura herself, "if you don't want this company to shut down in the next hour, make sure I never see her here again", Jonathan said coldly, "by the way, she's with me", he said walking away as the lady pleaded.

"Yunno, you should have just apologize when you had the chance to, eish, now you're jobless, trust me I know how it feels," Mia said sarcastically before walking away too.

Loura eyes were filled with pity. "I'm sorry Nadia, but I have to let you go", Loura said as she quickly followed, hoping to please Jonathan.

As soon as they entered the collection section, Mia's eyes widened in awe. Rows upon rows of exquisite designs and outfits stretched before her, stunning array of colors and fabrics that left her breathless. She had never been a fan of ladies' wear, but all these before her made her want to dive in and never come out.

"Wow" she whispered, gawking and gasping, her gaze darting from one stunning piece to the next. "Wait, why am I here, Jona?" she blurted, turning to face him, while earning a surprised gaze from Loura, who raised an eyebrow at the casualness. Mia's use of Jonathan's name without formalities seemed to go unnoticed by him, leaving her wondering who she was to him.

But her curiosity was short-lived, as she smiled, "Come with me, Miss—"

"Emilia," Mia finished for her, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she followed Loura. "By the way, I'm a huge fan of your designs," Mia said, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "My friend Katherine would absolutely love this place. She's obsessed with fashion."

Loura led Mia to a luxurious fitting room, where a team of stylists and designers awaited her. They presented her with an array of breathtaking, jaw dropping outfits, each one more stunning than the last. Mia's eyes widened as she gazed at the garments, her mind racing with excitement.

She slipped into the first outfit, a sparkly purple sleeveless gown that hugged her body perfectly, showcasing her toned physique. The gold chains detail exposing her ribcage, adding a touch of sophistication to the overall look. Mia felt like a million bucks, her confidence soaring as she gazed at her reflection.

But her euphoria was short-lived, as Jonathan's voice cut through the air, his tone low and disapproving. "Too exposing, and I hate purple."

Mia's jaw dropped, her eyes fixed on Jonathan in disbelief. "Wait, what?" she gasped, her mind struggling to comprehend his criticism.

  "Change it," Jonathan said coldly, his gaze unyielding.

Mia's face flushed with embarrassment. She glanced at Loura, who seemed taken aback by Jonathan's harsh words. The stylists and designers exchanged nervous glances, seemingly unsure of how to proceed.

"This way miss", one of the stylist said to Mia who kept a deadly gaze at Jonathan.

Few minutes later, Mia emerged from the dressing room, in a stunning, regal white gown with intricate gold accents. which made her look heavenly.

Loura cleared her throat to announce their presence, but Jonathan merely glanced up from his phone, his expression unimpressed. "No, too simple," he said dismissively.

Mia's face flushed with frustration. "You haven't even looked at it yet!" she protested, her voice rising.

  Jonathan finally looked up, his gaze lingering on Mia's dress before shrugging. "I don't need to. Its presence alone shows simplicity."

Mia's eyes narrowed, her annoyance boiling over. "What am I?, a mannequin, Even a mannequin isn't this stressed!"

Loura tried to intervene, her voice nervous. "I'm sorry, sir—"

But Mia cut her off, her tone dumbfounded. "Wait, you're apologizing?, seriously?".

  Loura gestured nervously, trying to calm Mia. "This way, Miss..."

Mia tried on a whole lot of glamorous outfits, each one rejected by Jonathan with a dismissive comment. "Too plain," he'd say, or "Too flashy," or "Not to his taste." The constant rejection left Mia frustrated and exhausted.

Finally, she slipped into the last outfit - a bold, black and red dress with a fitted, athletic silhouette and a high slit. As she approached Jonathan, his eyes widened, and he couldn't tear his gaze away from her. For a moment, Mia thought she saw a flicker of approval, but then his face darkened.

"No, I don't like it," he said coldly, his eyes lingering on her exposed cleavage and thigh.

Mia's anger boiled over. "Enough!" she yelled, her voice echoing through the room. "This is the 12th dress I've tried, and I will not try any more! You're so.. impossible, Jona!"

Jonathan's expression remained unyielding. "Until I get the right outfit, I say when you stop, Emilia. So, watch it."

He turned to Loura, his tone condescending. "Don't you have any more designs to offer? Thought you're the top designer in the fashion industry, or did you fake your way?"

Loura hesitated, her eyes darting to Mia before returning to Jonathan. "Y-yes, sir, I do have a design, but it won't be ready for the next two months."

Jonathan's gaze narrowed. "Let me see it."

Loura tried to protest, but Jonathan's deadly glare silenced her. "This way, sir," she muttered, reluctantly leading him to a studio deep in the fashion house.

This is the outfit, sir," she said, as her workers brought out the incomplete black velvet diamond dress. "It's still a work in progress, but—"

"Fit her in, and be quick about it," Jonathan interrupted, his tone cold and imperious.

"Right away, sir," Loura replied, her voice submissive. She gestured to her workers, who scurried to obey Jonathan's command. As they began to adjust the dress on Mia.

In a few minutes, Mia emerged her presence commanding attention. She wore a stunning, floor-length gown made of luxurious black velvet. The dress hugged her curves perfectly, accentuating her toned physique. A subtle sweetheart neckline added a touch of femininity, while a daring thigh-high slit showed off her toned legs.

The real showstopper, however, was the intricate, incomplete hand-beaded embroidery that adorned the gown's sleeves and torso. The beads shimmered like diamonds in the light, casting a mesmerizing glow around Mia. The overall effect was both powerful and alluring, exuding a sense of confident sensuality.

As she moved, the gown seemed to shimmer and mold to her body, accentuating her every curve and movement. It was clear that this outfit was not just a piece of clothing - it was a statement, a declaration of beauty.

The room fell silent as all eyes fixed on Mia, their jaws dropping in awe. Even Jonathan's expression softened, his eyes lingering on her with a hint of approval. For once, he was speechless, unable to find fault in this breathtaking dress.