As the car finally shook off the pursuers, Tyga lowered the privacy screen, his eyes never leaving the road. Mia's face was a mix of confusion, fear, and anger.

"Where are we going?" she asked, her voice firm but laced with a hint of vulnerability.

"The spa," Tyga replied, his tone neutral.

Mia's eyes narrowed. "You're still not telling me what just happened, are you?"

Tyga's jaw clenched, but he remained silent.

Mia's frustration boiled over. "Fine. Keep your secrets. But know this, Tyga: I won't be ignored or kept in the dark. You owe me answers."

The tension between them was thick as the car pulled up to the spa. Tyga got out, opening Mia's door with a silent gesture. She stepped out, her eyes flashing with anger and fear.

As they entered the spa, Mia's confusion and unease only grew. How could Tyga be so calm and collected after what they'd just been through? What was he hiding?.

The spa staff greeted them with warm smiles, oblivious to the tension between them.

"This way, miss Emilia," the staff said, her voice cheerful and friendly.

Mia nodded, her eyes still fixed on Tyga as she followed the staff to the VIP section. Her mind was racing with questions, her heart pounding in her chest. Why was he being so secretive?

As she walked, her eyes never left Tyga's face, searching for any sign of emotion, any hint of what was going on behind those calm eyes. But Tyga's expression remained unreadable, his face a mask of serenity.

"Your assigned spa therapist will be with you shortly," the staff said, closing the door behind her.

Mia took a deep breath, trying to shake off the feeling of unease that had settled over her. She couldn't shake the feeling that Tyga was hiding something from her, something big.

After hours of being pampered at the spa, Mia emerged with a sense of calm that she hadn't felt in ages. The knots of fear and confusion that had been knotted in her stomach were slowly unraveling, replaced by a soothing feeling of peace. Her skin glowed with the radiance of the various treatments, her muscles relaxed and refreshed.

As she stepped out of the spa, Tyga was right there, close by her side, his presence like a protective shield as he opened the car door for her.

The ride to Mia's next appointment at Nails Oasis, a hand and foot spa salon, was silent, the only sound being the soft hum of the car's engine, Tyga's eyes never left her face, his gaze piercing through hers.

As the car glided through the city streets, the silence was broken by a voice on the comms system. "Wie geht es ihr?" (How is she?) Jonathan's voice was smooth and calm, but Tyga's eyes flickered with a hint of tension getting the code immediately.

Jonathan's use of foreign language was a signal that he wanted to keep the conversation private, a habit he had developed to maintain secrecy in his criminal underworld. As a mafia overlord, he had trained his men to be skilled in various languages, ensuring that sensitive information remained hidden from prying ears .

Tyga's gaze never left hers, his expression unreadable. "Sie macht es gut, Chef, sie weiß nichts von der Verfolgung." (She's doing well, boss, she knows nothing about the chase.) he replied, his voice low and even.

Mia's eyes narrowed, her confusion evident as she listened to Tyga's German response. She didn't understand the language, but she knew it wasn't English. Her mind raced with questions. Who was Tyga speaking with?

Jonathan's voice came through the comms system again, his tone dripping with an underlying tension. "Gut. Behalten Sie sie im Auge." (Good. Keep an eye on her.)

Tyga's eyes locked onto Mia's, his expression unyielding. "Verstanden, Chef." (Understood, boss.), Tyga's gaze held Mia's for a moment, his eyes seeming to bore into her soul. Then, his expression softened slightly, and he asked, "you okay back there?"

Mia's eyes never left Tyga's face, her mind still reeling with questions. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied, her voice cautious. "Who are you talking to?"

Tyga's smile was reassuring, but his eyes remained guarded. "Just a routine check-in, Miss," he replied, his voice calm and reassuring. "Don't worry about it."

Mia's eyes narrowed, her doubt clear. She didn't believe Tyga's casual dismissal, but she decided to let it slide for now.

As the car drove into the parking lot of Nails Oasis, Mia stepped out of the car, she couldn't help but notice the eerie silence. The parking lot was empty, not a single car in sight. She raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Tyga, why is it so empty here?" she asked, her voice laced with confusion.

Tyga's expression remained neutral, but his eyes flickered slightly. "Maybe they're having a slow day, Don't worry about it."

But Mia's gut told her otherwise. As she entered the salon, she was greeted by the staffs, but the eerie silence and empty chairs only heightened her suspicion. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off.

"Wait a minute," she thought to herself, "did Jonathan book the entire salon for me?, as she realised that not a single soul was present at spa salon except for the staffs and spa therapists, But why would he do that?"

Mia's eyes locked onto Tyga's, her gaze piercing. "Tyga, what's really going on here? Did Jonathan book the whole place?"

Tyga's expression remained unreadable, but his eyes seemed to hesitate for a fraction of a second before he replied, "let's just focus on getting you pampered, okay?"

Mia's eyes narrowed, her doubt clear. Something didn't add up. But she decided to play along.


Khloé's fingers flew across the keyboard, her eyes fixed on the screens in front of her. She was in a control room, accessing the city's CCTV feeds, while rewatching the chase with ease. She was a pro, and this was child's play.

She zoomed in on the chase, her eyes locked onto the pursuers' car. No plate number, but a symbol she recognized. Her eyes scanned the screens, hoping to get a glimpse of the pursuers' faces, but instead, she spotted a tiny red light on the back of the car - the signature mark of the Bolt, a high-tech vehicle designed by Black Corp.

Khloé's eyes narrowed as she zoomed in on it, her eyes widened as she realized the implications. "Boss, the pursuers didn't shoot bullets. They implanted a bomb on the car, and it's set to detonate in...90secs." she said urgently through the comms device.

Jonathan's expression darkened. "Can you disable it, Khloé?"

Khloé's face fell. "I'm afraid not, boss. This bomb is designed to be tamper-proof. Only the ones who fired it can disable it, and even then, it's already too late to try".

"shit", Jonathan cussed.


As they prepared to treat her to a luxurious spa session, complete with a pedicure and manicure, Mia's sudden craving for a lollipop kicked in as she scanned around for her wallet. "shit, I left my wallet in the car!" she exclaimed, getting up from her seat as she began heading towards the door.

Tyga, who had just received the warning from Jonathan, called out, "fuck, no!", rushing towards her, but before Mia could walk out of the building, the bomb detonated with a deafening explosion.