♡ Sweetheart Relationship

The melody began to play, her eyes gradually lost their consciousness and she felt her body so light as if she might take off any time into those soft melodies in her background. She pleasantly opened her eyes just to see the beautiful girl playing the piano with her cotton like slender fingers. Her body was waving with the radius of melody. She felt so professional. Her little eyes blinked every moment her melody vibes her. Her nose releases a soft smell that mixes with the tune to form a mixture of spring fragrance. Her lips curve into different shapes depending on her gentle melody vibes.

In the end, her melody sounds unique when her entire body supports her to make it a perfection. That is how the melody is formed through the momentum.

"Cahya, it was an outstanding performance. You made it perfect."

"Yes. And with you by my side I can make my melody more perfect."

Her eyes filled with high hope, beamed when she looked at the man holding her hand gently. It somehow gave her butterflies in her stomach yet she let it out with a bright smile. The man reflected on her lips with a good grin.

"Sure. That'll do, Cahya."

She held his hand a bit tighter and glued her head to his brave shoulder. He could feel those good vibes passing through her body elements to his body atoms. This vibe gives him much pleasure than he experiences in his daily routine. With a soft stroke in her hair, he left his palm to stay on her head for a moment before letting it out.

There's a blue feeling rising little by little in his heart. A feeling that isn't letting him breathe ordinarily. A kind of suffocation where he has to bury everything before letting it out. A mixture of emotions were knocking him down to his knees yet he endured them and stayed often blissful in front of her beloved one.

"Cahya." He called her with affection and softness in his tune.

She stopped quietly at a moment, letting her hands go him further until he realized her betrayal. A brief gloomy face appeared on his face and he turned to look at her.

"Are you okay, Blake?" She asked him – being worried over something she doesn't wanna hear about.

Her hands silently trembled, hanging above her heart. His face turned blue and a tension within herself raised. Imagining Blake getting further from her shadow, she let her one hand move forward to him with reluctance. With a slight glance at her, he stepped back so that her hand couldn't touch his soul. In a second, her heart skipped a beat when she noticed this little action, her eyes widened and pulled down in mourning soon. But,

He abruptly held her hand not letting it down and grabbed her into her honey arms.

Her eyes trembled terribly when she found seriousness in his eyes.

"Did you go into a loop again, Cahya?"

"Huh? Loop? …I might have been in."

She was left with confusion yet ignoring those questions she accepted the welcoming warmth of Blake's embrace. He said nothing after her statement and let her pull herself together. With a gentle pat on her shoulder blades, he let her wholly get into her honey arms. Cahya rounded her hands around his build-up waist and her head on his flat chest. The miracle of a pampered hug healed her all opened wounds and she was able enough to let her all melancholy.


Hearing his low and sorrowful voice, she lifted her head up to meet his down-hearted hazel eyes. Worried, she answered. "I'm hearing you, Blake."

With her gentle voice, she held his face with her slender fingers. Blake was so deep in his sorrow that he couldn't gather enough courage to meet her tensed eyes. He could only raise his hand to hold her hand in reflection but he just called it a futile attempt.

"Cahya. Will you still love me even if I was an another person?"

He looked into her shivering eyes and held her hand, making the gaps between her hand and his face. Letting her hand hang on his chest – he moved a moment closer to her eyes.

"I will love you the every you. No matter which state you exist in."

With those words she smiled and helped Blake smile with her too. They hugged wholeheartedly with their souls blooming with their intimate embrace. Standing in the middle of the street, they pulled themselves together with their heart melting words. Instead of medicine – they healed themselves with a word called 'Love'.

They just existed within their love bond, boycotting the worlds' cruelty. For their encouragement, the breezes moved gently, cleansing their faces and playing with their ginger hair.

Only if their foundation could last a little longer before the destruction.

The day came. The day which has often haunted Blake. That day finally came… Before Blake could build his lovely foundation of the future – everything came to destruction. He was left with broken walls of their lovey-dovey frames, scattered rooms and cupboards, scratched curtains, a buried garden, and the whole mess of his lovely life. In the end, he was the only one holding the red thread of their bond, hoping one day she returns to him after the realization. But that day…, never came. Soon, the name 'Cahya' vanished from his school.

Standing in front of her huge house, he could only hear his heartbeat drums and the pitter-patter of the downpour. Getting wet in the rain, he could only imagine the happiest moments with Cahya. The second he thought about his truth being heard by Cahya – the happiest moments disappeared like the fog over the harbour.

"This is a… whole mess. Is this the end of my sweetheart relationship?"

He questioned being covered little by little by the depression of losing Cahya. Then,

"Yes." Getting to a strict statement – he suddenly looked in the direction of the voice. A strong shrill electric light passed through his spine when he discovered Cahya's Mom in front of him with a serious and vengeful expression. She tightened her grip around the stick of an umbrella and landed a stern look on her face.

And then continued her words, "A cheater like you doesn't deserve my daughter's love!"

To her scream, his eyes widened up in grief. He immediately pulled his head down and bitten his lips in the dumps. A shiver began to form in his eyes when his guilt began to creep around his entire body breaking the fences of his heart.

"How? How can you even hide your true self…? How!"

Speechless, he wasn't able to utter anything else than letting his tears slide down with the downpour. He was startled enough to break down extremely when he heard the gasps of Cahya's Mom. Only he could blame himself for doing something which was unbelievable nor acceptable to the society or himself, in the first place.

"How can you hide being a girl in that cross-dressing,Varunie?!"
