Escape [part 5]


Despite everything, there was something profoundly unsettling and dark in the way the illusion seemed to respond to my attempts.

Every reaction, every vibration seemed to suggest a malevolent awareness observing my every move, analyzing my every thought.

One night, or what could have been night, as the concept of time seemed to dissolve in this place, I found myself in a vast hall.

The hall was empty, with only the walls covered in distorting mirrors, reflecting distorted and confused images of myself.

Those images, however, had another peculiarity: they seemed to have a life of their own, moving with spectral slowness.

"Who are you really?" I decided to ask, staring at what was theoretically my reflection, which deformed and contorted every second and with every movement.

Then I noticed it was not just one reflection, but several.

Several reflections that always showed me, only they moved as if they had a life and consciousness of their own in what could be said to be perfect coordination.

However, they did not just reflect my appearance and move, but seemed to embody my worst nightmares and desires, grotesque caricatures of myself, covered in scars, signs of suffering, madness, and strength.


The shadows moved behind the glass, contorting and whispering incomprehensible words.

I approached one of the mirrors, scrutinizing my face, which disintegrated into a myriad of fragments.

There was an enigmatic familiarity in those eyes, an ancient knowledge staring at me with an empty and senseless gaze.

Suddenly, the reflection spoke:

"You can't escape me," it said, its voice a cavernous echo resonating in my mind. "I am a part of you, and you are a part of me."

Those words hit me like a punch to the chest.

Now it was certain they were indeed a reflection of me, but I began to wonder other things, such as:

'Could that be some sort of doppelgänger? Or was it a manifestation of myself based on the imprints and fluctuations of my soul?'

'Could the madness I was trying to fight not be just an external enemy, but a manifestation of myself in one of my facets? A reflection that is a perfect mix of my deepest fears and how I want to be?'


Laughter echoed through the hall, starting as a whisper and growing into a cacophonous chorus.

Every mirror reflected a version of myself laughing hysterically, and my head began to spin.

The walls seemed to close in on me, the floor trembled under my feet.

I was losing my grip on reality, sinking into an abyss of despair, feeling my being attacked through what were probably assaults on my soul, as every passing second I became more confused and disoriented.

With the walls closing in on me and the floor visibly shaking under my feet.

I was losing my grip on reality, sinking into an abyss of despair, where I was becoming increasingly confused.

Was this the illusion's way of responding to my attempts?

Every strategy, every tactic I had adopted seemed to provoke only a darker, more twisted reaction using attacks I couldn't defend against.

The shadows laughed at me, and the reflections in the mirrors seemed to mock my determination and willpower.

As if they were meant to rule, seeing me and my current version as something pathetic, a failed product of themselves.

Where the shadows that represented what I wanted to be looked at me with disdain.

While those that represented my fears looked at me with a clear smirk.


Every step I took seemed to draw me deeper into a vortex of terror and alienation.

A vortex where voices echoed incessantly in my mind, insinuating themselves like poison into my thoughts.

They kept repeating:

"There is no escape," whispering weakly, "Abandon all hope."

As time passed, my condition worsened, with my vision blurring, and the world around me dissolving into a sea of pulsating shadows.


In that moment of absolute despair, something changed inside me.

A sudden enlightenment, an awareness that I had to face and accept these parts of me, rather than fight them.

The struggle against myself was futile, an endless cycle of torment and anguish.

In the end, since these shadows represented myself, it was useless to try to fight them to see who would come out victorious; I had to accept them.

I had to accept these parts of me, starting to become an embodiment of my desires and overcoming my fears.

Becoming what in the end would be nothing but madness, pure madness.

So I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and then reopened them, looking at the distorted reflections and shadows with a new understanding.

"You are part of me," I whispered, finally accepting the truth. "And I am part of you."

The shadows stopped, and with them the laughter, the smirks, and the looks of disdain ceased.

The mirrors reflected an eerie calm.

I approached one of the reflections, observing my twisted and scarred face.

No longer an enemy, but an aspect of me that I needed to integrate.

Slowly, I raised a hand and touched the glass.

My reflection did the same, and as our fingers met, I felt a wave of warmth and understanding pass through me.

The distorted images began to dissolve, and the shadows retreated.


The walls of mirrors vanished, giving way to a simple, bright room.

The floor stopped shaking, and the feeling of oppression dissipated.

I found myself in a place of quiet, enveloped by a soft light.

The shadows had not been eliminated but recognized and accepted, becoming parts of me.

Those parts of me that had fueled the terror and that were now part of an integrated whole.

I felt a sense of peace, a clarity I had never known.

Every step I took in that new space was a step towards healing, towards understanding myself.

There was no longer a need to fight but to embrace every aspect of my essence.