Escape [part 6]


The bright room, with its apparent calm, was just a well-crafted deception.

The walls, white and sterile, reflected an unsettling light that seemed to want to suffocate any shadow.

My mind, however, had reached a new level of awareness: the shadows, once insidious enemies, had become allies and integrated with my being.

I had to escape, find a way out of that mental prison that enveloped me in a suffocating embrace of light and lies.


The silence of the room was oppressive, a sonic void that amplified the sound of my own breathing.

I knew that behind that artificial tranquility lay a darkness ready to awaken.

The shadows, invisible at first glance, hid in the most remote corners, ready to be exploited as tools of liberation.

I focused, calling to me those shadows that I now recognized as integral parts of my own being.

"Show me the way," I whispered, my voice a murmur that mingled with the surrounding darkness.

The shadows responded, emerging from the folds of the room to form an evanescent path that snaked along the perimeter.

Every step I took along that shadowy path brought me closer to a new understanding, a deeper insight into the dynamics that held me prisoner.


I walked along the shadow path, perceiving ethereal whispers that revealed to me the hidden weaknesses of the mental barriers that trapped me.

Each shadow carried fragments of knowledge, subtle details hidden in the folds of illusion.

I had to gather these fragments, analyze them carefully, and find a way to use them to my advantage.

The shadows were no longer just absences of light, but vehicles of precious information.

Every step I took revealed new cracks in the walls of my mental prison.

The shadows crept into the fissures, expanding and revealing fragments of truth.

I had to be sharp, grasp every clue, every whisper, and use it to weave a way out of this mental labyrinth.

My escape would not only be a physical flight, a liberation from illusion, but also an escape that would lead to my freedom and the end of my imprisonment.


The information gathered from the shadows was fragmentary, but it began to form a clearer picture.

The illusion that held me prisoner used a perverse mix of memories and fears.

Every victim, trapped like me, saw a distorted reality, a prison made of their most painful memories and deepest anxieties, causing the illusion itself to change and mutate, bringing the victim's fears to light in different forms.

For example, in the previous illusion, I feared that they had already discovered my plans and attempts, and that happened.

And although that could have happened in reality, in a place different from the illusion, it was "shown" and made clear to me.

And this without the illusion having access to external information, like what happens in reality, but based on my memories and fears, even if momentary.

Another thing I had noticed, however, was that it did not have access to information about my previous life, but only to those of my current life, as if there was a block preventing it from doing so.

And by now, it was also clear to me why many people became desperate and bowed to the illusion.

This deadly mix of truth and terror made the prison almost impregnable, leading its victims to despair, as not many people would be able to change, adapt, and accept a new part of themselves as quickly as I did.

However, at the moment I had to decide how to use the information I had gathered.


The information gathered from the shadows was fragmentary, but it began to form a coherent picture.

The shadows had shown me that the illusion fed on my fears and memories, but it also had limits.

It could not access my distant past, nor my future aspirations.

The first step of the plan was to confuse the illusion, using that information to my advantage.

I had to create a deception, a series of false memories and fears that could destabilize the structure of the illusion.


I decided to start by creating a fictitious identity, a memory that seemed authentic but was completely invented.

I focused, recalling images of a past never lived, a life in which I was a master of shadows, a being capable of manipulating reality at will.

I imagined detailed scenes: rooms full of ancient scrolls, secret training in the dead of night, clashes with invisible opponents.

Every detail had to be convincing, a perfect mask to deceive the illusion.


With the new identity firmly in my mind, I began to project these false memories into the illusion.

Every time a shadow approached, I infused it with fragments of these new memories.

The bright room began to tremble, a sign that the illusion was beginning to perceive the presence of something foreign.

But it wasn't enough. I had to do more. I had to sow doubt.

I focused on another series of false memories, this time concerning an imaginary future in which I had managed to escape, in which I had defeated the illusion and found freedom.

I visualized every detail: the world outside the mental prison, the sunlight piercing the darkness, the feeling of freedom.

As I projected these new memories, I began to manipulate the shadows to create an escape route.

I had to act cautiously, exploiting every crack in the illusion.

Every step was a precise calculation, every movement a shadow that stretched and twisted to create a breach.

My plan was simple but effective: use the shadows to disorient the illusion, exploiting the false memories to create a breach and finally find a way out.


The decisive moment was approaching.

I could feel the illusion wavering under the weight of the fictitious memories, of the shadows that moved incessantly.

I approached the point where the shadows were densest, where I knew a breach would open.

With one last effort, I called all the shadows to me, forming a dark vortex that began to spin wildly. The sound of my breathing joined the whisper of the shadows, creating a spectral chorus that filled the room.

"Now," I murmured, and the shadows parted, opening a portal in the illusion.

I crossed the breach, feeling the illusion shatter behind me.

The suffocating light disappeared, replaced by a liberating darkness.

I was free, but I knew the fight was not over.