Let's Go To Trila!

"How did you get here if you didn't have a ship to go from!?" Hasam exclaimed, grabbing Narubara's immediate attention. "I don't even know the name of this island - I've been here for so long, that maybe now I have a guilty pleasure to forget!"

Yuta sighed, looking at the rough seas before him. "We flew about a thousand miles away from Hamila… it's still crazy Maha was able to swim and follow us all the way here. We can keep him as a hostage and head to Trila with the Angel Guardian." Narubara sighed, pulling out his swords once again. "I have a queue for cutting the sea in half - we can use that to walk to Trila."

Holding up his sword to the sky, the entire ocean in front of them cut in half, creating a path for them to go through. "This path spans at least 500 miles - my best creation yet. This might be the fastest way to get to Trila right now, considering that we won't be carried away by the ocean currents or wind like a ship."

Hasam sighed, holding Maha's corpse as he walked on down to the beach. "Fine - let's just get to Trila as soon as possible. Hopefully we can find the rest of the League Of Heaven there…"

Kevin promised Itama Kawasaki and Champion Suru that he would return to completely overthrow the Trilan dictatorship. As they continue to cross the seas to Hamila, however, they plan on how to get their friend Gerald Romanti back. In this volume, you will learn about the backstory of Gerald and Bubbles, along with the past of the Romanti Clan. Will Team ENTITY be able to carry on Alex's job and take on the Romanti Clan, or will they die and not be able to return to the diabolical government of Trila? Welcome to ENTITY VOLUME 10: Chasing Gerald

Volume 10, Chapter 25 - Let's Go To Trila!

Michael scoffed, looking at Alex as the thick fog finally cleared. "What the hell was that!?" he exclaimed, rubbing his eyes and looking at him in suspicion. "What do you mean? I was with you the entire time, idiot! It was probably just some failed power that scum Fatima used to throw us off the trail to Hamila Tower, so just keep up!"

Little did they know, the fog was supposed to represent someone you deeply loved - alive or dead. This was the power of Lynette, being able to manipulate people's minds not with words, but with her hands. Although the illusions were gone, the sky was still purple - meaning that they would be stuck in this dimension and not able to escape Hamila until they took down Fatima. In short, there were only two outcomes for getting out of the universe - you could either win, kill Fatima, and escape Hamila, or be a hostage of the Romanti Clan, and live in their custody forever. Outside of the dimension, the island of Hamila was not visible to any human - completely eradicated from the sea. However, it was replaced with a giant purple cloud that verified the existence of the island. Back to the illusions, however - if Michael and Alex both got through with no problems while seeing each other, were the illusions themselves in each of their eyes…?"

Kevin looked at his hands, then at the clearing fog. "Why the hell did I see him!? He's been missing for years, goddammit! I can't even tell him to join Team ENTITY because there's been no trace of him for so long - why would that be used against me!? The fog spread all across the city, so everyone else probably got an illusion as well. Not a problem for Michael and Alex, but why the hell would they use indistinct against me!?"

Romanti Castle

Gerald sighed, looking at the fog that covered the entire city - blended with the unfolding fires that sat over Hamila. "That fog is going to be something for everyone - something that may make them go insane. Nobody knows what the backdoor is to get out of this universe, though…"

"Except me." he continued, remembering the phone call Fatima and Lynette had just 10 minutes ago.

10 minutes ago

"Rrrrring." the phone sounded once again, but in Fatima's room in the Romanti Castle. Picking it up without hesitation, he let a cold blow transmit through the microphone. "Hello, Lynette. Are you ready for the domain transformation?"

Lynette smiled, pointing a sniper to Noah and Kyle's head on a distant ship further away from Hamila. "The terrain on this island looks surprisingly withered for a bunch of smartasses! I've got a sniper on two of their allies, but since they can't find me, I'll be sure to give everyone up there and them down here an illusion on someone they once loved or someone they have a bad past with. Then, I can defeat them mentally and physically and cut them down while they sulk in grief, being forced to kill the person they love most!" 

Gerald scoffed. "What the hell!? They're going to make my friends suffer!" he exclaimed, thinking of each member of Team ENTITY.

I give you full permission to annihilate Team ENTITY's allies and their ship, but be sure to bring back something good for me!"

Lynette smiled, her ship slowly drifting towards Kyle and Noah. "Alright, Fatima! This sniper is going to change the world with just one bullet!" she exclaimed.

Fatima smiled, putting down the phone. "Shit, I'm hungry - wonder if Pepe is fighting for his life against the weakest life form right now." Although the backdoor had not been mentioned in the phone call, Fatima looked at the sky soon after the scene transitioned, repeating it in his mind. "The power lies in my hands, I guess… Maybe my time is now."

Gerald scoffed, running away from the room at full speed. "Fatima holds the power to get us out of this dimension!?" he exclaimed, grabbing multiple Romanti family members' attention. "What the hell was Gerald doing in Fatima's room!?" a soldier exclaimed, glancing at the security camera. "Hopefully Fatima didn't repeat the backdoor under his breath…"