Gerald's Memory Unlocked

Michelle smiled, finally seeking Gerald as a smile was shown covering her entire face. "Hello, brother." she muttered, grabbing him tight. "I have a surprise for you I think you'll like!"

Gerald scoffed. "What the hell do you want now, dumbass!?" he muttered. Michelle's smile faded, pulling out a gun-like weapon and pointing it at Gerald. "Before you get brainwashed, I'm willing to give you your full memory back, since you were a newborn! You'll remember your experience during the great Romanti Revolution and beyond! But beware, something may surprise you…"

Gerald scoffed. "I know you now, Michelle. You're a manipulative sister that wouldn't give me such an offer! What's wrong with you, get the hell out of my fac-"

"Actually, I changed my mind. Give me my full memory back, everything that I once thought to myself. I want to learn the truth of the Romanti Clan from my very yet early eyes!" Michelle smiled. "Finally, my brother actually agrees with me for once! I said back on the ship I was going to help you, wasn't I? Enjoy your full memory, little brother!" she exclaimed, the gun fully covering Gerald's body and putting a hole in the glass wall. Seconds later, Gerald's body was covered with smoke, remembering every single detail and moment from his life. "What the hell!? I had a relationship with that idiot!? I was so young, isn't that the girl that… led me to Turia!?"

Kevin promised Itama Kawasaki and Champion Suru that he would return to completely overthrow the Trilan dictatorship. As they continue to cross the seas to Hamila, however, they plan on how to get their friend Gerald Romanti back. In this volume, you will learn about the backstory of Gerald and Bubbles, along with the past of the Romanti Clan. Will Team ENTITY be able to carry on Alex's job and take on the Romanti Clan, or will they die and not be able to return to the diabolical government of Trila? Welcome to ENTITY VOLUME 10: Chasing Gerald

Volume 10, Chapter 26 - Gerald's Memory Unlocked

"Why the hell would you treat my mother like that!?" he exclaimed, pinning Michelle down to the ground in anger. "She did everything for you until the bitter end - this family is just a stupid group along with Aybara! I'm happy I got to Crystal City, no matter what! I never wanted to meet you, or anyone - she was the only one who cared for me!"

Michelle sighed. "Fatima did something fatal with her - he threw her in the sea, then she washed up on Trila - after that, she went deeper into Uma's control, and before we all knew it, she was going deeper. Now, her soul is completely gone…"

Gerald scoffed. "Uma… Sahua!?"

Romanti Territory, Hamila

The scene opens with a part of the infiltrated city coated with ice, multiple corpses of soldiers lying on the floor and impaled by the sharpest ice shards. In the thick of all the chaos, two red eyes appeared from the fog. Samantha, an ice-style member of Team ENTITY, was pulling a complete massacre on the city. "That fog… you had no right to do that to me!" she exclaimed, killing more soldiers that dared to stand in her way. Before her, however, sat the final soldier on the street that glanced at her in fear, looking at all the other dead corpses. "Please don't kill me!" he exclaimed. "I'll give you any information you want to know - just spare me!" Samantha hesitated, walking over to the soldier and grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. "Where the HELL are we?" she asked coldly.

The soldier hesitated, then continued to spill all the information. "We're in Lynette's domain! We can't escape unless Fatima is killed or if he reverts this power by himself - I have nothing to do with it, I swear! I have a family, please don't kill me!" Samantha rolled her eyes, throwing him into a nearby building. "Since I cleared that fog, I could give less of a shit about your life. Now, we're going to get Gerald back no matter what!" The soldier looked at Samantha. "Fatima cut all connections with us! We can't contact him, so it's just been a free for all ever since you guys infiltrated… I heard you know my son, though…"

Samantha looked at him. "I know a lot of young boys. Who is your son?"

The soldier took a dramatic pause before looking at Samantha in surrender. "You've heard the name Kaelan in Death Desert, haven't you?"

Meanwhile with Kevin

Kevin continued to run through the Romanti Territory, his objective shifting back on Gerald. "I have to get up to that tower as soon as possible!" he exclaimed. "After we clear this city, all we have to do is find a way up - then we'll be able to break in easily from above the clouds!" Suddenly, he froze almost instantly, looking at the frozen street and the street that was engulfed with fire. "Samantha was probably over there, and Alex was probably killing everyone in the street on the right…" Looking at the middle, Kevin noticed that it was completely unharmed. "I'll take the middle road!" he thought to himself, suddenly interrupted by the ground on the street turning into water. "What the hell!?" he thought to himself, trying to find the surface. "I've already swam enough back when I fought with Gerald and Nadia on my shoulder - who the hell-"

"Solid!" a voice in the water exclaimed, the water turning solid right after Kevin exited. "Kevin of Team ENTITY…" the man muttered, his face finally visible. "I'm going to kill you!"

Kevin laughed, looking at the man. "I'll wipe you out in one blow!" he exclaimed, running across Hamila to knock him out.

But all of a sudden, he was punched in the face by the man, who was identified to Hara Romanti, a man who could turn anything he liked into water or other physical properties. "You can't defeat me - I'm the ultimate lifeform!" he exclaimed. "I'll take over your body and break every single bone in it!" he exclaimed, cackling as Kevin's face lurked with defeat.