6.Gather Together

In the grand hall, Lin Muchuan and ShangGuanCY awaited. After a young eunuch delivered tea and retreated, leaving the two alone, they sat waiting for ChengSangJY and LinHuaichu.

"Muchuan, did Xubi come back? Do you know?" ShangGuanCY asked nonchalantly.

"Back? I sent people to the border to search for him for five whole years, and now he just decides to show up? Is he out of his mind?" Lin Muchuan was surprised and a little irritated.

Previously, they had stationed MuJinXB at the border, disguised as an ordinary villager, to avoid drawing attention. However, one day he disappeared without a trace, leaving only a letter behind. For the past five years, Lin Muchuan's biggest worry had been that Xubi had fallen into a trap. He never expected him to return to the capital like this.

ShangGuanCY seemed unfazed by Lin Muchuan's reaction, casually sipping tea and smiling.

Lin Muchuan, on the other hand, was anxious. Seeing ShangGuanCY's relaxed demeanor, he complained, "How can you leisurely drink tea at a time like this? We need to send someone to escort him out of the capital immediately. If we delay, the Xiao family might discover him, and it'll be much harder to get him out then."

ShangGuanCY couldn't help but chuckle at Lin Muchuan's rare display of nervousness. He shook his head in resignation but didn't say anything, allowing Lin Muchuan to fret.

"I suddenly received orders from the Emperor to recall the Scarlet Lin Cavalry to the capital. Could it be that he knows about Xubi's return? This can't wait. Where is he now? I need to find him and get him out of the city tonight." Lin Muchuan muttered to himself as he walked away.

"Muchuan, sit down and let me finish." ShangGuanCY quickly intervened.

Meanwhile, LiLuoning emerged from the Crown Prince's study and headed towards the door. Both Lin Muchuan and ShangGuanCY noticed the person with a distinctly different aura nearby.

"Is that the new Grand Tutor, appointed by JY?" ShangGuanCY couldn't help but ask. For some reason, this person exuded an entirely different vibe—part aloof elegance, part familiar presence.

"He's the physician, Grand Tutor?" Lin Muchuan also noticed LiLuoning nearby. "I heard he spent several years under the tutorship of Sima Jijiu. Sima Jijiu is renowned for his military and literary prowess. I wonder how skilled LiLuoning is?" Lin Muchuan inquired as he approached LiLuoning.

"Muchuan~ Wait, let me finish speaking." ShangGuanCY hurriedly stopped him.

At the same time, LiLuoning heard footsteps behind him. Accompanied by a blade aimed at him, he smiled faintly, flicking a small stone towards Lin Muchuan's feet.

Lin Muchuan, in the midst of his probing attack, stepped on the stone, causing his center of gravity to shift. With a slight movement of his hand, LiLuoning deftly cut off a strand of Lin Muchuan's hair. Seeing no reaction from the other party, Lin Muchuan quickly withdrew his attack, sheathing his sword.

LiLuoning turned around slowly, wearing an innocent expression, and assessed Lin Muchuan from head to toe. Then, he bowed slightly and introduced himself, "It seems you must be General Lin. I am LiLuoning, the Crown Prince's tutor."

"Nice to meet you, Grand Tutor Li," Lin Muchuan replied with a bow.

"May I ask, General Lin, if there's anything you need from me?" Lin Muchuan's sudden loss for words caught LiLuoning's attention.

LiLuoning pursed his lips and softly spoke, "Upon learning of the general's return from the border, the Crown Prince decided to end today's lessons early. Are you planning to leave now?"

"I heard that the Grand Tutor once studied under Sima Jijiu for several years. Sima Jijiu is known for being proficient in both literature and martial arts. I, Lin Muchuan, am a military man and know little about poetry and literature. However, I am eager to spar with you. Would the Grand Tutor be willing to indulge me?" Lin Muchuan asked straightforwardly.

LiLuoning smiled helplessly and said, "It's true that Master Sima excels in both literary and martial arts, but I'm just an ordinary scholar. I've only studied from books, so I'm afraid I'll disappoint you if you're expecting any martial skills from me. As the renowned general of ChengSangGuo, even Master Sima himself would probably only last a few rounds against you, General."

As they were conversing, LinHuaichu's voice came from behind, "Brother! What are you doing?" LinHuaichu ran over, guessing that his elder brother was once again obsessed with martial arts and tried to stop him.

"This is my brother, who only knows how to lead troops and fight battles. Please don't take his words to heart, sir," LinHuaichu hurriedly explained for his brother.

LiLuoning nodded with a smile, not minding.

LinHuaichu gave LinMuchuan a firm bump and whispered, "Brother, JY quite likes this gentleman. You'd better not cause trouble for him."

Seeing that there was nothing else, LiLuoning clasped his hands and said, "If there's nothing else, I won't disturb your family reunion. Goodbye." With that, he turned and left.

LinMuchuan carefully watched LiLuoning's departing figure and thought to himself, "This person appears weak and gentle, with an unsteady aura and delicate hands. He doesn't seem like a martial artist at all."

Inside the capital city, at the Drunken Immortal Tower.

On the third floor, MuJinling and ChengSangMo sat facing each other. MuJinling handed over the tea and teased, "Prince MoLan, you're making such a big fuss even when visiting a brothel. Are you afraid that the whole city of Kyoto won't know of your patronage?"

"Who would have thought that the renowned Chasing Moon Pavilion would be run by a brothel boy from the capital city?" ChengSangMo took the tea and whispered extremely softly.

MuJinling glanced meaningfully at ChengSangMo and said, "I owe today's success to Prince MoLan's care."

Years ago, ShangGuanCY had thought he could deceive everyone by faking his death and sending MuJinXB away. However, knowing MuJinXB's character, ChengSangMo suspected that LinMuchuan's men wouldn't be able to do much, so he personally dispatched someone to keep an eye on him.

As expected, not long after, it was discovered that MuJinXB had quietly begun making arrangements and showed signs of wanting to return to Kyoto. ChengSangMo knew he wouldn't give up easily. But at that time, MuJinXB was just a weak scholar without any strength, and the Xiao family's people seemed to have noticed the flaws in his fake death and were searching for him everywhere.

With no other choice, ChengSangMo used his connections in the martial world to throw the young MuJinXB into the Chasing Moon Pavilion. He had hoped that as long as there was a place to keep him safe, other matters could be dealt with later. With the Chasing Moon Pavilion as a shield, even if the Xiao family knew he was still alive, they would be helpless. It was a move that killed two birds with one stone, but he never expected MuJinXB to become the pavilion's owner in just five short years.

"Don't you hate me?" ChengSangMo asked. In fact, he had hesitated back then. After all, the Chasing Moon Pavilion was not a place for idlers, and MuJinXB's temperament at the time probably couldn't avoid some hardships there.

MuJinling sneered, "Hate? Why wouldn't I? People from the ChengSang family are probably cleaner than those from the Xiao family. But I have to thank Prince MoLan. If you hadn't thrown me into the Chasing Moon Pavilion, I probably wouldn't be MuJinling today."

ChengSangMo took a sip of tea and asked, "Since you've planned everything, when do you intend to start?"

MuJinling exhaled a puff of smoke lightly and tapped his slender fingers on the table. "No rush. Since I can survive until now, dealing with the Xiao family should be more interesting if I take my time."

ChengSangMo lowered his voice warningly, "The Chasing Moon Pavilion has never meddled in court affairs. What you're doing may not be appropriate."

MuJinling glanced indifferently and propped his chin with one hand, looking at ChengSangMo in front of him. After a moment, he chuckled lightly and asked, "How long are you going to keep pretending to be ill?"

"My affairs are none of your concern."

MuJinling smirked, lifting a strand of hair from his forehead with one finger and twirling it around his fingertip. With a hint of playfulness in his eyes, he said, "Turning against me so quickly? You should know that back then, I was just a wandering traveler. It was for the sake of saving Your Highness that I endured more than seventy lashes as punishment, nearly losing half my life. If it weren't for my timely appearance, you would have long been a pile of flesh and blood." MuJinling's words carried a touch of sarcasm.

Years ago, as a Wind-rank assassin in the Chasing Moon Pavilion, MuJinXB had heard about the Xiao family's spring hunting plans. He had secretly gone out into the deep forest to rescue ChengSangMo, who was fighting against a demon, and had suggested the idea of feigning illness to him.

"I came to the Drunken Immortal Tower today to make the discerning see that behind you stands this towering tree of mine. Although my influence as MoLan Prince is not as great as the Chasing Moon Pavilion, at least in Kyoto, I can help you avoid the harassment of those small fry." ChengSangMo said.

"Then I thank Your Highness for your kindness."

Inside the palace, in the Queen's chamber,

Princess Yangqi was visiting the queen and brought some dried fruit and tea that LinMuchuan had brought back from the Northern Desert.

"Your Majesty looks much better recently. Did the prescription from the new physician in the palace work?" Princess Yangqi asked.

Queen XiaoRui smiled and replied, "That common doctor does have some skill. Thanks to him, my health has gradually improved. I heard that he had previously served under Master Sima for a while, and when the former Grand Tutor of JY suddenly fell ill and returned to his hometown, I called him to take his place."

"I often hear Huaichu mention this new teacher. It seems that he is quite different from the previous Grand Tutor. Our ChengSang Kingdom is indeed extraordinary, even a commoner from the market has such abilities." Princess Yangqi sighed.

At this point, Queen XiaoRui seemed to remember something, sighed, and put down the tea in her hand, saying with concern, "JY, this child, is weak and indecisive, and lacks diligence in his daily activities. He's even unable to practice martial arts. I really worry that if he inherits the throne in the future, he may find it difficult to handle such a responsibility."

"The Crown Prince is still young, and His Majesty is currently in good health. Your Majesty, there's no need to worry so much. There will be plenty of time to teach him in the future. As for Huaichu, if it weren't for his elder brother's constant supervision, he might have been just a young nobleman who knew nothing but eating, drinking, and having fun. His literary talent and knowledge are probably not even half of the Crown Prince's." Princess Yangqi responded.

"Ah, JY, this child, didn't inherit half of his father's courage. He seems to have all the shortcomings. On ordinary days, he either shows interest in animals or likes to play with flowers and plants. He doesn't have the demeanor of a prince at all. It's different with your LinMuchuan. He's both literary and martial, having experienced numerous battles at a young age. He's the backbone of our ChengSang Kingdom." Queen XiaoRui praised.

In the Crown Prince's residence,

ChengSangJY, ShangGuanCY, LinMuchuan, and LinHuaichu were sitting in the pavilion, with only a few eunuchs on the side serving them.

"Brother MuChuan, why did Father suddenly summon you back to the capital this time?" ChengSangJY asked.

"Oh, it's nothing serious. It's just that Mother's health hasn't been good lately, so she asked me to accompany her more often and take care of her." LinMuchuan replied.

"So, does that mean, Big Brother, you won't have to leave in the future?" LinHuaichu asked excitedly.

ShangGuanCY teased, "Little Huaichu, aren't you always afraid of your big brother coming back? How come you're so happy when you hear that he won't have to leave anymore?"

"I... I'm just happy for Mother's sake. ShangGuanCY, you talk too much. Besides, with Big Brother staying in Kyoto in the future, our brothers can gather more often, right, Big Brother?" LinHuaichu smiled.

"I see you're just hoping that I won't be around to bother you, so you can do whatever you want." LinMuchuan glanced at the smiling LinHuaichu, with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

ChengSangJY asked, "But what about the border? We still need someone to guard it to feel at ease, right?"

The emperor had dispatched a military unit from the Ministry of War. For the past few years, the border had remained peaceful, so as long as there was a military presence, everything should be fine. The Red Dragon Cavalry had been stationed there for many years, and it was time for them to return to the capital for some rest," LinMuchuan reiterated what had happened in the study.

Upon hearing this, ShangGuanCY fell into contemplation. He couldn't help but wonder, "The Red Dragon Cavalry has been stationed there for many years and is familiar with the border. Why would the emperor suddenly dispatch a new troop?"

Raising his cup, LinHuaichu said, "CY, what are you thinking? It's good that my brother can stay in Kyoto. Let's celebrate with a drink."

Pulling himself out of his thoughts, ShangGuanCY smiled gently and said, "Indeed, let's have a drink. Firstly, to celebrate MuChuan's return to the capital, and secondly... consider it a farewell to your good days, little brother."

"You! CY, why can't you say something cheerful? Besides, with my big brother back, I'm thrilled. What's there to mourn?" LinHuaichu tugged at LinMuchuan's sleeve, resembling a docile, eager-to-please puppy.

ChengSangJY couldn't help but chuckle. LinHuaichu, who usually feared nothing and no one, was most afraid of his older brother. In previous years, his brother would only come back for a few days during the New Year or occasionally for a long vacation every three or four years. Without LinMuchuan around, LinHuaichu behaved like a little tyrant, relatively restrained in the palace but unruly once outside.

"Oh?" ShangGuanCY smirked knowingly, looking at LinHuaichu.

Seemingly guilty, LinHuaichu slowly put down his cup and looked at his older brother, trying to please him.

LinMuchuan, knowing full well that ShangGuanCY was teasing him, played along, pretending to be serious as he looked at LinHuaichu and questioned, "Oh? It sounds like you have something to confess, little brother?"

Seeing LinMuchuan's gaze, LinHuaichu instantly looked like a frightened mouse, waving his hands and saying, "Brother, don't listen to him. He's just trying to drive a wedge between us. I have nothing to confess."

Setting down his cup slowly, LinMuchuan knew his younger brother too well. Although he didn't cause any major trouble on ordinary days, he certainly didn't always follow the rules. With a somewhat stern look, he glanced at LinHuaichu and asked, "So, should I believe you or believe CY?"

Indignant, LinHuaichu exclaimed, "Of... of course you should believe me! You're my big brother. How can you just believe what others say based on a few words?"

"Sigh, I'm not just anyone. Besides, someone owes nearly ten thousand taels of silver for items they've charged at my shop, and they still haven't paid up. Should I ask you for the money, or should I ask your big brother?" ShangGuanCY took out an account book from his pocket and shook it.

ChengSangJY could barely contain his laughter, maintaining a poker face and fanning himself.

"You... you're doing this on purpose. Brother, don't believe him. In the days when you weren't here, I was busy keeping JY company with his studies. How could I have time to wander around his shop? Don't believe me? Ask JY!" LinHuaichu quickly tried to defend himself.

LinMuchuan glanced at ChengSangJY, hoping to see his reaction.

Unexpectedly, ChengSangJY quickly picked up ShangGuanCY's fan, coughed lightly, and looked away, pretending not to notice.

"Hey! ChengSangJY, are you kidding me? Even you're ganging up on me!" LinHuaichu sighed in frustration.

ChengSangJY just shrugged, as if to say, "I didn't say anything."

Seeing that neither of them was on his side, LinHuaichu felt a sense of foreboding. He subtly began to move his feet and said, "Um, I think I've had enough. I... I'll head back first." With that, he turned to leave.

But as soon as he stood up, he felt his clothes being pulled by something. Looking down, he saw that his clothes were firmly pinned under LinMuchuan's foot.

"Uh... heh heh, brother... um, can you let me explain first?" LinHuaichu stuttered nervously.

With a mischievous smile, LinMuchuan replied, "Sure, after I give you a good beating. Then you can explain while lying down." With that, he got up and chased after LinHuaichu.

"Ah, brother, don't be impulsive. Listen to my explanation, brother, please,

 this is the palace, it's not proper to act this way!" LinHuaichu shouted as he ran, trying to evade his brother's affectionate yet forceful kicks.

ShangGuanCY and ChengSangJY just laughed and watched the scene unfold. Even the steward couldn't help but chuckle.

Meanwhile, back at home, LiLuoning sensed that someone had visited while he was away. Carefully checking the house, he then smiled and said, "You're willing to come back now?"

At that moment, a hidden weapon flew out of the darkness, aimed at LiLuoning.

However, LiLuoning remained still, showing no intention of moving. The silver needle flew past his face, through his hair, and embedded itself in a pillar behind him.

"One moment gone for several months, and you're already planning to kill your master?" LiLuoning half-jokingly said to the darkness.

Before he could finish, a lively girl in a red dress emerged from the darkness.

"Master, you still remember to come back? I've been waiting for you at home for several days!" the girl complained, pouting.

LiLuoning teased affectionately, "Do you finally know what it's like to miss someone and wait for them?"