7.Pray for Blessings

In the deep of night within Empress XiaoRui's chambers, whispered conversations pierced the silence of the darkened room. "Your Majesty, I've been unable to unearth anything substantial about LiLuoning's background. Since his arrival at the palace, he's had no further contact with the ShangGuan family," reported a kneeling figure, cloaked in shadows.

XiaoRui, her hair loose and draped in a moonlit robe, her face stripped of its usual regal adornments, responded with a venomous gaze, "Is he truly just a commoner physician?" She paused before probing further, "What of the investigation into that courtesan?"

The shadowy figure replied, "Your Majesty, the individual known as MuJinling, indeed from the remnants of the Mu family, now resides as a top courtesan at the Drunken Fairy Tower. Prince ChengSangJY and Prince MoLan are frequent visitors. We've made several covert attempts to test him, but..."

"But what?" implored XiaoRui sharply.

"Our agents haven't even managed to get close to the Drunken Fairy Tower before mysteriously disappearing. It seems MuJinling is protected by a far more formidable force than we anticipated," the figure elaborated.

Frustrated, XiaoRui snapped, "If we cannot handle a mere courtesan, what use are you all?" 

The figure quickly apologized for their failure, prompting XiaoRui to muse, "If he has returned, someone powerful must be backing him. I am curious to see what game this scholar from the Mu family is playing."

Just then, the announcement of the Emperor's arrival echoed outside, swiftly followed by a brightening of the chamber. XiaoRui signaled the shadow to exit through the back, swiftly securing the window behind him, and hurriedly dressed to greet Emperor ChengSangKing.

"Greetings, Your Majesty," she said, just as Emperor ChengSangKing stepped into the chamber.

"Hmm, rise," he murmured wearily, heading towards XiaoRui's bed.

Following him, XiaoRui, with a tone of concern, inquired, "What brings you to my chambers so late, Your Majesty?"

With a sardonic smile, ChengSangKing replied, "In all this palace, you are the only consort I have. Where else would I go?"

A reminder of the promise made years ago when the Xiao family helped ChengSangKing to power—the agreement that he would marry XiaoRui and never take another consort. Over the years, any woman who caught ChengSangKing's eye mysteriously vanished shortly after, and eventually, he grew weary of seeking others. XiaoRui, for her part, had only given birth to ChengSangJY, their sole son.

XiaoRui, recognizing the jab, responded playfully, "Your devotion to me is always appreciated, Your Majesty. But you seem weary tonight; have you been kept up with official duties again?"

ChengSangKing, settling on the bed, shared, "I've been sleeping poorly. Each night, I hear weeping outside the royal study—it's quite unsettling. I thought a night here might offer some peace."

"Could it be...?" XiaoRui began softly.

Opening his eyes, ChengSangKing's expression was mixed with resignation. "It's been many years, yet I wonder if he still resents me."

As dawn approached, LiLuoning entered the study to find ChengSangJY kneeling, facing away from the door. Surprised and concerned, LiLuoning inquired, "Why are you kneeling, Your Highness?"

ChengSangJY rose slowly to his feet, paying respects to LiLuoning before explaining, "Recently, my father has been suffering from restless nights, plagued by nightmares, unable to find peace in sleep for many days. My mother has instructed me to pray for my father every morning to fulfill my duties as a filial son."

LiLuoning glanced at the deep impressions on the cushion where ChengSangJY had been kneeling, indicating the young prince had been there for quite some time. Already burdened with early lessons, now with additional prayers, it seemed he scarcely had time for rest.

Internally, LiLuoning mused, "The Empress Dowager had allowed me to stay by ChengSangJY's side so easily, likely wanting to see how the ShangGuan family would play their next move. She could easily replace me as she did my predecessor. If I wish to remain at the palace, near ChengSangJY, finding a reason to be indispensable is crucial."

"Do you know what troubles your father in his dreams?" he asked ChengSangJY.

After a moment of thought, ChengSangJY replied, "The night guards say that father constantly hears someone crying outside the royal study. At first, everyone thought it was a cat, but later, they realized that only father could hear it. Oddly, all the palace maids who served in the study fell ill, yet those who stopped serving there recovered."

"A haunting," LiLuoning thought silently.

"Why do you ask, sir? Do you have a way to help?" ChengSangJY inquired, and after a pause added, "I heard the prayer pouches from JingYuan Temple are supposed to protect one's peace; I plan to acquire one for my father in a few days."

Elsewhere, in the Drunken Fairy Tower, ShangGuanCY and MuJinXB were engaged in a game of chess. MuJinXB, holding a white piece, finally smiled slightly after a long pause and lightly set it on the board, "Master ShangGuan, it seems I win this round."

Looking at the chessboard, ShangGuanCY pursed his lips in dissatisfaction, "Even after all these years, my skills are still inferior to yours."

MuJinXB stepped down from the couch, walked over to the table, and began pouring tea. "You seemed particularly generous today; what is it that you want from me?" he asked.

Realizing that MuJinXB saw through him, ShangGuanCY joined him at the table, his expression serious, "I need your help from the Moon Chasing Pavilion to investigate someone."

MuJinXB glanced at him, sighed softly, and responded, "I cannot help."

ShangGuanCY was puzzled. "I haven't even told you who it is yet. How do you know you can't help?"

"It's that new teacher by the little prince, isn't it?" MuJinXB played with his hair, lifting a smoking pipe. "I've already checked for you. There's no information on him at all within the Moon Chasing Pavilion."

ShangGuanCY, still puzzled, pressed, "Even the Moon Chasing Pavilion can't find anything about him?"

"It's true," MuJinXB confirmed, his expression mixed with resignation. "Sometimes we meet tasks that even we can't handle. And about this man, aside from some basic data, there's virtually no background available."

"What if he has harmful intentions towards ChengSangJY?" ShangGuanCY asked.

Laughing lightly, MuJinXB looked at him and replied, "You're so protective. The emperor and empress haven't raised concerns, so why are you so worried? Besides, he was placed there by your father. If you don't trust him, shouldn't you at least trust your father's judgment?"

ShangGuanCY's eyes darkened, his voice lowering, "You don't frequent the palace; you don't understand the intricacies. Though ChengSangJY is the crown prince, ascending to that role is the last thing he desires. To avoid disappointing the emperor and empress, he has been forcing himself to transform into someone else, doing all that a prince should do, not what ChengSangJY wishes to do. I may not be his real brother, but having watched him grow up, it's clear he's being molded into a role that isn't his own."

Drinking his tea, ShangGuanCY's voice filled with helplessness and pain. "I can't remember the last time I saw ChengSangJY truly happy."

MuJinXB, observing the thoughtful ShangGuanCY, sighed and suggested, "Since we can't find solid information and aren't sure of his intentions, why not put him to the test?"

In the palace's royal study, an announcement came: "Your Majesty

, the Crown Prince ChengSangJY seeks an audience." A servant reported to the emperor.

The emperor, weary and distracted by the troubles that seemed to invade his quiet moments, nodded slowly, allowing the entrance of his son, hoping perhaps this meeting might cast away some of the shadows that had gathered around his throne.

It seems like you're looking for the continuation of a translation from a story or novel involving courtly intrigue and character interactions in a historical or fantasy setting. Here's the continuation of your translation:

"'Hmm? Why is JY visiting at this hour? Announce him,' said ChengSangKing, looking up from his documents.

'This humble prince pays his respects to the Emperor,' JY greeted, bowing deeply as he entered.

'Rise, my son. Why do you seek an audience at this late hour? Is there something urgent?' ChengSangKing inquired, his voice filled with a mixture of concern and curiosity.

'Your Majesty, I've heard that you've been troubled by sleepless nights recently. I've brought some dragon bone incense from Master Li, who claims it helps soothe the mind and improve sleep,' JY explained, producing a small box from his robe.

'Ah, Master Li, the physician, right? I remember now. You are thoughtful, JY,' the emperor nodded in approval.

A servant presented the incense box to ChengSangKing, who inspected the finely carved container and asked, 'JY, did you carve this box yourself?'

'...Yes,' JY replied, slightly hesitant, fearing it might meet the same fate as other gifts should it displease his father.

ChengSangKing examined the box closely. 'Well done. The craftsmanship is delicate and intricate. You've put considerable effort into this.'

JY was momentarily stunned by the praise, then quickly expressed his gratitude, 'Thank you, Father, for your kind words.'

Handing the box to a servant, ChengSangKing's eyes twinkled with amusement as he asked, 'You've grown thoughtful and considerate, my son. What reward would you ask for?'

Realizing this was his moment, JY hesitantly ventured, 'Father, I wish to... leave the palace... for a day.' His voice trailed off uncertainly towards the end.

'Leave the palace?' The emperor was taken aback by the request but continued, 'And why do you wish to do that, JY?'

'I would like to visit Jingyuan Temple to pray for your health, Father. It is said that their blessed talismans are most efficacious, and I wish to obtain one for you,' JY explained earnestly.

Seeing his son's genuine concern, ChengSangKing felt a warm sense of gratification, 'My son, I am touched by your filial piety. Your request is granted.'

'Thank you, Father!' JY's eyes lit up with joy as he bowed deeply.

'However, you must not go alone. Have ShangGuanCY and MuChuan accompany you; I would be at ease then,' the emperor instructed.

'As you command, Father. But about Mother...' JY began.

'I will speak to your mother. Tell her the abbot of Jingyuan Temple has invited you to study Buddhist scriptures,' ChengSangKing concluded with a smile, indicating the audience was over.

'Thank you for your great kindness, Father.'

Days later, on the outskirts of the capital, JY, ShangGuanCY, MuChuan, and LinHuaichu rode together towards Jingyuan Temple.

'JY, how did you persuade the emperor to let you leave the palace? Did the empress agree?' LinHuaichu inquired curiously.

With a light chuckle, JY replied, 'Father said to tell Mother that the abbot invited me to study Buddhism, so she wouldn't refuse.'

'Clever! Getting the emperor to help you trick the empress,' LinHuaichu remarked, impressed.

JY quickly covered LinHuaichu's mouth, 'Watch your words! I didn't trick Mother. I'm genuinely going to pray for our parents. Don't twist my words. If Mother hears such talk, I might never be allowed out again.'

'Relax, we're outside the palace now. And what I said is true. If you're only allowed out once for this, the empress will surely suspect something eventually,' LinHuaichu whispered, wiping his mouth.

Realizing the validity of LinHuaichu's point, JY pondered, 'That does make sense. What should I do then?'

With a mischievous grin, LinHuaichu suggested, 'Why not make a deal with the abbot to visit the temple on the first and fifteenth of each month to study Buddhism? That way, you can leave the palace twice a month.'

'Is that really possible?' JY asked, unsure.

'Of course, the abbot is easy to talk to. Just go and discuss it with him.'

JY was still uncertain, 'Huaichu, you know I'm not good with words...'

Seeing his hesitation, LinHuaichu glanced at

ShangGuanCY and suggested, 'You may not be smooth with words, but someone else is skilled at that.'

Overhearing their conversation, ShangGuanCY sighed as he turned to MuChuan, 'MuChuan, it seems I've become the target of their plans during your absence.'

MuChuan, puzzled at first, quickly understood after seeing ShangGuanCY's gesture towards LinHuaichu, and he chided, 'LinHuaichu, stop giving bad advice. Are you itching for trouble again?'

'I didn't say anything! It wasn't me!' LinHuaichu quickly denied, though he looked defiantly at ShangGuanCY's retreating back.

ShangGuanCY, though irritated, decided not to argue and instead asked JY, 'Did the new master not accompany you?'

'He said he would meet us at Jingyuan Temple,' JY responded.

As they approached a more secluded part of the road, MuChuan suddenly signaled for everyone to halt, his expression serious as he listened to the surrounding silence.

'Why have we stopped, brother?' LinHuaichu whispered.

'Shh!' MuChuan hissed, unsheathing his sword slightly as a precaution.

The quiet was too profound, the silence unnatural. Suddenly, MuChuan shouted a warning, and with lightning-fast reflexes, he leaped from his horse, deflecting a cold arrow shot from the bushes.

As the first arrow flew, many more followed, whistling through the trees around them. The group swiftly circled around JY, shielding him as they parried the relentless barrage.

Out of nowhere, a figure darted from the woods, attacking MuChuan directly. After several exchanges, MuChuan was drawn away from JY, several yards into the forest.

At that moment, several men burst from the woods to one side, with one launching a fierce downward strike at ShangGuanCY, who quickly parried with his fan and engaged in close combat.

Unnoticed by the two elder brothers, they were deliberately separated from ChengSangJY and LinHuaichu by the men in black.

"Brother, I can't hold them off much longer," LinHuaichu shouted loudly.

Realizing the distance between them, LinMuchuan turned to run back but was entangled by the assailants. The same tactic was used on ShangGuanCY on the other side, deliberately pulling both away from ChengSangJY.

Suddenly, a 'swoosh' was heard, and an arrow flew straight toward ChengSangJY, who had no time to defend.

"Pu~" The sound of the arrow piercing flesh was heard.

ChengSangJY, expecting to be hit, closed his eyes awaiting the pain. However, he felt someone's arms around him, and when he regained his senses, he was falling to the ground.

"Master!" LinHuaichu turned just in time to see LiLuoning shielding ChengSangJY, with the arrow striking him in the back.

Hearing his voice, ChengSangJY opened his eyes to find himself in LiLuoning's embrace.

Without a moment to spare, LiLuoning quickly grabbed LinHuaichu by the sleeve, "Let's go!" and with a swift motion, they ducked into the trees behind them.

The arrows continued to fly toward the trees aimlessly. With a whistle signal, the attack ceased as muffled groans were heard.

After dealing with the assailants, LinMuchuan and ShangGuanCY hurried back to the original spot, only to find a pool of blood but no sign of ChengSangJY and LinHuaichu.

"LinHuaichu! ChengSangJY!" LinMuchuan and ShangGuanCY called out anxiously.

"We're here," came a voice from the woods.

LinHuaichu and ChengSangJY emerged, supporting a pale LiLuoning, whose lips were turning blue and his forehead covered in sweat, barely able to see clearly due to the poison from the arrow.

"Brother, the master is hurt!" LinHuaichu exclaimed urgently.

ShangGuanCY, always cautious, questioned, "How did you know we were ambushed here, Master?"

LiLuoning, struggling to maintain his posture, replied weakly, "I was waiting outside the temple gate, but when you did not arrive for a long time, I thought to follow the mountain path to find you, and then I heard the noises here."

"ShangGuanCY, now's not the time to worry about this, we need to get him to the temple fast, the arrow is poisoned!" ChengSangJY urged.

They quickly mounted their horses and rushed towards the temple. ShangGuanCY paused to lift the veil of a fallen assailant with his fan, hinting that he recognized something.

Inside the temple, the abbot came out to meet a concerned ChengSangJY at the door.

"Abbot, how is the master?" ChengSangJY asked urgently.

The abbot bowed slightly and replied, "Fear not, Your Highness. The arrow did not strike any vital area, and the poison was not deep, thanks to the timely rescue and the antidotal herbs grown on the back mountain. Master Li has been treated and should recover within a few days."

"Abbot, do you know what poison was used?" LinHuaichu asked.

"It's called 'Golden Scorpion,' a poison derived from the tail of a scorpion from the Northern Deserts," explained the abbot.

"Northern Deserts?!"

At the MoLan Prince's estate, a man hurriedly entered and headed for the study.

"Your Highness," he called before entering.

"Come in," ChengSangMo instructed from inside.

"How did it go?" ChengSangMo asked calmly after a sip of tea.

"Your Highness, we have not identified who is responsible," the man reported.

"Not found?" ChengSangMo asked displeased.

The kneeling man trembled slightly, "I am incompetent, sir. We only found out that the poison on the arrow is from the Northern Deserts."

Hearing it was from the Northern Deserts, ChengSangMo's eyebrows twitched slightly, "Again the Northern Deserts, send a message there, find out what is going on."

Days later, at the Drunken Fairy Tavern, ShangGuanCY arrived furiously looking for MuJinXB. As he was about to ascend to the upper floors, the hostess tried to intercept him,

"My lord, why such

Here's a continuation of your translation with additional narrative to maintain the context:

Angry, ShangGuanCY continued, "How can you try to delay me at a time like this? I need to speak with MuJinXB now!" Without waiting for her to finish her sentence about the fine Longjing tea, he pushed past her and rushed up to the third floor.

Stumbling but regaining her balance, the hostess called after him, "ShangGuan Sir, please be aware that MuJinXB has guests in his room today."