
The cold wind whistled and the rain drizzled down, as hurried footsteps, mingled with panic, echoed from the depths of the bamboo forest, growing louder and closer.

"Chase her! The master has ordered, kill without mercy."

In the shadow of the moon, a woman could be seen desperately running, with a group of pursuers close behind. The swords and knives in their hands reflected the cold light, and the sound of their footsteps in the silent bamboo forest seemed like a death knell. The woman, running ahead, stumbled and fell in her panic, her bare feet covered in a mixture of mud and blood, and her arms full of wounds. In the darkness of the forest, she couldn't see the path ahead and tripped, falling heavily to the ground.

"She ran this way, quick, chase!" shouted the leader, pointing in the direction where the woman had fallen.

The woman, struggling to get up from the ground, stumbled again as she tried to run, realizing with horror that she had twisted her ankle in the fall. The voices of her pursuers drew closer, and her face filled with fear and panic. She tried to hide in a clump of low bamboo, seeking temporary concealment.

"Is there really no escape?" the woman sighed in despair.

The sky, as if mocking her plight, began to rain. Hearing the approaching footsteps, she curled up on the ground in desperation, her body trembling uncontrollably, unsure if it was from fear or the cold.

Just as the woman felt all hope was lost, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her. Before she could see the person's face clearly, a gentle voice whispered in her ear,

"Come with me."

She felt her wrist being grasped and was effortlessly pulled up from the ground. Then, she felt herself lifted off her feet. The sounds of pursuit gradually faded into the distance, and after a long while, they landed in a cave on a high cliff. Still in shock, the woman instinctively pushed away the person who had just saved her, scrambling to hide behind a rock.

It was only after a long time that she dared to peek out and look around. In the faint moonlight, she could finally see the face of her rescuer clearly, and she exclaimed in astonishment,

"You are?… Young Master!"

In the bustling city center,

The streets were filled with people, the sound of laughter and music. The aroma of strange scents wafted from the teahouses on either side. The waiters skillfully moved between customers with wine jugs, and the clinking of cups and cheerful laughter could be heard from the restaurants.

ChengSangJY couldn't help but ask,

"Huaichu, why is the city so lively today?"

LinHuaichu, who had been paying attention to the street vendors, munching on melon seeds and occasionally glancing at the goods, threw away the nearly finished seeds and clapped his hands proudly,

"Isn't the Mid-Autumn Festival coming soon? Every year, many merchant caravans from Luosha come to our capital to stock up. The people of Luosha are known for their generosity, and the commoners naturally bring out their best goods, hoping to make a good profit during this time."

ChengSangJY frowned slightly and pointed to the city gate in confusion,

"Luosha's merchant caravans? By rights, someone should have gone to the palace to request travel permits. How come these people are just swaggering in without being checked by the city guards?"

LinHuaichu replied nonchalantly,

"Luosha's merchant caravans come to the capital every year. Their Moonlight Festival coincides with our Mid-Autumn Festival. The two countries have always had exchanges, and with frequent visits, there's no need to request travel permits from the Emperor every time. Besides, these caravans stay for at most two to three days, and as long as they are under ten people, there's no need for the cumbersome process."

ChengSangJY nodded but still felt something was amiss,

"While this indeed reduces unnecessary trouble, it also makes it easy for some with ulterior motives to blend into the city."

LinHuaichu shrugged it off,

"The city is always under my elder brother's watchful eye. Who would dare cause trouble? They must not have heard of the Lin family's prowess."

As they chatted, LinHuaichu heard a melodious bell sound not far away, accompanied by a faint jasmine fragrance.

Following LinHuaichu's gaze, ChengSangJY saw a woman dressed in thin red silk, with a veil covering her face, slowly entering the Drunken Immortal Pavilion ahead.

"Wow, Drunken Immortal Pavilion has a new dancer! Judging by her outfit, she must have been specially chosen from Luosha." LinHuaichu's eyes widened in admiration, almost drooling.

"Drunken Immortal Pavilion?"

"You don't know the Drunken Immortal Pavilion?" LinHuaichu wiped his mouth and asked.

"Is it a restaurant?"

LinHuaichu chuckled mischievously and whispered mysteriously,

"The Drunken Immortal Pavilion is a place that can make even gods lose themselves in drunken dreams...a very special place. Come on, I'll take you to see for yourself."

With that, he pulled ChengSangJY towards the Drunken Immortal Pavilion, completely unaware that a figure was watching them from a distance.

In the second-floor Orchid Room of the Drunken Immortal Pavilion,

LinHuaichu was enjoying his wine, the table in front of him laden with various delicacies. Several signature dishes were served in exquisite crystal cups, and the silver wine pot was inlaid with bright gems. Even the chopsticks and bowls were intricately carved.

ChengSangJY felt a bit uneasy. As soon as they stepped into the hall, several people had rushed to him, hanging onto his shoulders like bags and occasionally holding his wrists like obedient kittens. During the brief moment in the hall, ChengSangJY felt hands gently caressing his neck from time to time. When he turned to look, he only saw a flash of light fabric and a waft of perfume. The overly enthusiastic treatment from everyone here was a stark contrast to the respectful deference he was used to in the palace, making him uncomfortable. This was the first time he had seen such a place, with so many beautiful women and men.

"Huaichu, this place doesn't look like the restaurants we usually visit. The people downstairs were so enthusiastic. What kind of place is this?" ChengSangJY asked, looking around the room. Though not as grand as the palace, it was clearly a luxurious place. The ink-dyed screens with golden edges were too ornate, and even the table had brightly painted orchids, as if afraid not to show off the wealth.

"Really, JY, we've been here for a while, and you still haven't figured it out?" LinHuaichu asked in surprise, thinking that JY would understand upon entering, but he still looked clueless.

ChengSangJY shook his head, expressionless.

LinHuaichu sighed and beckoned him closer, whispering in his ear.

Upon hearing LinHuaichu's words, ChengSangJY stood up abruptly, his face flushed,

"Isn't this a brothel!"

"Shh! Keep your voice down! Is there a need for such a big reaction? You're embarrassing me. Sit down, quickly, don't act like you've never seen the world."

LinHuaichu tugged ChengSangJY back into his seat with difficulty.

"Huaichu, we should leave quickly. This isn't a place I should be." ChengSangJY said nervously, holding onto LinHuaichu.

"Oh, come on, JY. Didn't you want to experience the lives of the common people? This place is part of it. Besides, we're outside the palace. As long as neither of us says anything, no one will know. We're just here to look around, relax a bit. Many scholars come here to compose poetry. You don't have to be so nervous. Try this, the food here is better than anything in the palace." LinHuaichu reassured him.

In the third-floor elegant room,

MuJinling was entertaining guests in the room,

A servant quietly approached and whispered something in MuJinling's ear.

"I see. You may leave." 

MuJinling dismissed the servant, a meaningful smile playing on his lips as he glanced up.

LinHuaichu, satisfied with his meal, wiped his mouth and said,

"I'm done. Let's go."

"Where to?"

"Back, of course."

"You came here just to eat?"

"What else? The braised meat here is a delicacy, crispy outside, tender inside, flavorful, unparalleled in the city." LinHuaichu wiped his mouth again.

"That's it?" 

ChengSangJY asked, thinking this didn't match the plot of the stories he read. Didn't rich young masters like LinHuaichu come to places like this to listen to music and choose girls?

LinHuaichu paused and replied straightforwardly,

"Nothing else. I usually just come here, eat my fill, and leave. Did you think I would take a portion to go?"

Seeing ChengSangJY's awkward expression, LinHuaichu realized and leaned closer with a mischievous grin,

"Oh, JY, you've learned to be naughty. Did you really think I would...bring you here for...? Come on, admit it, have you secretly read romance books?"

"I...I haven't, stop making things up!" ChengSangJY said, embarrassed, turning away to hide it.

"Come on, your face is as red as the sunset, and you still won't admit it."

"You...you shut up, I haven't!"

"Hahaha, JY, it's nothing to be ashamed of. It's quite normal to think like that. But, think about it, if I really spent time here, my brother would break my legs! I just suddenly remembered I hadn't had the braised meat here for a long time, so I brought you along. What were you thinking?" LinHuaichu laughed.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. It opened slowly, and a maid stood at the entrance,

"Young Master Lin, my master invites you to the third floor."

"The third floor? The star of the Drunken Immortal Pavilion!" LinHuaichu exclaimed.

"Please, both young masters, follow me to the elegant room on the third floor. The refreshments are ready." the maid said.

LinHuaichu, intrigued, turned to whisper in ChengSangJY's ear,

"I've heard the star of the Drunken Immortal Pavilion is a top beauty, not easily seen. They say she excels in poetry, tea, and music, entertaining only the talented. Today's invitation must mean she has heard of my talents."

The two followed the maid out of the room and towards the stairs. Just as they stepped onto the staircase leading to the third floor, a familiar voice called out,

"Young Master JY! What a coincidence."

Hearing the voice, ChengSangJY froze, his foot pausing mid-air before slowly coming down. He turned stiffly and said awkwardly,

"Mo...Brother Mo, you're here too?"

The newcomer was ChengSangMo, his flowing silver hair and deep purple brocade a perfect match. His cold, handsome features and deep blue eyes fixed on ChengSangJY. Raising an eyebrow, he said,

"As a carefree prince, it's normal for me to frequent such places. But you, what are you doing here?"

LinHuaichu, upon hearing the voice, turned around and was about to address the "MoLan prince," but swallowed his words under the cold gaze.


ChengSangJY hung his head like a child caught doing something wrong. Though he hadn't done anything inappropriate, he knew this wasn't a place he should be at his age. He had hoped to see the "fireworks" described in the storybooks, but never expected to run into ChengSangMo here.

Ignoring the dejected ChengSangJY, ChengSangMo turned his icy gaze to LinHuaichu and coldly questioned,

"LinHuaichu, what lesson is this you're teaching? How did you end up at the Drunken Immortal Pavilion? Should I send someone to ask General Lin?"

LinHuaichu knew he was in the wrong but still looked defiant, turning his face away in silence.

ChengSangMo glanced at the maid waiting for the two and said,

"Tell your master that I won't be coming today."

Then, he instructed his men,

"Escort these two young masters back home."

At the Lin residence, LinMuchuan's voice echoed, shaking even the window frames,

"LinHuaichu! How dare you take the Crown Prince to a brothel! Someone, bring the family law!"

Kneeling on the ground, LinHuaichu shivered. Hearing his brother call for the family law, his breathing grew rapid and his face filled with panic. He quickly explained,

"Brother, we didn't do anything. We just had a meal, really just a meal."

LinHuaichu thought to himself,

"I just wanted to show JY something different. Who could have expected to run into ChengSangMo?"

The call for the family law spelled trouble,

"LinMuchuan's a battlefield veteran, wielding a spear. If he really hits me with that, I might lose half my life! No way, better to yield now."

"There are countless restaurants and teahouses in the city. Why did you have to go to the Drunken Immortal Pavilion? Your usual laziness and slackness is one thing, but taking the Crown Prince there, who is the heir to the throne, what were you thinking?" 

LinMuchuan scolded, grabbing the family law and marching towards LinHuaichu.

LinHuaichu wasn't stupid. He knew that in LinMuchuan's current fury, a real punishment would break his bones. He leapt up and ran, pleading,

"Brother, calm down. Your battlefield hands, if you hit me, my legs will really be broken."

"Today, I will break your legs, to stop you from disgracing the Lin family and corrupting the Crown Prince." 

Frightened, LinHuaichu dashed out of the room, knowing that if caught now, his brother would indeed break his legs. He didn't dare think more, and ran out of the house, prioritizing his life.

"LinHuaichu, stop right there!" LinMuchuan quickened his pace to chase.

"No way, only an idiot would stop." LinHuaichu responded as he ran.

LinMuchuan, nearly enraged to death, shouted again,

"This is your last chance. Come back now, or don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Even if I go back now, you won't be gentle. Brother, calm down, anger won't solve anything."

LinHuaichu moved around the yard, trying to keep a safe distance from LinMuchuan.

"Anger might not solve it, but I can solve you. LinHuaichu, you asked for this!"

LinMuchuan was completely enraged. Seeing LinHuaichu jumping onto the roof, preparing to leap over the wall, LinMuchuan grabbed a spear from the ground and threw it at the roof.

LinHuaichu saw the street outside the mansion. If he could just jump out, his brother wouldn't chase him publicly, and he could hide with JY for a few days until his brother's anger subsided.

Just as he was about to jump, he heard a strong gust of wind behind him and thought,

"Not good! That sound is…"

Turning around, he saw the silver spear flying towards him. He dodged, but the tiles beneath his feet shifted, and he fell heavily to the ground, face down.

"Ugh… LinMuchuan, you're serious! Cough cough… my…."

Eating a mouthful of dirt, LinHuaichu tried to get up but saw a pair of black brocade shoes in front of him. Puzzled, he thought, "When did my brother change his shoes?"

Then he felt someone grab his waistband and lift him like a bundle from the ground.

Only then did LinHuaichu realize that the person behind him was indeed LinMuchuan. Looking up at the owner of the shoes, he struggled and said,

"Hey… hey… brother, there's a guest."

But LinMuchuan didn't intend to let him go. Turning to the person, he said,

"CY, wait for me in the study. I'll deal with this brat first."

With that, he carried LinHuaichu like a kitten towards the ancestral hall.

"Hey, hey, no~ brother, I was wrong. Put me down, brother, CY, save me, save me~ ah…"

As LinHuaichu's voice faded, ShangGuanCY shook his fan and helplessly smiled, heading towards LinMuchuan's study.

After about a tea's time, LinMuchuan returned to the study,

"Finished teaching him?" ShangGuanCY handed him a cup of tea.

LinMuchuan sat heavily opposite ShangGuanCY, took the tea, drank it in one gulp, and sighed,

"LinHuaichu is getting more and more reckless. Taking the Crown Prince to a brothel! I think he should no longer be JY's companion."

ShangGuanCY disagreed, smiling as he poured another cup of tea,

"I don't think so. Keeping Huaichu with JY is the best arrangement."

"Do you know that if ChengSangMo hadn't met them today, Huaichu would have taken JY to see XB? I scold him, and he tries to jump over the wall. He's becoming more and more unruly."

"I just came from XB. He told me everything that happened today. When the MuJin family had trouble, JY and Huaichu were still young. Besides, XB is very different now. Even if they met, they wouldn't recognize him." ShangGuanCY responded with a smile.

LinMuchuan, still angry, said,

"I'm not worried about recognizing XB. But that brat daring to take the Crown Prince to a brothel, aren't you afraid he'll corrupt the future king of ChengSang?"

"JY is naturally kind, humble, and simple-minded. He tends to see the good in everything. Empress XiaoRui's strict control over him makes his palace life dull and joyless. Without Huaichu's lively presence, he would have become depressed long ago or turned into a rigid bore. Though Huaichu is sometimes rash, he knows his limits and won't do anything too outrageous. With him around, JY's life won't be too monotonous." ShangGuanCY comforted.

LinMuchuan pondered, realizing ShangGuanCY had a point. He sighed and asked after a moment,

"Did you come to discuss the Luosha merchant caravans these days?"

ShangGuanCY smiled slightly and asked,

"Do you think there's something suspicious?"

LinMuchuan nodded. Having guarded the border for many years and fought countless battles, his insight was far from ordinary. The people claimed to be from Luosha but wore martial boots and had calloused hands, indicating they were accustomed to wielding weapons.

"This morning, the Emperor met with Luosha's envoy, who brought a dancer to perform at the Mid-Autumn banquet in exchange for a hundred loads of grain and several dozen cattle and horses," ShangGuanCY said slowly.

"A hundred loads? Since when has Luosha become so modest, asking for so little? They usually extort a lot under the guise of tribute." LinMuchuan found it strange.

"That's another thing I find odd. While Luosha's land isn't rich, they can certainly spare a few hundred loads of grain. But if this is just an ordinary caravan, the quantity seems excessive. It's quite unusual." ShangGuanCY paused, pondering.

"A month's supply for ten thousand soldiers," LinMuchuan muttered to himself.

ShangGuanCY nodded, "What could they be planning, asking for a month's supply out of nowhere?"

"You think there's a trap in the banquet performance?" LinMuchuan asked.

ShangGuanCY nodded but remained uncertain,

"From what we see now, you need to deploy more men in and around the city on the night of the banquet, and be ready for any disturbances."

At the Crown Prince's residence, ChengSangJY knelt in the study,

The open door facing his now-empty courtyard,

Where there once were flowers and plants to tend, admire, and pass the time.

But after today's trip to the Drunken Immortal Pavilion with LinHuaichu, news quickly reached Empress XiaoRui. Soon after, she sent people to remove every last plant from his courtyard, issuing an edict,

"The Crown Prince must be diligent in his studies. Anything that distracts him is to be removed."

This wasn't the first time Empress XiaoRui had taken away something he loved. She never physically punished him but ensured that every mistake left a dark, unforgettable scar on his psyche.

When he was nine, ChengSangJY mentioned liking the begonia flowers in the imperial garden, only to be late for his morning lessons. From then on, there

 were no more begonia trees in the palace. At eleven, he secretly raised a few rabbits behind a rockery. When his tutor reported this to Empress XiaoRui, saying it made him neglectful, she made him eat rabbit dishes for months. At fifteen, a kind servant gifted him a lark to lift his spirits. When Empress XiaoRui found out, she bought hundreds of larks and had the servant pluck their feathers and bleed them one by one in front of him.

Since then, ChengSangJY dared not show interest in anything or anyone. No one dared to show him any kindness, fearing repercussions. Gradually, he thought that his complete submission might earn him some affection from the Empress, but it never seemed to work that way.

The Empress told him to be diligent, so he would rise an hour earlier than others to study. She disliked him making friends, so apart from a few royal cousins and LinHuaichu, he interacted with no one. As he grew, his life was filled with studies and paying respects, walking on eggshells around Empress XiaoRui. Sometimes, ChengSangJY wondered if it was because he had once expressed his fondness for Mo that led to ChengSangMo being ambushed during a hunt.

For ChengSangJY, these silent reprimands were more torturous than physical punishment. He would have preferred a beating, as it would end quickly. However, the psychological torment left him in perpetual fear, with each recollection of related memories adding to his pain.

LiLuoning arrived at the study entrance, seeing ChengSangJY kneeling with a blank expression, his eyes devoid of light.