
"My empress is ill because of me. I am such an unfilial son." ChengSangJY's voice was full of self-reproach. The nanny who had come to remove the flowers and plants mentioned that the Empress had summoned the imperial physician earlier in the morning.

LiLuoning frowned, hesitant to speak. Before coming to the Crown Prince's residence, he had visited the imperial infirmary. Indeed, Empress XiaoRui had summoned the physician, but the prescribed medicine seemed like ordinary remedies for maintaining health rather than treating an illness.

Kneeling on the ground, ChengSangJY stared at a green leaf drifting in through the corner, muttering to himself,

"Teacher, everyone believes I am the privileged Crown Prince, the heir of the ChengSang kingdom. Only I know that I am merely a tool to continue the royal lineage. My mother needs a good emperor, not a good son. But I also yearn for the ordinary motherly love seen in common families. When I make mistakes, I hope my mother would punish me like any other, with scolding or beating. At least then, I would feel the mistake was acknowledged and over."

LiLuoning observed the dimness in ChengSangJY's eyes, feeling as if a knife had pierced his heart. His hand, hidden behind his back, clenched tightly.

"Teacher, the books say: 'To govern the talented, one must be discerning; to govern the mediocre, one must be humble. Select but do not abandon, use but do not oppress, treat but do not slight, and punish but do not be lenient.' As the Crown Prince, I have not displayed such virtues. How can I lead ChengSang to prosperity in the future? Although I did nothing at the Drunken Immortal Pavilion, knowingly doing what is forbidden is unbecoming of a Crown Prince."

As ChengSangJY spoke, his face showed no expression, his tone filled with self-blame and sorrow. His long eyes trembled uncontrollably, and a silent tear fell, tracing the beauty mark at the corner of his eye. He felt a void in his chest, a deep hollow that left him numb, engulfed in a terrifying darkness. He would rather be punished for his mistakes than endure the silent torment that scarred his soul. His grief stemmed not from his misstep at the Pavilion but from his mother's method of dealing with him. Sometimes, a voice in his heart urged him to make mistakes, just to garner his mother's attention, rather than this constant mental torture.

Understanding ChengSangJY's inner turmoil, LiLuoning knew that XiaoRui's psychological torment continually battered his soft heart. At this moment, what ChengSangJY needed was genuine punishment, a way to redeem his sense of guilt.

After standing for a long time, LiLuoning sighed deeply, walked to the side of the room, and took a ruler from the shelf. Pressing his lips together as if making a decision, he slowly approached ChengSangJY, masking his original tenderness with a stern expression.

ChengSangJY looked up, his eyes filled with unshed tears, his mouth turned down in grievance. He noticed the ruler in LiLuoning's hand.

"Extend your hand," LiLuoning said calmly.

A flicker of various emotions crossed ChengSangJY's eyes—surprise, instinctive fear, and then a mixture of aggrieved gratitude. Slowly, he lifted his hands, palms up, stopping in mid-air.

LiLuoning placed one end of the ruler gently on one of ChengSangJY's hands and said,

"The Crown Prince must remember: unintended mistakes are called errors; deliberate mistakes are called wrongs."

The ruler fell swiftly but lightly, a crisp sound echoing as it struck the palm. A burning sensation spread quickly. ChengSangJY's eyebrows furrowed slightly, his eyes trembling.

"An unintended mistake is still a mistake." 

Another strike landed in the same spot, the pale palm turning faintly pink.

LiLuoning, feeling a pang of reluctance, wanted to end this long punishment quickly. He took a deep breath, steeling himself, and applied more force,

"Those who correct their mistakes must first understand their reasons."


The strike was indeed harder, and ChengSangJY felt the burning heat intensify, unable to suppress a slight moan.

"Mistakes are inevitable, even for sages. The danger lies in thinking one knows when one does not." LiLuoning said earnestly, flipping the ruler for the final strike,

"Has the Crown Prince understood?"

The last strike landed on the already burning flesh, ChengSangJY gritted his teeth to avoid making a sound, calming his breath before slowly retracting his hands, responding,

"I have understood my mistake, thank you for the punishment, teacher."

On the fifteenth of August, Mid-Autumn Festival,

The entire royal city was brightly lit, appearing under the night sky as if shrouded in a golden mist.

Beneath the deep red palace walls, maids and eunuchs hurried with their heads down, carrying trays of delicacies that looked sumptuous even in the moonlight. Tonight, ChengSangKing was hosting the Luosha envoy, and the palace was resplendent, with hundreds of lamps illuminating the grand hall, the golden dragons on the red pillars seeming to come alive.

ChengSangKing and Empress XiaoRui sat on the high platform, surrounded by golden wine cups and jade fruit platters. The food was exquisite, the air filled with the aroma of wine, and music and dance added to the festive atmosphere.

"Tonight, under the beautiful moonlight, during this Mid-Autumn Festival, with esteemed ministers by my side and envoys visiting from afar, our ChengSang Kingdom is indeed enjoying a peaceful and prosperous time. Hahaha~" ChengSangKing raised his golden cup, clearly in high spirits.

"The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for family reunions. Since the moon accompanies us tonight, and with the fine osmanthus wine, why don't we take this opportunity to compose poems for entertainment?" Empress XiaoRui suggested.

Hearing this, ChengSangJY couldn't help but clutch his robe tightly, thinking,

"Here we go again. Mother never misses a chance to push me to perform in public."

ChengSangJY felt like a lamb about to be displayed, expected to earn instant praise to please the seller.

ChengSangKing agreed heartily,

"The Empress is right. Since the envoy from Luosha is here, let's have a friendly poetry contest."

ShangGuanCY understood Empress XiaoRui's intentions. Such scenarios had occurred since ChengSangJY started learning to read. However, JY's shy and introverted nature often led to subpar performances due to stage fright. Usually, ShangGuanCY would step in to resolve the situation. He stood up and volunteered,

"Your Majesty, the Luosha envoy is alone. If our many scholars take turns, it would be an unfair advantage. How about I, alone, compete with the envoy?"

"CY has a point. Thus, you shall represent ChengSang in this friendly contest. Should the envoy win, I will double the grain and cattle promised. If he loses, I will still grant him a hundred loads of grain as a gesture of goodwill. Hahaha~"

ChengSangKing's seemingly drunken offer shocked everyone, as the envoy hadn't even stated his conditions. ShangGuanJinShuo wanted to speak but could only shake his head helplessly.

"Thank you for your generosity, Your Majesty. My country graciously accepts," the Luosha envoy replied.

ChengSangJY was about to breathe a sigh of relief when Empress XiaoRui interjected,

"Since this is a contest between nations, we must show our sincerity. CY, though a royal kin, lacks the official rank. If word gets out, it might be said that ChengSang does not respect visiting envoys. It's more fitting for the heir to represent us, showcasing our commitment to long-term relations with Luosha."

ChengSangJY sighed inwardly, "I knew I couldn't escape."

ShangGuanCY was about to protest, but Empress XiaoRui gave him no chance,

"CY is indeed talented and well-read, but can his literary skills surpass the Crown Prince's?"

Her words left ShangGuanCY no choice. If he insisted, it would imply he considered himself superior to the heir. ShangGuanJinShuo chuckled softly, and ShangGuanJinShuo shook his head at him. ShangGuanCY could only look at ChengSangJY with guilt and return to his seat.

"The Empress is right. Our relationship with Luosha deserves such sincerity. JY, you will compete," ChengSangKing waved.

ChengSangJY glanced at Empress XiaoRui, then at ShangGuanCY, and reluctantly stood up, responding,


"Shall I write the first poem?" the Luosha envoy asked.

"Please," ChengSangJY replied.

The eunuch presented ink, brush, and paper. The envoy approached the table and quickly penned a poem, which the eunuch then read aloud,

"A solitary cup under the full moon, Two nations share one night sky. Boundless rivers enter the vast sea, Reality unknown, East and South."

The envoy's poem, though ostensibly celebrating the full moon of Mid-Autumn, subtly mocked ChengSang for being vast yet hollow in substance.

ChengSangJY understood the hidden meaning and, after a moment of contemplation, wrote,

"Who alone loves the moon in the water? All people are born of Yan and Huang. Sending the bright moon into the golden palace, The wine cup overflows with dreamlike words."

The eunuch reading the poem had barely finished when the hall was filled with sounds of approval. ChengSangJY's verse cleverly retaliated against the envoy's mockery.

The Luosha envoy's face darkened. He had underestimated the young Crown Prince, thinking him easy prey, but it seemed the prince was not so simple. After a moment of serious thought, he wrote again,

"The Milky Way falls and stones resemble the moon, The palace glows yet flowers lack hearts. With osmanthus wine, they feast the jade maid, While night fireflies replace the stars."

This time, the envoy's poem was even more blatant, mocking ChengSang for equating stones with the moon and for having a palace that, despite its splendor, couldn't bloom flowers. It also scorned the use of osmanthus wine, suggesting that the feast was meager, and ridiculed the kingdom for comparing fireflies to the stars, insinuating ChengSang was an ignorant country.

Everyone in the hall picked up on the insult. Whispers began to fill the room as the courtiers exchanged worried glances, and even ShangGuanJinShuo felt a surge of anger. The murmurs grew louder, and ChengSangJY began to feel the pressure.

The challenge was indeed tougher. Sweat beaded on ChengSangJY's forehead. Though he hadn't come up with a response, the growing whispers around him made him anxious, slowing his thoughts. He knew he had to not only win but do so with grace.

The envoy, seeing the prince hesitate, arrogantly assumed victory. With false humility, he sneered,

"Your Highness, your last poem was excellent. However, youth has its limitations. It's understandable if you can't respond immediately. With diligent study, you might one day match the literary skills of our Luosha people." He took a smug sip of wine.

The envoy's words sparked more whispers in the hall. A maid serving wine muttered,

"I think Crown Prince JY won't be able to respond."

"The MoLan prince would have easily won at his age."

"Our Crown Prince, despite all his studies, is just for show."

"Such a disgrace to the royal family..."


The increasing chatter made it even harder for ChengSangJY to concentrate. The more nervous he became, the more difficult it was to think clearly. Sweat trickled down his forehead and neck.

ShangGuanCY watched ChengSangJY's struggle and saw Empress XiaoRui's expression growing colder. He worried that a defeat would not only tarnish the Crown Prince's reputation but also the kingdom's honor.

"CY, what do we do? JY seems really nervous," LinHuaichu whispered.

"Quiet!" LinMuchuan scolded softly, knowing that anyone but ChengSangJY speaking now would be inappropriate.

"Um, I think..." 

ShangGuanJinShuo, unable to stand by any longer, was about to speak when a voice echoed from the entrance.

"Drunken in the nation's grandeur, heart adores the moon. Leaning on imperial grace, one loses respect. Hard to grasp the wealthy fate of heaven, Just because of Luosha's petty heart."

Everyone turned to see LiLuoning, dressed in elegant robes, walking in slowly.

"Teacher!" LinHuaichu exclaimed excitedly.

"Your Majesty, I apologize for my lateness."

The assembly was surprised. Though LiLuoning was known as the Crown Prince's teacher, he held no official position, making his presence unusual.

ChengSangKing had noticed his son's rapid improvement and had become increasingly interested in LiLuoning. After the incident with the exorcism, he considered employing LiLuoning officially and invited him to the banquet.

The envoy, his face darkening at LiLuoning's bold rebuke, demanded,

"Who are you? This is supposed to be a contest with the Crown Prince. How dare you speak so arrogantly before the Emperor?"

LiLuoning calmly bowed to the envoy and replied,

"The Crown Prince's words are precious, his wisdom profound. Just now, he bestowed you a poem, which Eunuch Liu can transcribe for you to take back with the grain and livestock. If you wish to further experience our kingdom's poetry, I can handle it from here."

ShangGuanCY nearly laughed out loud. LiLuoning's words were sharp yet graceful, relieving ChengSangJY of his burden and cleverly turning the situation against the envoy.

"You!" The envoy was momentarily speechless.

"I am but a common physician from the capital. Our kingdom is rich in talent, and if my humble abilities surpass yours, there's no need to trouble the Crown Prince."

LiLuoning's calm voice and demeanor reassured ChengSangJY, who nodded gratefully.

"With Teacher's vast knowledge, this envoy is bound to lose," LinHuaichu whispered happily.

ChengSangJY, full of gratitude, glanced back at Empress XiaoRui's stern, disapproving gaze and lowered his head in shame.

"Alright, LiLuoning, since you've arrived, take your seat. Envoy, didn't you say you brought a dancer? Have her perform to lighten the mood. Play the music and pour the wine!" 

ChengSangKing intervened to ease the tension.

LiLuoning bowed to ChengSangKing and took his seat. He nodded reassuringly at ChengSangJY and smiled at LinHuaichu.

ChengSangJY, lost in thought about Empress XiaoRui's earlier glare, knew what it signified, thinking,

"I've disappointed my mother again."

As the drums started and the dancer began to move gracefully, ChengSangJY heard LinHuaichu calling behind him.

"What is it?"

LinHuaichu pointed at the dancer, signaling him to watch.

ChengSangJY noticed the dancer, her thin red veil, the jingling silver bells, and the faint jasmine scent, all strangely familiar. It took him a moment to realize, and he turned to LinHuaichu in surprise.

LinHuaichu nodded knowingly, signaling him to keep quiet.

"This is the woman we saw at the Drunken Immortal Pavilion. How did she become a dancer for Luosha?" ChengSangJY wondered.

The music played, and the dancer's movements were elegant and alluring. As the final drumbeat fell, the veil slipped from her face.

"Wow, she's beautiful," LinHuaichu couldn't help but exclaim.

LiLuoning was also taken aback by the dancer's face, then quickly realized,

"That face!? No, it's not right. The eyes…"

On the high platform, ChengSangKing and Empress XiaoRui gasped, eyes wide in shock.

ShangGuanCY, catching LinHuaichu's words, asked,

"Truly? You've seen her before?"

LinHuaichu glanced at his brother, swallowed nervously, and smiled awkwardly,

"We saw her enter the Drunken Immortal Pavilion that day, which is why I dragged JY in with me."

LinMuchuan glared at LinHuaichu, raising his hand, making LinHuaichu instinctively cover his head and back away.

"The Drunken Immortal Pavilion?"

ShangGuanCY seemed to realize something and turned to LinMuchuan.

Understanding his look, LinMuchuan immediately rushed toward the dancer, shouting,

"Protect the Emperor!"

In that instant, the dancer's expression turned fierce. She pulled a hairpin and threw it towards the throne.

"Watch out!"

ChengSangKing, a seasoned warrior, easily dodged the attack, pushing Empress XiaoRui aside. The hairpin flew past and embedded itself in the screen behind.

LinMuchuan quickly subdued the dancer and tied her and the envoy up, bringing them before the Emperor.

"Your Majesty, this woman is not the dancer we chose. Our dancer doesn't look like this. We had no intention of harming you, Your Majesty…" The envoy, panicked, knelt and pleaded.

The captured dancer, however, remained unfazed. She smiled and asked,

"Do you recognize this face?"

"Why are ChengSangKing and Empress XiaoRui so alarmed? Have they met her before?" LiLuoning wondered.

Empress XiaoRui, regaining her composure, sat upright and asked,

"Who sent you to assassinate?"

The dancer, fearless and resentful, responded,

"Empress XiaoRui, do you remember this face? The Xiao family, with its power, commits atrocities and takes lives without remorse. You deserve to be punished. Even if I can't kill you today, retribution will come."

LiLuoning found it strange, thinking,

"Empress XiaoRui seems to recognize her. If she doesn't know this woman, then it means the face she saw…"


XiaoYongnian shouted,

"Your Majesty, this woman is so bold. Let me interrogate her and find out who is behind this."

"No need, Minister Xiao. No one is behind this. Empress XiaoRui, remember this face well. The wrongs you committed must be repaid. From today, you will have no peace. Hahaha!" The dancer laughed maniacally.

Empress XiaoRui, furious, clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, asking,

"Who are you to her? What's your relationship?"

LiLuoning raised an

 eyebrow, thinking, "Empress XiaoRui does recognize her."

The dancer's expression turned serious, and she smiled eerily,

"I am her, come back for revenge!" As soon as she finished speaking, blood seeped from her mouth and eyes, and she collapsed.

LiLuoning was startled and stood up, seeing her lifeless body,

"She's beyond help."

"She can't die. I have questions for her. Summon the physician! LiLuoning, check her!" 

ChengSangKing ordered urgently.

LiLuoning stepped forward, examined her briefly, and sighed,

"Your Majesty, she took rosary peas. There is no antidote."

The Drunken Immortal Pavilion was unusually quiet.

During Mid-Autumn, those here were mostly lonely souls with no company.

The door opened, and someone entered.

"Why aren't you at the palace banquet?" MuJinling lazily lay by the half-moon window, admiring the moon and exhaling a puff of smoke.

"Kindred spirits, seeking peace," ChengSangMo replied, pouring himself a drink.

"When did the eldest prince fall to the same level as an official courtesan?" MuJinling fiddled with a chess piece, looked at the moon, and said,

"By now, Fang Jie'er should have completed her task."

Recalling when he saved her in the bamboo forest and healed her to look like his mother over the years, tonight was the moment her face would be useful.

"You spent years cultivating her for this night. Was it worth it?" ChengSangMo asked calmly.

Fang Jie'er had slipped into the palace with ChengSangMo's help.

"To catch fish, you need bait, and the bait must be skillfully cast to achieve the desired effect. Isn't that right, MoLan prince?" MuJinling smiled.