29.The Truth

Huazhiyue led ChengSangJY around the capital for a while. As they passed a street selling livestock, ChengSangJY's eyes fell on a large white goose in a cage, and he suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Huazhiyue asked, stopping as well and following his gaze.

"Zhiyue, do you think these animals in cages know their fate is to be slaughtered?" ChengSangJY asked, his voice filled with hesitation.

Huazhiyue understood the underlying meaning of his question and gently tried to console him, "JY, I believe some of them will be bought by kind owners and escape their fate."

ChengSangJY continued to stare at the caged goose, saying, "Look at it, sticking its head out of the cage, eating the food people give it without a care. It seems peaceful but doesn't realize that its neck will soon be squeezed by the cage, and it will never be able to fly again."

"JY..." Huazhiyue knew he was talking about his own situation but didn't know how to comfort him.

"How can you be so sure these animals will be slaughtered?" A voice suddenly interrupted from beside them.

Huazhiyue and ChengSangJY turned to see a man dressed in a green silk robe standing next to them.

"What a handsome face," Huazhiyue couldn't help but remark.

Even ChengSangJY was taken aback. The man beside him had a pale, elegant face with deep, clear eyes like a pool of spring water. He had a beauty mark under his eye, and his angular features were perfectly proportioned. His lips curved slightly upwards, and his dimples added to his charm despite his slight thinness.

"A man even more beautiful than MuJinling!" ChengSangJY thought. After all, MuJinling was the most handsome person he knew.

"Today, I'm buying all the livestock on this street to release them outside the city," the man said, waving his hand. His followers began paying the vendors and loading the cages onto carriages.

ChengSangJY was stunned, looking between the street and the man, unsure what to say.

The man smiled kindly, bowing slightly. "I am Cui Yi, new to the capital. Today, I'm buying these animals to release them as a way to start my time here with good fortune."

"I am Yun, and this is Miss Zhiyue," ChengSangJY introduced.

"Master Yun, Miss Zhiyue, you both seem to be kind-hearted. Since I'm new here, may I have the honor of inviting you both for a drink to make new friends?" Cui Yi invited.

In a private room of a tavern,

"I'm honored to have made new friends on my first day in the capital," Cui Yi said, pouring a cup of wine for ChengSangJY and a cup of tea for Huazhiyue. "This is flower tea from my hometown, sweet and fragrant, good for health. As a merchant, I prefer not to compel ladies to drink alcohol. If you like, you can drink tea instead."

ChengSangJY thought, "Such respect for women is rare."

Huazhiyue smiled, "Master Cui, your act of releasing the animals is a kind one. For that alone, I, Huazhiyue, will toast to you." She raised her cup and drank it in one go.

"Miss Zhiyue is straightforward. I will also drink in your honor," Cui Yi said, draining his cup.

Huazhiyue nudged ChengSangJY, whispering, "What are you thinking about? He wants to be friends. Don't be so cold; it's rude."

ChengSangJY snapped out of his thoughts, raised his cup, and drank.

"Master Yun, you seemed troubled earlier. Is something bothering you?" Cui Yi asked.

"Family troubles, nothing more," ChengSangJY replied lightly.

Cui Yi looked regretful, apologizing, "I apologize for my rudeness. I didn't mean to pry."

"It's fine, Master Cui. Don't worry about it," ChengSangJY said calmly.

"Oh, Master Cui, you said you're new to the capital. Have you found a place to stay?" Huazhiyue asked.

"Not yet. Do you know a good place to stay?" Cui Yi asked with a smile.

Huazhiyue thought for a moment, then whispered to ChengSangJY, "JY, isn't there a royal inn in the east? Can you help Master Cui stay there?"

"Why?" ChengSangJY asked.

"He bought all those animals and released them because of something you said. It's only polite to reciprocate. Besides, you don't have to spend any money or effort, just help him find a place. He's a wealthy merchant, having him as a friend could be beneficial," Huazhiyue explained.

ChengSangJY thought for a moment and agreed, "Master Cui, there's a royal inn in the east called ChuYu Inn. It's close to the royal city and well-guarded. I have some connections there and can arrange a place for you."

"That's wonderful. Thank you, Master Yun. Let me toast to you again," Cui Yi said, pouring another cup and drinking it.

At the entrance of ChuYu Inn, the three of them got off the carriage.

"Master Cui, please wait here. I'll go make the arrangements," ChengSangJY said.

"Thank you, Master Yun," Cui Yi replied, bowing.

"Master Cui, what kind of business are you in?" Huazhiyue asked.

"I trade in silk, tea, and jewelry," Cui Yi said modestly.

Although Cui Yi spoke lightly, Huazhiyue knew from her travels that these items were expensive. She couldn't help but be impressed, "That's a big business. No wonder you bought all those animals without hesitation."

"Miss Zhiyue, you're too kind. It's just a small business to make a living. I believe in doing good deeds, and maybe that's why my business has been smooth," Cui Yi smiled.

"You're humble, Master Cui. A businessman with a kind heart is rare. No wonder you're successful," Huazhiyue said.

"You're too kind, Miss Zhiyue."

Inside ChuYu Inn, ChengSangJY approached the counter, showing a royal token, and instructed,

"There's a man named Cui outside. Arrange an upper room for him and take care of his carriages."

The innkeeper, recognizing the token as one from the palace, nodded quickly, "Yes, sir. I'll make sure Master Cui is well taken care of and won't disappoint you."

ChengSangJY nodded and walked back outside, seeing Huazhiyue and Cui Yi talking happily. He paused, thinking,

"They seem to be enjoying themselves."

Looking at the two of them laughing, ChengSangJY felt an invisible barrier between them. On his side, it was raining and desolate, while on the other, it was sunny and bright.

"JY, is everything arranged?" Huazhiyue called out.

ChengSangJY nodded with a smile.

Seeing him nod, Huazhiyue smiled back, giving him a thumbs up before patting Cui Yi on the shoulder, signaling him to go inside.

In the Bamboo Grove, ShangGuanCY stormed in, slamming his hand on MuJinling's desk,

"Didn't we agree to spare Empress XiaoRui's life?"

MuJinling had already heard about Empress XiaoRui's demise. Sensing something suspicious, he had sent people to investigate. However, before he could uncover the truth, ShangGuanCY barged in, furious.

MuJinling put down his pen, calmly looked up at ShangGuanCY, and responded firmly, "It wasn't me."

ShangGuanCY, prepared to vent his anger, found himself at a loss for words. He had assumed no one but MuJinling could hate Empress XiaoRui so much. But he also knew MuJinling well enough to trust that if it had been the work of the Zhuiyue Pavilion, MuJinling would have admitted it. Seeing his serious demeanor, ShangGuanCY started to doubt his initial thoughts.

"If it wasn't you, then who else would want her dead... unless?" ShangGuanCY's thoughts trailed off as he considered another possibility, finding it hard to believe.

"It wasn't him either," MuJinling knew exactly whom ShangGuanCY was thinking of. He had already investigated and confirmed that ChengSangMo had no part in Empress XiaoRui's death.

"If not him, then who?" ShangGuanCY was completely puzzled. Though the Xiao family had many enemies, it took a very capable person to infiltrate the prison and kill without leaving a trace.

MuJinling picked up his smoking pipe, walked around the desk, and said thoughtfully, "I find it strange as well. I have people secretly investigating this matter."

"I promised JY to spare her life, but now... How can I explain this to him?" ShangGuanCY said in frustration, his mind in turmoil as he tried to figure out who could have done this.

Suddenly, a realization hit him, and he asked nervously, "XB, do you already know that JY...?" He hesitated, unsure whether to reveal his suspicions.

"CY, do you remember my mother was kept in the palace for over a year, under the pretense of being favored by Empress XiaoRui?" MuJinling's voice was calm, but his words carried a heavy weight.

"Madam MuJin was indeed ordered to stay in the palace, but what does this have to do with JY?" ShangGuanCY was confused, although he had some guesses, he didn't dare to jump to conclusions.

MuJinling took out the cloud-shaped jade pendant, gently twirling the green silk cord around his finger, and continued, "The reason Xiao Yongnian supported ChengSangKing was to marry his daughter into the royal family, ensuring no concubines in the harem because he knew XiaoRui could never bear children."

ShangGuanCY's eyes widened, his hands trembling slightly. He wasn't sure if he had the courage to continue listening, but he forced himself to remain calm and asked, "So JY is not her son?"

"XiaoRui knew she couldn't bear an heir, so she invited the wives of the six ministries to the palace under the guise of a flower-viewing banquet. During the banquet, she drugged ChengSangKing and my mother," MuJinling's voice quivered slightly, gripping the jade pendant tightly.

"To send another woman to her husband's bed... Such shamelessness!" ShangGuanCY slammed his hand against a pillar.

MuJinling closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and continued, "My mother was drugged with Soft Bone Powder and coerced with the lives of the MuJin family. She was kept in a secret room in XiaoRui's quarters while the outside world was told she was favored by the Empress and stayed to keep her company."

ShangGuanCY shook his head in disbelief, "But the emperor knew about Madam MuJin staying in the palace. Was this a plan between XiaoRui and the emperor?"

MuJinling smirked bitterly, "That's the cleverness of the Xiao family. ChengSangKing was drunk and woke up in XiaoRui's quarters, naturally assuming she was the one he spent the night with. Later, when XiaoRui claimed to be pregnant and needed to rest, ChengSangKing didn't suspect anything."

"Why was the MuJin family framed and wiped out years later? If it was to keep the secret, why wait so long?" ShangGuanCY asked.

MuJinling opened his palm, revealing the bloodstained jade pendant. Looking at it, he seemed to recall the execution ground where his family was massacred, "Because of a birthmark."

"A birthmark?"

"The main reason I became the leader of the Zhuiyue Pavilion was my mother, Jiang Zhiyao, the former head of the northern branch of the pavilion," MuJinling's voice was stern.

"The legendary Jiang Zhiyao who could change fate?" ShangGuanCY was surprised.

"Yes. When I saved ChengSangMo, I got a cloud-shaped scar on my elbow, mistaken by the Zhuiyue Pavilion as the prophesied birthmark. My mother left a note saying that anyone with a cloud-shaped mark was destined to lead the pavilion," MuJinling explained.

"Cloud-shaped birthmark!" ShangGuanCY knew that JY had such a mark.

"The Xiao family probably didn't know about the Zhuiyue Pavilion's prophecy, but as JY grew, his birthmark became more evident, resembling my mother's. My mother knew the secret wouldn't stay hidden for long," MuJinling continued.

"Jiang Zhiyao was said to foresee and alter destinies. If she knew everything, why did she end her own life?" ShangGuanCY asked, puzzled.

MuJinling's eyes filled with pain, his lips trembling as he finally said, "She changed my fate using the Pavilion's secret technique. She passed all her destiny onto me."

ShangGuanCY was shocked, "So you knew all along that JY was...?"

Realizing MuJinling's intentions, ShangGuanCY recalled the jade pendant gift, his suggestions to take JY away from the palace, and the orchestrated assassination. It was clear MuJinling knew their true relationship from the beginning.

MuJinling exhaled a long breath of smoke, "He may not be my brother, but he is my mother's only living legacy. I wanted to get him out of the palace. He doesn't belong there, trapped in darkness. If my mother were alive, she'd agree with me."

At ChuYu Inn, in Cui Yi's room,

"Master Cui, ShangGuanCY visited the Bamboo Grove this morning," a kneeling figure reported.

Cui Yi's demeanor changed. His eyes turned cold, and a sinister smile appeared. He cracked his neck and ordered, "It's time the young prince learned the truth."

In the Lin Residence,

LinHuaichu was rummaging through LinMuchuan's study when he accidentally knocked over a box. The old wooden box fell and split open, revealing a curved dagger.

"Oh no, this must be something important. If my brother finds out..." LinHuaichu muttered, panicking.

Just as LinHuaichu was pondering how to deal with the situation, LinMuchuan walked in, spotting LinHuaichu squatting on the floor. 

"Huaichu, what are you doing in my study? And why are you crouching there?" LinMuchuan asked.

Startled, LinHuaichu quickly stood up, hiding the wooden box behind him. "Ah! Brother... I... I was looking for a book," he stammered.

LinMuchuan eyed him suspiciously, noting his nervous demeanor. "You, looking for a book? And what are you hiding? Show me," he demanded.

"N-nothing. I, uh, need to go to the palace to see JY," LinHuaichu stuttered, inching towards the door.


Frozen in his tracks, LinHuaichu thought, "I'm doomed. How do I explain this to Brother?"

LinMuchuan strode forward, yanked the hidden item from LinHuaichu's grasp, and examined it. His expression relaxed as he realized what it was. "This?"

LinHuaichu had braced himself for a scolding, but LinMuchuan's indifferent tone caught him off guard. "This isn't Father's?"

LinMuchuan scrutinized the broken wooden box and the curved dagger inside. "Mother found this in Father's belongings when she was organizing his things. I never saw him use it. It was probably a gift from someone during his time in the North Desert. She brought it back, but it's not his style. It must have been left there by someone else."

Relieved, LinHuaichu sighed, "Good thing it's not Father's. I thought I'd get scolded again. Brother, this dagger is quite exquisite. Can I have it?"

"You've never been interested in weapons before. Why do you want this?" LinMuchuan asked, puzzled.

LinHuaichu sighed, "Since Empress XiaoRui's death, JY has been like a lost soul, depressed all the time. No matter what I say, he barely responds. I came here hoping to find something interesting to cheer him up. Even though Empress XiaoRui wasn't kind to him, she was still his mother. JY is now an orphan, and as his friend, I need to do something for him."

Understanding his brother's intentions, LinMuchuan patted LinHuaichu's shoulder, feeling proud of his empathy. "It's good that you're thinking about him. Spend more time with him. He's going through a tough time, but his situation isn't hopeless. If you think this dagger can help, take it."

"Thank you, Brother!" LinHuaichu bowed gratefully and turned to leave, but then he hesitated. "Uh, Brother, I might have spilled some tea on your desk while I was looking for this box. It's probably nothing, right?"

LinMuchuan wasn't initially concerned, smiling as he said, "No problem. It's just—wait, where did you spill it?" Suddenly realizing something, his expression turned serious.

"On your... desk," LinHuaichu replied hesitantly.

"My... strategy book! You little rascal!" LinMuchuan exclaimed, remembering the unfinished strategy book on his desk. He quickly ran towards the study.

"Brother, you said it was fine. I need to go now," LinHuaichu called as he fled the scene, sensing trouble.

LinMuchuan found himself torn between chasing after his mischievous brother and saving his strategy book. Frustrated, he shouted after LinHuaichu, "You rascal! Don't come back, or I'll break your legs! Ah, my strategy book!"