
The study in the Crown Prince's residence was shrouded in silence as LiLuoning examined the sea tree jade bead in his hand. He pondered aloud, "The sea tree jade bead reacts to both MuJinling and JY. If we consider the timeline of my junior sister's disappearance, MuJinling's age somewhat aligns. But if JY isn't her child, then how do we explain his eye color, which is identical to hers?"

The thought of JY's eye color drew LiLuoning into a memory.

"Zhiyue, look what I brought you!" Young LiLuoning entered the room, carrying a bag of peach blossom pastries. As he stepped inside, he noticed the items on the desk: a mujin flower, a golden dragon head, a turtle shell, and a small dish of blood-soaked cinnabar.

"What's this?" he asked, examining the items closely. He noticed two lines written on the desk:

"Nine Heavens ZhiYun forms the absolute, five lives are entrapped by the mujin."

"Senior brother? Were you looking for me?" A young Jiang Zhiyue entered, holding a freshly plucked branch of golden locust.

"Oh, I brought you some peach blossom pastries," LiLuoning said, lifting the bag. He then pointed to the items on the desk and asked, "Zhiyue, what's all this?"

Jiang Zhiyue walked to the desk, sighed, and explained, "Master wants me to take over the Chasing Moon Pavilion, but my fate says I am destined to bear children for the royal family. Chasing Moon Pavilion doesn't involve itself in court politics, so I thought I'd try to separate my destiny from the royal family. I spent the whole morning and got these two lines. I don't fully understand what they mean."

LiLuoning's calm demeanor faltered at her words. "You're trying to change fate again? You know every time you alter fate, your body suffers a backlash. It's risky enough with ordinary people's destinies, but you're trying to alter the destiny of an emperor. Do you know how severe the backlash could be?" 

Jiang Zhiyue seemed unfazed, her smile serene. "What else can I do? Should the Chasing Moon Pavilion get involved in court affairs, or should you take over while I marry into the royal family as destined?"

"I..." LiLuoning was at a loss for words, unable to respond.

They were both orphans taken in by their master, who had originally intended for LiLuoning to take over the Chasing Moon Pavilion. However, his interests lay in studying magic and rare treasures, making him ill-suited for leadership. Zhiyue, with her innate ability to foresee destiny and her talent for management, took on the responsibility instead.

"It's alright, senior brother. Just focus on what you want to do. Leave the pavilion matters to me; I know what I'm doing," Zhiyue comforted him, blinking playfully.

The memory faded, and LiLuoning gently rubbed the sea tree jade bead in his hand. "The current leader of the Chasing Moon Pavilion is MuJinling, but why does JY have that birthmark? The child's appearance and temperament resemble Zhiyue so much more. What's XiaoRui's role in this? Why did ShangGuanCY suddenly mention the corydalis?"

"JY, JY, look what I've got for you!" LinHuaichu's voice echoed from the entrance, his hurried steps bringing him to the study, holding up a box.

"He's not here," LiLuoning said, setting down his book and smiling at LinHuaichu.

"Not here? I just got this cool thing from my brother to cheer him up. Do you know where he went?" LinHuaichu asked.

"He went out of the palace with Zhiyue to meet a new friend," LiLuoning replied.

Hearing that JY had left the palace with Huazhiyue, and not to meet him, LinHuaichu felt a pang of jealousy. "Ah, JY, you ungrateful guy. You made new friends and forgot your old ones. After everything we've been through together, you've abandoned me. Ungrateful jerk! I went through all this trouble to cheer you up, and you just leave me hanging," he grumbled.

LiLuoning chuckled at LinHuaichu's antics. "He left with Zhiyue but didn't say he wouldn't come to the Lin residence to find you. Are you jealous, LinHuaichu?"

LinHuaichu, caught off guard, quickly defended himself, "Jealous? Of him? No way! I'm happy he's getting out and about with Zhiyue. I'm just annoyed he's forgetting about me, that's all."

LiLuoning continued to smile warmly, saying nothing more as he returned to his book.

LinHuaichu, feeling defeated, placed the box on JY's desk with a pout. "I came all this way for nothing. How annoying..." Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind. He turned back to LiLuoning and asked, "Sir, doesn't it bother you that JY is spending so much time with your disciple?"

LiLuoning, realizing what LinHuaichu was implying, smiled and responded, "Huaichu, do you think JY will be taken advantage of, or that Zhiyue will be bullied?"

"Hey, I didn't say that! You're the one suggesting it," LinHuaichu quickly clarified.

LiLuoning laughed softly, "Zhiyue is grown and knows her mind. She doesn't need me to intervene in her personal matters. As for JY, he's the Crown Prince. Outside of this study, he's not my concern."

"But, sir, do you think they're...?" LinHuaichu made a suggestive gesture, his face full of mischief.

LiLuoning raised an eyebrow, pretended not to notice, and leaned back, his tone casual. "That's between them. It's not my place to interfere."

Disappointed, LinHuaichu pouted and muttered, "Fine, I think they make a good pair. Anyway, I'll head back now. Please let JY know I left something for him."

In the stables behind Shuyu Inn, a series of agonized whinnies could be heard. A chestnut horse lay on the ground, blood seeping from beneath it. The horse's nostrils flared with heavy breaths, each slight movement accompanied by painful whinnies. Behind it, a pair of tiny hooves were visible, but despite the horse's efforts, the foal remained stuck.

When JY and Huazhiyue arrived, they saw Cui Yi kneeling beside the chestnut horse, stroking its now cold body. Blood had soaked his elegant robes, and a lifeless foal lay on the hay beside him.

"Master Cui, what is this?" ChengSangJY couldn't help but ask upon seeing the scene before him.

Hearing ChengSangJY's voice, Cui Yi turned around, his once-clear and gentle eyes now misted with tears. His long eyelashes held tiny droplets, and the blood smeared on his pale cheeks made his skin appear even more fragile.

"Lord Yun, Miss Huazhiyue," he greeted.

After acknowledging them, Cui Yi turned back, gently kissing the forehead of the chestnut horse. His eyes shut tightly, and his sorrowful expression seemed as if he were tenderly kissing a departed lover. He then stroked the horse's neck a few times before standing up and approaching the two.

Inside the room, now dressed in clean clothes, Cui Yi apologized, "I'm terribly sorry for keeping you waiting. I didn't expect such a thing to happen when I invited you over."

"Master Cui, about that horse..." ChengSangJY inquired.

Mentioning the horse made Cui Yi's eyes redden slightly. He sighed deeply, his voice choked with guilt, "That horse, Ru Yan, I bought her from a butcher on my way here. Someone sold her off because she was old. When I saw she was pregnant, I bought her, hoping to care for her. I planned to get help once settled in the capital, but she went into labor this morning and died in the stable. The foal didn't survive either. I must have neglected her due to the journey, forgetting her old age. I'm responsible..." He couldn't continue.

"Master Cui, don't blame yourself. I'm sure Ru Yan understood your good intentions and wouldn't blame you," Huazhiyue comforted him.

ChengSangJY, sitting silently, was also filled with sorrow. Seeing the horse made him think of the late Empress XiaoRui, pondering if his own birth had been equally perilous.

"Enough about this. Why did you two come looking for me today?" Cui Yi asked, changing the subject.

"Oh, right. JY and I thought you might need a place to stay since you're new to the capital. JY's cousin's friend has connections, so we came to ask you," Huazhiyue explained.

Cui Yi brightened up, "That's wonderful! I've been troubled about finding a place these past few days. Thank you so much."

"No need to thank us. There are only a few spacious estates left for sale in the capital. Let's hope you find one to your liking," ChengSangJY said.

"I don't have high demands for living arrangements, just a large enough backyard for my horses and livestock, and a quiet environment to keep them calm," Cui Yi explained.

"JY considered all of that and selected a few estates for you to choose from. If you have time, we can go check them out today," Huazhiyue said.

"JY is very thoughtful. Let me have the horses prepared," Cui Yi said, signaling to his servants.

In the carriage, Cui Yi expressed his gratitude again, "Thank you both so much. Being new to the capital, your assistance has made everything smoother."

"No need to be so formal, Master Cui. The other day, you saved an entire street of animals just because of my comment. Such kindness is rare. It's a pleasure to befriend you," ChengSangJY replied.

The three of them spent the afternoon viewing several estates. In the end, Cui Yi chose an old, abandoned house near the city's edge.

"Brother Cui, are you sure about this one? The others we saw were much better, and this one is quite far out. From the back gate, it's just a short walk across the river to leave the city. Isn't it too remote?" Huazhiyue asked, not entirely convinced by the old house.

Cui Yi smiled and explained, "What you say is true, but I have my reasons. Although this place looks rundown, most of it is just overgrown weeds. The buildings are actually quite new and just need some cleaning. This courtyard is the largest of all we've seen, and the price is reasonable. Although I'm a businessman, I'm not wealthy enough to spend extravagantly. The remote location is perfect for raising livestock without disturbances. Additionally, the river behind the house will make it convenient for future trade and transport."

ChengSangJY nodded in agreement, "That makes sense. This estate indeed fits your needs well."

Huazhiyue listened carefully and also nodded in agreement.

"I've spoken with the steward. He said they can start cleaning tomorrow, and it will be ready in seven days. I'll be hosting a housewarming banquet in fifteen days, and I'd love for you both to come with a few friends," Cui Yi invited.

"Of course, I live in the eastern alley. You can send the invitation there," Huazhiyue said.

"Definitely. Where should I send your invitation, Lord Yun?" Cui Yi asked ChengSangJY.

"I..." ChengSangJY hesitated. He usually sent such things to ShangGuanCY's residence, but since Empress XiaoRui's death, he had avoided him.

"Send it to the Lin residence," ChengSangJY decided.

Cui Yi paused, a smile playing on his lips, "The Lin residence? The one belonging to the loyal generals of generations?"

ChengSangJY nodded slightly.

"So, Lord Yun is from the Lin family. No wonder you have so many friends in the capital," Cui Yi remarked, then added with a hint of sadness, "I have one more request. Is there a nearby temple where I can offer a prayer for Ru Yan's soul? I want her to have a better next life."

"Master Cui, will you be chanting the prayer yourself?" Huazhiyue asked.

"Yes. I've heard that if the owner chants the prayer, the animal's soul can avoid reincarnation as a beast and be reborn as a human," Cui Yi explained.

ChengSangJY thought for a moment, "I happen to have a scroll of the Rebirth Mantra personally written by the abbot of Jingyuan Temple. I can give it to you."

"Lord Yun, you're too kind. You've helped me find a house and now this. How can I accept so much?" Cui Yi said.

"Master Cui, your compassion is admirable. It's my honor to know you," ChengSangJY said sincerely. He found himself genuinely liking Cui Yi. They both shared a love for animals and had similar traits, even down to the teardrop-shaped mole under their eyes. ChengSangJY wondered if his life would have been like Cui Yi's had he not been born into the royal family.

"Lord Yun, if I may be so bold, I feel a strong connection with you. If you don't mind, I'd like us to become sworn brothers. What do you say?" Cui Yi asked.

"Alright," ChengSangJY agreed.

 Bamboo Grove

In the Bamboo Grove, ShangGuanCY's bodyguard reported, "Your Highness, the Crown Prince and Miss Huazhiyue have been meeting with a merchant named Cui Yi frequently over the past few days."

"Cui Yi? Have you investigated this person?" ShangGuanCY asked.

The bodyguard replied, "Yes, he is part of a trade caravan from the south, here for business."

Hearing that Cui Yi was from the south, ShangGuanCY felt somewhat relieved. He was well aware of ChengSangMo's secret dealings with the Northern Territories and had been concerned that the new friend might be a spy. He instructed, "Keep someone following them and protect the Crown Prince at all times. Dismissed."

"A merchant from the south, surnamed Cui?" MuJinling repeated thoughtfully.

"You know something about him?" ShangGuanCY asked.

MuJinling set down his cup, recalling, "I've heard of a southern merchant family named Cui, known for their silk, tea, and jewelry. They do quite a large business."

Seeing that MuJinling might know more, ShangGuanCY pressed, "What else do you know? Is this Cui a good man? Does his family have any involvement in politics?"

MuJinling couldn't help but laugh at ShangGuanCY's serious expression. "Look at you, all nervous. JY isn't a child. He can discern right from wrong. Besides, he has Huazhiyue with him. I've heard she's well-traveled. She won't let JY get taken advantage of. You look like you're inquiring about a future son-in-law for your daughter."

"Enough jokes. Tell me what you know about this Cui," ShangGuanCY said, pushing MuJinling.

MuJinling spread his hands in a gesture of resignation, "The Cui family is famous in the south not just because of their business but because of their generosity. It's said they buy animals to release into the wild as a charitable act. People believe their business prospers because of the good karma they accumulate."

ShangGuanCY stood still for a moment, then asked, "That's it? Is there nothing else? Isn't the Chase Moon Pavilion supposed to know everything?"

MuJinling shrugged, "He's just a regular merchant. What more do you expect me to know? You think I'm a fortune teller?"

 Crown Prince's Study

ChengSangJY returned to the palace at dusk. As he pushed open the study door, he saw a box on the table and a note beside it.

"Master Lin visited today and left this item."

 MoLan Prince's Mansion

In the secret chamber of MoLan Prince's Mansion, a servant reported, "Your Highness, the Emperor has appointed Gu Changyi as the Minister of Justice."

"Gu Changyi?" ChengSangMo repeated the unfamiliar name.

"Yes, he was previously a minor official in the Ministry of Personnel. He was promoted because of his extensive knowledge of judicial and administrative law."

"The Ministry of Personnel? Another one of ShangGuanCY's men?" ChengSangMo raised an eyebrow, clearly displeased.

ChengSangMo tapped his fingers on his chin, murmuring, "He has managed to elevate a minor official to the position of minister. ShangGuanCY must have been planning this for a long time. What about the Crown Prince?"

"The Crown Prince has been visiting a merchant named Cui Yi outside the palace frequently."

Hearing that ChengSangJY was making new friends, ChengSangMo's stern expression softened. Due to Empress XiaoRui's influence, everyone had kept their distance from JY. But JY naturally liked making friends, and seeing him initiate contact with new people meant he was feeling better.

"Prepare some of JY's favorite items. We will visit him tomorrow morning," ChengSangMo ordered.

 The Next Morning

ChengSangMo arrived at the Crown Prince's residence early in the morning with gifts.

Grand Eunuch Duo greeted him, "The Crown Prince is still in his morning lessons. Please wait here for a moment, Your Highness."

"Very well. Dismissed."

The main hall of the Crown Prince's residence was rarely used for guests. It was simply furnished with basic chairs and paintings, with not even a single flower or plant to add color. ChengSangMo looked around, feeling dissatisfied.

"This place is too plain for the Crown Prince," he thought.

"Meow... purr..." ChengSangMo felt something brush against his leg. He looked down to see a small black-and-white kitten.

"You little rascal, who gave you the courage to rub against my leg?" ChengSangMo picked up the kitten with one hand.

The kitten, with its beautiful blue eyes, didn't seem afraid. It cuddled in his hand and even rolled over to show its belly, purring contentedly.

Holding the kitten close, ChengSangMo looked at it with affection, asking, "Are you JY's kitten? He's always loved cats. When he was little, he saved a white kitten about your size. Now it's grown into a big, fat cat, almost too heavy for me to carry. I bet JY will raise you to be just as plump."

The kitten seemed to understand him, climbing up to his shoulder and settling down for a nap.

ChengSangMo chuckled softly, "You'll sleep anywhere, just like JY when he was little."

"It's not my cat," ChengSangJY said suddenly, standing at the doorway, his voice calm.