
LiLuoning followed MuJinling and ShangGuanCY out of the room, leaving Huazhiyue and LinHuaichu to take care of ChengSangJY.

"CY, how did you know about that letter?" MuJinling asked.

ShangGuanCY, gathering his thoughts, sighed and began to explain, "The night Empress Xiao died, I indeed went to the prison to question her about JY's birth mother. But she didn't tell me anything. She only asked what JY's reaction would be if he found out. I knew then that Empress Xiao must have left something behind. Though I had people search for it, they found nothing. So, I had people monitor JY's every move. Today, when a servant reported seeing a letter fall out of a book JY handed to someone, I knew something was wrong. I wanted to reach him before he read it, but I was too late."

LiLuoning nodded slightly, asking, "After you questioned Empress Xiao, she was killed that night. Could it be that someone wanted to keep JY's birth mother a secret?"

ShangGuanCY was taken aback, looking at MuJinling for a moment, surprised that LiLuoning knew about this.

MuJinling, understanding the look, smiled and said, "I think it's time for a proper introduction. CY, Li Taifu's true identity is my master, my uncle."

"Your uncle?" ShangGuanCY was stunned. After making a gesture to MuJinling, he asked, "So, you've had people from ZhuYue Pavilion around JY all along? And if he's your uncle, then he's... the renowned collector of rare treasures, Li Lanxing? No wonder you had the Kunlun Snow Leopard's fang that day."

LiLuoning smiled bitterly, "That day, it was the best I could do. Fortunately, it helped you, Lord ShangGuan."

"Without Li Taifu's help that day, I wouldn't have escaped so easily," ShangGuanCY acknowledged.

"Enough with the gratitude. We have plenty of time for that later. What are we going to do about the person inside?" MuJinling asked, glancing at the room.

The mention of ChengSangJY made ShangGuanCY's expression serious again. "Given his current state, I don't feel safe sending him back to the palace. It might be best to take him to the bamboo garden. You and Li Taifu can take care of him there for a while."

MuJinling nodded, seemingly agreeing with this, then asked, "What about the Emperor? How will you explain this to him? And what about MoLan prince? You barged into a commoner's house with such a commotion. Do you think you can keep it a secret? If people find out about your conflict with JY, his true parentage won't stay hidden for long."

"JY's injuries aren't severe, but he shouldn't be moving around unnecessarily. The bamboo garden isn't far, but his wound isn't fit for travel yet. For now, only ShangGuan mansion or Lin mansion are suitable," LiLuoning suggested after some thought.

ShangGuanCY shook his head. "ShangGuan mansion is out of the question. He'll have to deal with my parents. If my father finds out JY is hurt, he'll demand answers. Lin mansion is even worse. I can't trust LinMuchuan or LinHuaichu."

The three fell into silence, unsure of the best place to take JY.

"Why not let Yun Gongzi stay at my mansion for now?" A voice interrupted. It was Cui Yi, who had evidently overheard their conversation.

ShangGuanCY was wary of Cui Yi. After all, if not for him, JY wouldn't have found the letter before him. Moreover, Cui Yi's familiarity with JY made him suspicious.

Sensing the tension, MuJinling stepped forward and introduced himself, "I am MuJinling. We apologize for disturbing your banquet. You must be the master of this house."

Cui Yi, smiling as if unbothered by the intrusion, returned the greeting, "I am Cui Yi, the master here. Today's banquet was indeed disrupted, but fortunately, you arrived in time. If something had happened to the Crown Prince, I would be to blame."

LiLuoning stepped forward, cupping his hands in greeting, "I am LiLuoning, the Crown Prince's tutor. We appreciate your understanding and generosity."

"You're too kind. Though I host the banquet, I understand the gravity of the situation. But I am curious, why did Yun Gongzi react so strongly to a letter?" Cui Yi asked.

MuJinling glanced at ShangGuanCY, who remained silent, before answering, "You might know that Empress Xiao recently passed away. The Crown Prince has been deeply saddened by this. Today, he found a letter left by the Empress, and in his grief, coupled with perhaps some wine, he acted irrationally."

Cui Yi nodded thoughtfully. "I've heard that the late Empress only had one son, so it's understandable that Yun Gongzi would be deeply affected by her loss. I overheard your discussion about the Crown Prince's whereabouts. As a friend, I offer my home. It's quiet and suitable for recovery. If you worry about the palace's reaction, you can leave some of your people here to take care of him."

Cui Yi's suggestion was reasonable. The Crown Prince being injured outside the palace meant they all faced questioning by the Emperor.

ShangGuanCY, however, remained cautious. He sensed Cui Yi had ulterior motives for getting close to JY. His instincts told him this man was trouble. "No need to trouble you. I have another property nearby where JY can recover."

"Lord ShangGuan, might I ask your relation to Cui Yu'ao?" LiLuoning interjected.

"You know my father?" Cui Yi asked, surprised.

LiLuoning's eyes lit up. "I knew your father from my time in the south. How is he?"

"He's well, thank you. It's an honor to meet an old acquaintance of my father," Cui Yi replied respectfully.

Seeing the conversation shift, MuJinling whispered to ShangGuanCY, "He's right. It's best for JY to stay here. The Emperor won't suspect anything if he thinks JY is staying with a new friend. Given the recent tensions between you and JY, any arrangement from you might be rejected. With Li Taifu knowing Cui Yi's father, it's safer this way. If you're still worried, leave some men here."

"Who would have thought there'd be such a connection? Shall we sit and discuss this further?" MuJinling suggested.

"Please, this way."

As they moved, MuJinling leaned in to LiLuoning, whispering, "You guessed right, uncle."

LiLuoning smiled slightly, "Just luck."

**MoLan Prince's Mansion**

"My Lord, today YunQing Prince led soldiers into a merchant's residence," reported a servant.

"A merchant? Is it Cui Yi?" ChengSangMo asked.

"Yes, he brought a team of soldiers and searched everywhere for the Crown Prince," the servant continued.

"Searching for the Crown Prince? Does ShangGuanCY really need to keep such a tight watch on JY? What was the Crown Prince's reaction?"

"Apparently, the Crown Prince was found drunk, and after being taken back, he had an argument with YunQing Prince in the house. He now refuses to return to the palace and is staying at Cui Yi's residence."

It seems ChengSangJY not only has issues with me but also treats ShangGuanCY differently. Publicly arguing in someone else's home is not how I remember my gentle younger brother JY.

At first, ChengSangMo found this amusing, but then he felt a wave of worry. He thought, "JY has few people he can truly confide in. Now, if he doesn't trust ShangGuanCY, who will be there for him when he needs support?"

"My Lord, should we report this to the Emperor?" the servant asked in a low voice.

"Yes, but not the part about the argument. Report that YunQing Prince restricted the Crown Prince and led soldiers into a private residence. The Crown Prince argued to protect the civilians. However, I doubt this will reach the Emperor. But it's fine; everyone knows that despite YunQing Prince's fearlessness, he fears his strict father the most," ChengSangMo said with a sly smile.

**ShangGuan Mansion Study**

ShangGuan Jinshuo slammed a document on the desk. "Kneel!" he commanded.

ShangGuanCY hesitated for a moment before reluctantly kneeling. "It's just a merchant's house. Why are you so angry, Father?"

ShangGuan Jinshuo, a strict and disciplined minister, never expected to have such a willful son like ShangGuanCY. The Emperor favored ShangGuanCY's personality, allowing him to advise in court without an official position. ShangGuan Jinshuo knew his son always supported the Crown Prince, but now, with rumors of deposing the Crown Prince and the Emperor seemingly favoring MoLan Prince, he was worried. The old ministers who still supported the Crown Prince were few. If ShangGuanCY made a wrong move, it could trigger significant upheaval in the court.

ShangGuan Jinshuo fumed, "CY, you may be willful, but you usually know what's important. Leading soldiers into a private residence and causing a commotion with the Crown Prince in public! If I hadn't intercepted this report this morning, it would have reached the Emperor by now. You were already the main suspect in Empress Xiao's death, and now you're making things worse. How could you act so disrespectfully in public with the Crown Prince?"

ShangGuan Jinshuo knew nothing of JY's true parentage, making it difficult for ShangGuanCY to explain. Using his brotherly status as an excuse, ShangGuanCY protested, "I'm his brother. Is it wrong to prevent him from making random friends outside the palace?"

"You are his brother, yes, but you must consider the circumstances. He is still the Crown Prince. Moreover, with the current situation in court, even the Emperor isn't managing him closely. Why do you need to intervene?" ShangGuan Jinshuo asked.

"It's precisely because the Emperor isn't watching him that I must. JY is naive, always trusting everyone. If I don't keep a close eye on him, he'll be taken advantage of, especially now," ShangGuanCY argued.

"Even so, you must be mindful of the setting! Shouting at the Crown Prince in a civilian's house, where is your sense of propriety? Regardless of your intentions, he is the Crown Prince. How does this reflect on the royal family?" ShangGuan Jinshuo questioned.

ShangGuanCY knew his father was right. His actions had been impulsive, ignoring the potential consequences. But recalling JY's words and the look in his eyes, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anger.

ShangGuan Jinshuo sighed, "You will stay in the mansion for the next few days, not going anywhere. Once the Crown Prince has calmed down, you will personally apologize and bring him back to the palace. I'll handle the Emperor."

Hearing he was grounded, ShangGuanCY protested, "Father~"

"Don't 'Father' me. If you cause more trouble, I'll have to call you Father. This is not up for discussion. If you continue to act out, I'll have a word with your mother," ShangGuan Jinshuo threatened, using his wife as leverage.

Despite his outward defiance, ShangGuanCY feared his mother more. She had unique ways of disciplining him without physical punishment, tasks that tested his patience and resilience. Between his strict father and his mother's subtle methods, ShangGuanCY knew better than to push his luck further.

**Outside the city in the forest**

A misty rain fell, creating a dreamy, ethereal scene. Under a tree stood a slender figure with an oil-paper umbrella, waiting.

"Why have you summoned me here if we're done?" ChengSangMo approached, his silver hair blending with the mist, his snow-blue robe adorned with white flowers, like a celestial being just out of seclusion.

"I needed to confirm something," MuJinling turned, his eyes like a clear moon, bright and gentle, with a slight smile.

"What is it?" ChengSangMo's expression was cold in contrast to MuJinling's gentle demeanor.

"Do you truly want the throne?" MuJinling asked directly.

ChengSangMo scoffed, his expression shifting from disdain to seriousness. "Didn't you promise to help me uproot the Xiao family? Now that you have YunQing Prince, you plan to back out?"

MuJinling smiled, "I promised to help you deal with the Xiao family, not to seize the throne."

ChengSangMo was unfazed, "Your revenge isn't just about the Xiao family. ChengSangKing is also in your plans, isn't he? Someone has to take the throne."

"The throne should go to the rightful heir, the royal bloodline. You're just a fallen prince from the north. Why join the fray?" MuJinling said with a hint of mockery.

"I may be half Northern, but I'm also half royal. JY has never wanted the throne. With Empress Xiao gone, he has a choice. He can pursue his desires. The throne's succession is my family's affair, not yours," ChengSangMo responded.

MuJinling laughed, causing ChengSangMo to pause and ask, "What's so funny?"

"Do you think the old ministers will hand the future of the nation to a Northern orphan? It's a family affair, but not yours," MuJinling's tone was light, but his words carried a sharp meaning.

ChengSangMo's brows furrowed, scrutinizing MuJinling. He knew MuJinling wouldn't speak without reason. "What do you mean?"

MuJinling wanted to sow discord, aiming to make ChengSangMo wary of ChengSangKing. A ruler's greatest fear is being abandoned by allies. "Have you heard the saying 'seven months, they stay; eight months, they leave' regarding pregnancy?"

"What of it? I was born early at seven months, what's the issue?" ChengSangMo asked.

MuJinling smirked, "You overlook that Northern months are 25-26 days, while Central months are 29-30 days."

ChengSangMo quickly calculated. According to Central months, he was born at eight months. Even so, he saw no issue. "What's your point?"

MuJinling shifted topics, "Do you know about LanShi Princess and General Lin Yuan?"

ChengSangMo clenched his fists, suspecting MuJinling's ulterior motives. "What are you getting at?"

MuJinling stepped closer, whispering, "This might be something even your Aunt Nanzhu doesn't know."

ChengSangMo was shocked. MuJinling knew about Nanzhu? He stood still, waiting for more.

"I have a new recruit in ZhuYue Pavilion, a doctor's daughter. She once treated a woman with a red birthmark on her brow, who was delighted to find she was pregnant. She left this behind in her haste," MuJinling presented a golden, hollow ring, its purpose unclear.

ChengSangMo examined it, scoffing, "You think I'll believe a random story and trinket?"

MuJinling anticipated this, adding, "The gift from Nanzhu has a protrusion on the hilt. Have you considered its purpose?"