
ChengSangMo took out the curved blade he carried with him, examining it closely before fitting the protruding part of the handle into the golden ring.


A soft sound indicated that the handle and the golden ring fit together perfectly.

Seeing the other end of the golden ring, ChengSangMo realized that there must be another matching blade.

"Legend has it that Princess LanShi was exceptional in martial arts and excelled in close combat. This pair of Cuilan Twin Moon Blades were her personal weapons. One is with you, and the other was given to General Lin Yuan as a token," MuJinling explained.

ChengSangMo's body stiffened, his eyes growing cold and deep. His pupils trembled as he tried to mask his disbelief. His fingers quivered, and he felt as if his blood had turned to ice, his mind going blank.

ChengSangMo whispered, his voice tight, "Why should I believe you?"

"You don't have to believe me. You can verify it yourself. The other blade is now with LinHuaichu. If you don't want to know the truth, you don't have to. ZhuYue Pavilion is a business; valuable information isn't given away for free. Consider this a gift from an old friend. But remember, if you want more information, you'll have to pay. You desire something that isn't yours to begin with. Those involved in the story deserve to know the truth," MuJinling said, patting ChengSangMo's shoulder before leaving the forest.

**At Cui Mansion, Guest Room**

ChengSangJY had hardly left his room these past few days, spending most of his time in bed. He ate little and rarely spoke to anyone.

"Yun Di," Cui Yi called as he entered the room.

"Cui DaGe," ChengSangJY tried to get out of bed.

Cui Yi quickly stepped forward, gently pressing him back down. "No need to get up. I just wanted to see how you're doing. Is everything to your liking? If you need anything, let me know, and I'll have my men get it for you."

ChengSangJY felt guilty. "I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble."

Cui Yi dismissed his apology with a wave of his hand. "Yun Di, I understand your grief. Only those who have experienced such loss can truly comprehend it. When I lost my dear friend, I was a mess, drinking all day. But we all have a purpose in life. Since you're still here, you must find out why. Everyone has a reason for being."

ChengSangJY sensed that ShangGuanCY hadn't revealed the truth to Cui Yi. But considering ShangGuanCY's dramatic entrance, he wondered if Cui Yi already knew his identity. "Cui DaGe, there's something I didn't tell you before."

"You mean your identity? Crown Prince?" Cui Yi asked with a smile.

ChengSangJY was surprised. "You already knew."

Cui Yi laughed. "Of course, I knew. But I see you as Yun Di, not the Crown Prince. Our bond was formed outside the palace. The Crown Prince should stay in the palace. Outside, you're Yun Di, free to be whoever you want."

"Master, there's someone at the gate," the steward reported from the doorway.

"I'll see them in the hall. Yun Di, rest and don't worry about anything. I'll join you for dinner later," Cui Yi said before leaving.

Watching Cui Yi go, ChengSangJY repeated the last words, "The Crown Prince should stay in the palace. Outside, you're Yun Di..."

ChengSangJY pondered these words. Since birth, he had been the Crown Prince, the future of the kingdom. In Empress Xiao's eyes, he had to be the perfect son; to the Emperor, the dutiful heir; to ShangGuanCY, the protected brother; to ChengSangMo, the son of a despised woman. He had many roles but never truly his own. Who was the real ChengSangJY?

As he mused, a bird flew in through the window, landing lightly on the bed frame, tilting its head to look at him.

"Clouds fall without knowing, wind stirs, and birds rest," ChengSangJY murmured as the bird flew out the window.

**In the Main Hall**

ChengSangMo sat calmly.

"I apologize for not welcoming you properly, Your Highness," Cui Yi greeted, recognizing the white-haired prince.

"No need for formalities. I heard my younger brother is recovering here and came to visit. The Crown Prince is young and stubborn, so I apologize for the trouble he's caused," ChengSangMo said, helping Cui Yi to his feet.

"Your Highness, it's an honor to have the Crown Prince here. I just came from his room; he's recovering well. Please, let me take you to see him," Cui Yi offered.

ChengSangMo raised his hand, indicating no rush. "No hurry. I heard you're here for business. Have you found a suitable shop?"

Cui Yi replied, "Not yet, Your Highness. I bought this house on impulse, which strained my budget, so I'm limited in my options."

ChengSangMo tapped his fingers on the table, thinking. He wanted to win Cui Yi over. JY liked coming here, so helping Cui Yi might improve his relationship with JY.

"I happen to have a vacant shop on Central Street. If you don't mind, you can use it," ChengSangMo offered.

"That's very generous, but Central Street is too expensive for my current budget," Cui Yi hesitated.

ChengSangMo smiled. "As JY's friend, you're not an outsider. Consider it a gift from me. If your business thrives, JY will have a place to visit outside the palace."

Cui Yi accepted with a smile. "Thank you, Your Highness. I'll repay the rent once I'm able."

"Don't worry about it. Let's go see JY," ChengSangMo said.

In the room, ChengSangJY, thinking Huazhiyue had come, didn't look up. "Zhiyue, you've worked hard. I..."

He looked up to see ChengSangMo standing by his bed.

ChengSangMo approached, looking down at the pale, thin figure. The once plump cheeks were gone, the collarbone prominent. Only the slightly rosy skin indicated he wasn't a skeleton.

"How are you feeling? Any discomfort?" ChengSangMo asked, sitting on a nearby stool.

ChengSangJY, surprised to see him, sat up straighter, his expression growing cold. "Are you here to see if I'm dead?"

ChengSangMo smiled wryly, expecting this reaction. The once meek lamb had turned into a prickly hedgehog.

ChengSangMo stared at the blood-stained bandages on ChengSangJY's hand and asked gently, "Does it hurt?"

The unexpected concern made ChengSangJY hesitate. He paused before softly replying, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

ChengSangMo gently lifted JY's hand, carefully touching the bandages, and asked again, "I meant, did it hurt when you hurt yourself?"

ChengSangJY lowered his eyes, saying nothing. He didn't know how to explain himself or how ChengSangMo would perceive him now. He dared not speculate.

ChengSangMo sighed, carefully covering JY's arm with the blanket, and asked, "JY, has Empress Xiao's death affected you so much? Even though she treated you that way, is she worth hurting yourself over? Or do you truly believe I had her killed?"

JY was startled, thinking, "Could it be that Mo-ge doesn't know the truth behind this?"

"She did raise me, after all... And CY promised me he would spare her life," JY said.

ChengSangMo stood up slowly, turning his back to JY as if unwilling to let him see the emotions in his eyes. He continued, "Just because he promised you, you assume it was me who killed Empress Xiao? Do you really think your elder brother is so ruthless?"

JY was at a loss for words, keeping his head down. Mo's words made sense. Although CY had promised him, it didn't prove that Mo was behind Empress Xiao's death. Besides, Mo-ge had always been a straightforward person. Such underhanded tactics were not his style. Assuming his involvement based on rumors and baseless speculation was indeed unfair.

"JY, is there not a single moment when you think there's someone worth holding on for?" ChengSangMo assumed that JY's drastic actions were due to despair.

JY had expected Mo to scold him harshly like CY did. Instead, he heard concern and tenderness.

JY hesitated, wondering whether to reveal the truth. If Mo knew his real identity, would he still treat him the same? But if he kept it a secret, Mo would eventually find out. How would he face his elder brother then?

"Mo-ge, actually, I..." JY began, but was interrupted by Huazhiyue bursting into the room.

"JY, Cui DaGe just bought a pony. Do you want to see it?" Huazhiyue exclaimed, then noticed ChengSangMo and realized her timing was off.

"Zhiyue, this is my elder brother, MoLan prince," JY introduced.

Huazhiyue bowed, "MoLan prince." She had never met ChengSangMo, but had heard about him from JY. She thought, "Didn't JY say he was always cold and distant? Why would he come all this way to see him?"

ChengSangMo quickly assessed Huazhiyue, appreciating his brother's good taste. Such a lively and graceful girl was a rare sight even in the capital. Remembering the bracelet JY had asked him to make, he took it out and placed it on the table, saying, "It's getting late. I'll take my leave." Then he left.

"He's leaving just like that?" Huazhiyue asked, bewildered, looking at JY.

JY felt slightly better after Mo's visit. Seeing the brocade on the table, he guessed what it was and smiled at Huazhiyue, "Zhiyue, that."

Huazhiyue, puzzled, picked up the brocade and felt something inside. She walked back to the bed and handed it to JY.

"Open it," JY said.

Huazhiyue opened the brocade to reveal a purple jade bracelet with intricate carvings. She held it up to the light, exclaiming, "It's beautiful!"

Seeing her delight, JY smiled, "Try it on. See if it fits."

Huazhiyue was surprised and asked, "For me?"

JY's eyes curved with a smile as he picked up the bracelet and took her hand, helping her put it on. "Of course, it's for you. I'm a man; I don't need such things. Mo-ge sent me some materials recently. I thought this piece would make a lovely bracelet, and he must have brought it today."

Huazhiyue blushed slightly, feeling a mix of shyness and gratitude. She looked at JY with warmth and admiration, momentarily lost in thought.

After putting on the bracelet, Huazhiyue snapped back to reality when JY waved a hand in front of her, asking, "Zhiyue, what's wrong? Don't you like it?"

Huazhiyue quickly shook off her daze, feeling embarrassed. She lowered her head, fiddling with the bracelet, "I love it. It's beautiful. But JY, isn't this gift too precious? Purple jade isn't common, and it must be very expensive."

JY's smile remained gentle, his eyes full of tenderness. "Consider it a token of my appreciation for taking care of me these past few days."

Huazhiyue admired the bracelet, amazed, "Taking care of you for a few days and you give me such an expensive gift. The Crown Prince is indeed generous." Realizing her mistake, she quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

Hearing Huazhiyue refer to him as the Crown Prince, the light in ChengSangJY's eyes dimmed noticeably. Since that day, the title of Crown Prince had become a thorn in his heart, a constant reminder that filled him with an inexplicable loathing every time he heard it.

"JY, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," Huazhiyue apologized, feeling guilty.

ChengSangJY lowered his head, knowing full well that no matter how much he disliked it, this title would always be his. He took a deep breath and forced a smile, saying, "You mentioned that Cui DaGe bought a pony. Why don't we go take a look at it?"

In the Bamboo Grove, LiLuoning and MuJinling sat facing each other, a tea set between them. MuJinling skillfully prepared the tea, asking, "According to the records of the Chasing Moon Pavilion, after my mother took over, Senior Brother Li Lanxing vanished from the martial world, and all previous records of him in the pavilion's archives disappeared as well. Not long after, there was a low-key yet highly knowledgeable scholar known as Sima Jiujiu in the Southern Kingdom."

LiLuoning took a sip of tea, slightly raising an eyebrow, surprised that MuJinling even knew his favorite tea. He then said, "Your mother and I had an agreement. Once she fully took over the pavilion, I would retire and no longer involve myself in martial affairs. That sea tree jade bead was sent by your people, wasn't it?"

A few years ago, when someone presented LiLuoning with the sea tree jade bead, he knew it meant his junior sister was in trouble. It was their signal, agreed upon long ago, indicating a call for his return.

MuJinling took a sip of tea and replied, "My mother did leave a letter, instructing someone to deliver the item to a person named Sima Jiujiu. I initially thought you would come to the pavilion upon receiving the token, but you came to the capital alone."

LiLuoning responded, "Your mother predicted her fate with the emperor before taking over the pavilion. Moreover, when she married MuJinXB, she informed me, which is why I came to the capital seeking her."

"So, you initially came to the capital looking for the MuJin family?" MuJinling asked.

LiLuoning nodded, saying, "I was in the South until I arrived in the capital and learned about the MuJin family's tragedy. It was said that one child survived but disappeared. I decided to stay and investigate."

"Why didn't you contact the pavilion and ask for their help in investigating?" MuJinling asked.

"I couldn't be sure if the pavilion was involved in what happened to Lanxing," LiLuoning replied.

"So that's why you infiltrated the palace?" MuJinling asked with a smile.

LiLuoning shook his head slightly, responding, "Not entirely. It was a chance encounter on the street with JY, and the sea tree jade bead reacted to him. That's when I decided to enter the palace."

MuJinling sighed, "You have remarkable patience, taking years to uncover the truth."

LiLuoning knew MuJinling was partly reproaching him. He smiled lightly and said, "It was all about waiting for the right moment."

MuJinling smiled, then asked, "So, is the time right now?"

At the Cui Residence, a pigeon flew into Cui Yi's study, landing quietly on a perch. A hand reached out, taking the message tied to the pigeon's leg, which read, "Green Moon Twin Blades, Lin Second MoLan."

At the Lin Mansion, LinMuchuan was about to leave when he noticed LinHuaichu sitting alone, lost in thought. "Huaichu, why are you sitting here alone?" LinMuchuan rarely saw his brother like this and walked over to inquire.

LinHuaichu glanced at LinMuchuan with a lack of energy, then sighed and slumped onto the table, saying, "Brother, what should I do?"

LinMuchuan sat beside him, teasing, "Oh, the fearless Lin Second Young Master has something to worry about?"

LinHuaichu rolled his eyes and said, "My heart is filled with sorrow, yet no one understands. Even a man like me has his troubles."

LinMuchuan chuckled, continuing to tease, "It seems that Li Taifu is indeed remarkable, making our carefree Lin Second Young Master spout poetry."

"Brother, stop joking. I'm genuinely troubled," LinHuaichu said impatiently.

LinMuchuan straightened up, his tone more serious, "Alright, alright, I won't tease you anymore. Tell me, what's wrong? Is it about what happened with the Crown Prince a few days ago?"

LinHuaichu nodded, his voice weak, "Brother, what should I do about facing JY now?"