35.Outskirt of a City

LinHuaichu looked utterly dejected, resting his chin on the table, his voice filled with sorrow as he said, "The knife that caused JY's injury was the one I gave him. I've been thinking, if I hadn't given him that knife, maybe none of this would have happened. I knew he was in a bad mood, yet I left him alone. I should have stayed by his side."

LinHuaichu felt deeply responsible for what had happened to ChengSangJY. He believed that if he had been by his side all the time, this incident might have been avoided. Even now, knowing that JY was recuperating at Cui's residence, he didn't know how to face him, feeling that he bore a large part of the blame.

Seeing his usually carefree younger brother so distraught, LinMuchuan couldn't help but feel a bit gratified. The once frivolous young man had learned to worry and feel remorse. "Huaichu, in your opinion, why did JY do what he did?" LinMuchuan asked.

"Of course, it's because..." LinHuaichu started, but he remembered that ShangGuanCY had strictly instructed him not to tell anyone, not even his brother. Swallowing his words, he said instead, "Of course, it's because of his filial piety. Although Empress Xiao wasn't kind to JY, she was still his mother by blood. Moreover, CY had promised to spare her life no matter what happened, yet she still died in the dungeon. With the Xiao family fallen, the court is now divided between MoLan prince and Yun Qingyi. To JY, it must seem like his two brothers killed his mother in their power struggle. Anyone would have a hard time accepting that."

LinMuchuan listened intently and then nodded, asking, "Who do you think is most responsible for Empress Xiao's death?"

LinHuaichu thought for a moment and said, "I don't know for sure since I don't meddle in court affairs much. But if I had to guess, I'd say MoLan prince. The hunting incident years ago was a big scandal, and he probably killed Empress Xiao to avenge that."

LinMuchuan didn't refute him and asked, "Huaichu, do you remember our family's motto?"

"Swear loyalty to the kingdom, protect the people's livelihood, guard the borders, and never involve in factional politics," LinHuaichu recited effortlessly. He had known this by heart since he could speak, repeating it daily as if it were engraved in his mind.

LinMuchuan nodded with satisfaction and said, "You've grown up with JY. It's natural for you to feel for him in his current situation. However, the fall of the Xiao family isn't just about court disputes. The Xiao family held power for over a decade, controlling the Six Ministries from behind the scenes, threatening the emperor's authority. Even if they were old ministers serving two generations, any power threatening the throne couldn't last. Besides, many people under the Xiao family's influence have been rampant and lawless for years. Think about it. Besides the ShangGuan and Lin families, who else would dare confront anyone under the Xiao family? Such ministers who infringe on the emperor's authority and harm the people are a hidden danger if left unchecked."

LinHuaichu listened carefully, his eyes darting as he processed the information. He then realized, "So, removing the Xiao family was actually the emperor's intention?"

LinMuchuan nodded slightly and continued, "From JY's perspective, this is a significant blow. But from the standpoint of court politics, it might not be a bad thing. No ruler can tolerate a minister wielding such power. The emperor allows the rivalry between MoLan prince and CY as a means of balance, ensuring control by dispersing power. Their competition has nothing to do with the Xiao family."

LinHuaichu nodded, half understanding, half not, and asked, "But Brother, with JY like this, how can I help him?"

LinMuchuan smiled, tousling his younger brother's hair and said, "Aren't you the best at having fun? Since everyone is too busy to bother him, take him out to enjoy life outside the palace. Once the Six Ministries' situation is settled, he'll likely be taken back to the palace by CY."

"But his best friend now is Cui Yi, not me," LinHuaichu muttered, pouting.

LinMuchuan laughed heartily, teasing, "Oh, is our Lin family second young master jealous?"

"Brother! You're never serious!" LinHuaichu snapped back, irritated.

LinMuchuan stopped laughing and said, "Alright, I'm done teasing. Even if Cui Yi is impressive, he can't match the bond you've had with JY since childhood. He had few friends in the palace. You should be happy he made a new one. I'm going to the outskirts tonight to deal with bandits and might be gone for a few days. Stay at home and don't cause trouble, okay?"

"Got it, Brother. Be careful on the road," LinHuaichu called out to his brother's departing figure.

In the court, ChengSangKing scanned the ministers and asked, "Why is MoLan prince not here today?"

Eunuch Liu quickly stepped forward and whispered, "Your Majesty, the cleansing ceremony is approaching, and the prince left for the northern territories a few days ago."

ChengSangKing remembered and nodded. Then he turned to state affairs, pointing at ShangGuanJinShuo, he asked, "The taxes from Qi County in the west are still not fully collected. As far as I know, there haven't been any natural disasters there. Why the delay? ShangGuanDaren?"

ShangGuanJinShuo stepped out and responded, "Your Majesty, I have urged Qi County several times, but the officials either don't respond or the local authorities refuse to meet."

ChengSangKing huffed in anger, "How bold! Such defiance under the emperor's nose. CY, your father is old. You handle this. Go to Qi County and find out what's happening. If the officials continue to defy orders, arrest them all."

"CY obeys," CY replied.

A few days later at Cui's residence, ChengSangJY was visibly better, sitting alone in the courtyard reading.

LinHuaichu frequently visited during this time, becoming well-known to the staff who no longer stopped him.

"JY, what are you reading?" LinHuaichu asked, carrying a packet of snacks as he approached.

"These days, with the master not around, I've been reading some books to pass the time," ChengSangJY replied, glancing at what LinHuaichu was holding. "What do you have there, Huaichu?"

LinHuaichu grinned mischievously as he sat down at the table. "I brought you something... your favorite peach blossom pastries." He placed the pastries on the table, unfolded the oil paper, and poured a cup of tea for JY.

ChengSangJY smiled, "You know LiLuoning and Zhiyue specifically told me not to eat these things."

LinHuaichu waved it off. "They're not here to see you eat them. Just this once, go ahead. Every day, watching you drink those medicinal soups, I get tired for you." With that, he handed a piece of the pastry to ChengSangJY.

ChengSangJY took the pastry, savoring a bite. He had been craving peach blossom pastries for a while, but due to the strict regimen of medicine, LiLuoning and Huazhiyue had forbidden him from having sweets. He had mentioned it casually to LinHuaichu a few days ago, not expecting him to remember.

"JY, when are you planning to return to the palace? You can't stay at Cui Yi's place forever," LinHuaichu asked.

ChengSangJY set the pastry down and nodded. "In a few days. The Qingming Festival just passed, and it's a perfect time for an outing. I want to go to the countryside one more time before heading back."

"It's indeed a great day for an outing," came a voice from the side.

"Cui Yi," ChengSangJY said, putting down the pastry and bowing slightly.

Cui Yi, dressed in a light spring robe, holding a folding fan, walked in with a clean and tidy appearance, smiling as he spoke, "JY just mentioned wanting to go for an outing. Coincidentally, the carriage I ordered arrived this morning. There's no time like the present. Let's go to the countryside today and test out the carriage."

In the carriage, ChengSangJY looked out at the scenery. The gentle breeze brushed against his face, bringing with it the fresh scent of spring. Everywhere he looked, it was lush and green, full of life. "I didn't expect the northern outskirts of the city to have such a view. It's rare to have such a peaceful moment. I don't know when I'll get the chance to leave the palace again."

ChengSangJY was well aware that once he returned to the palace, he would be confined to that gilded cage once more. The current stability of the court was only temporary, and once ShangGuanCY returned from Qi County, he would be summoned back, with little choice in the matter. This tranquil countryside scene might not be seen again for a long time.

LinHuaichu tried to comfort him, "Don't be so pessimistic. In the future, if you want to come out, just ask Cui Yi to bring you."

Cui Yi nodded in agreement. "JY, as long as you ask, I'll take you wherever you want to go."

ChengSangJY's smile was tinged with a hint of sadness. "My injuries are almost healed, and the emperor has decreed that I start participating in court affairs. In a few days, I'll have to return and become the prince they need."

"JY, being the prince is just your title. You're still young and have the chance to pursue what you truly want. Remember what I told you before? If heaven lets you live in this world, it must have a purpose for you. You just need to ask yourself what you really want to do," Cui Yi said, patting ChengSangJY on the shoulder.

LinHuaichu added, "Exactly. Didn't the master teach us that everyone has their worth? You're still so young. Who knows what the future holds? Besides..." 

Before he could finish, the coachman let out a strangled cry, and then there was silence. An arrow suddenly shot through the window of the carriage.

"Watch out!" LinHuaichu acted quickly, pushing ChengSangJY aside. "There are assassins. Get out of the carriage!" He kicked open the carriage door and, with a swift flick, draped a black scarf over ChengSangJY. Ever since ChengSangJY's previous encounter with assassins by the cliff, LinHuaichu had kept the black scarf with him, never expecting it to come in handy again.

Arrows rained down from all directions. Several struck the horses, causing them to rear and bolt. Before the horses could panic further, the three of them jumped out of the carriage and ran towards the dense forest.

"Why is it that every time we go out, we run into assassins? Are these guys timing it or what?" LinHuaichu grumbled as they ran.

Although ChengSangJY had recovered well, his body was still weak. After running for a short while, he stumbled and nearly fell. LinHuaichu, quick on his feet, caught him and threw him over his shoulder, continuing to run. Cui Yi, following behind, gradually fell back, and then they heard a cry of pain.

"Cui Yi!" ChengSangJY turned to see Cui Yi sprawled on the ground.

LinHuaichu set ChengSangJY down and ran towards Cui Yi. Just a few steps away, he heard the swish of a blade. LinHuaichu dodged and countered with a kick, sending the attacker flying. At that moment, several black-clad figures emerged from the bushes, attacking LinHuaichu.

ChengSangJY reached Cui Yi and tried to help him up. "Cui Yi, are you okay? Get up."

Cui Yi struggled to his feet, but after a few steps, he fell again, pushing ChengSangJY away. "JY, leave me. Run."

"No, we're leaving together." ChengSangJY refused to abandon him and tried to help him up again.

LinHuaichu, surrounded by four black-clad men, found himself quickly restrained by chains. Seeing another man heading towards ChengSangJY, he shouted with all his might, "JY, run! Run!"

As ChengSangJY looked up at the sound of LinHuaichu's warning, a black-clad man leaped towards him with a blade. Instinctively, ChengSangJY raised his arm to block, eyes closed in fear.

There was a grunt, and a sword clattered to the ground beside ChengSangJY. The black-clad man collapsed, an arrow protruding from his throat.

ChengSangJY, heart still racing, followed the direction of the arrow and saw a white-haired man on a black horse in the distance.

"Mo... brother?" Even from afar, ChengSangJY recognized the figure immediately.

At the same time, the black-clad men restraining LinHuaichu fell dead.

"Are you alright?" ChengSangMo dismounted and helped ChengSangJY up.

ChengSangJY stared at him, bewildered, as ChengSangMo checked him over. After a moment, he managed to speak, "Mo... brother, you..."

Before he could finish, a guard interrupted them. "My lord, all the assassins have been killed."

"Take the bodies back and investigate who sent them," ChengSangMo ordered, then guided ChengSangJY towards his horse.

As the guards of the royal residence were counting the bodies, a hidden black-clad assassin in the forest slowly raised his arm, aiming a hidden dart at ChengSangJY.

"Swish!" The dart had barely left the sleeve when LinHuaichu's keen senses detected it. He picked up a stone and threw it, knocking the dart aside just before it could strike JY. Then, with a swift backhand, he threw a dagger into the forest.

"Huaichu, leave him alive!" ChengSangMo shouted, realizing there was another hidden assassin. But it was too late.

The assassin let out a groan and collapsed.

ChengSangMo rushed forward, grabbing the assassin's collar and hauling him up from the ground. "Who sent you? Speak!" he demanded.

"Yun... Qing Prince..." the assassin managed to utter before his breath ceased.

LinHuaichu's eyes widened in disbelief. "Impossible."

ChengSangMo's brow furrowed deeply. He was about to turn and question further when his eyes fell on the short dagger embedded in the assassin's chest. It was the very dagger LinHuaichu had thrown. "The Cuilan Crescent Blade!" ChengSangMo thought. MuJinling hadn't lied; the other blade indeed belonged to LinHuaichu.

ChengSangMo abruptly pulled out the dagger and quickly walked over to LinHuaichu, his eyes blazing with anger. "Where did you get this dagger?"

LinHuaichu, still in shock from the assassin's words, barely responded. "What?"

"I asked you, where did you get this dagger!" ChengSangMo repeated, his voice rising as he grabbed LinHuaichu and pulled him close.

"Mo brother, what are you doing?" ChengSangJY ran over, trying to intervene, seeing the intensity in ChengSangMo's eyes and the dagger pointed at LinHuaichu.

"I... from my brother's study," LinHuaichu stammered, shocked by ChengSangMo's sudden aggression.

"Why does LinMuchuan have this dagger?" ChengSangMo continued to press.

ChengSangJY, unable to understand the situation, tugged at ChengSangMo's hand. "Mo brother, let go of Huaichu."

ChengSangMo didn't budge, his eyes fixed on LinHuaichu with a look that could tear him apart.

"I don't know. He said it was found in my father's camp," LinHuaichu replied honestly.

Upon hearing this, the raging fire in ChengSangMo's eyes suddenly extinguished. He shoved LinHuaichu away and stepped back, turning around, visibly distressed.

LinHuaichu, bewildered, turned to ChengSangJY. "JY, what's going on?"

ChengSangJY shrugged, equally clueless.

"What's happening?" Cui Yi, limping, joined them, holding his arm.

LinHuaichu, still fuming, retorted, "How should I know? I didn't keep a prisoner alive. Is that a reason to get so angry?"

ChengSangJY noticed Cui Yi clutching his arm and immediately expressed concern. "Cui brother, are you hurt?"

Cui Yi nodded slightly. "I think an arrow grazed me in the chaos. JY, isn't the MoLan prince supposed to be suffering from old ailments? How could he shoot with such precision just now?"

Cui Yi's remark made ChengSangJY and LinHuaichu realize that ChengSangMo, who had been ill for years, had just displayed remarkable archery skills. He didn't seem like a frail, sickly prince at all.

In the palace's study, ChengSangMo knelt straight on the ground, ChengSangJY standing by his side.

"Well, well. Quite the act, MoLan prince. Even I was fooled all these years," ChengSangKing roared, furious upon learning ChengSangMo had feigned illness for so long.

"Tell me, if JY hadn't discovered the truth today, how long did you plan to keep this secret?" ChengSangKing paced back and forth in the study, fuming.

ChengSangMo remained silent, his head bowed, knowing that any explanation would be futile at this point.

"Father..." ChengSangJY began to speak in defense.

"Silence! I haven't even started with you. Over a trivial matter, you chose to stay outside the palace. I thought you'd come back once you'd had enough freedom, but look at you, forgetting your identity, leaving the city without guards. If Mo hadn't happened by, would you even be alive to stand here?" ChengSangKing scolded JY harshly.

ChengSangJY immediately knelt, lowering his head, too afraid to speak.

ChengSangKing felt a splitting headache coming on. He had only two sons, and neither gave him peace. Rubbing his temples, he let out a long sigh.

On the ground, ChengSangJY stole a glance at ChengSangMo, pursing his lips to stifle a laugh. It reminded him of their childhood, often being scolded together by their father, usually for some mischief he had thought up that got them both in trouble.

ChengSangMo noticed JY's glance and gave him a stern look, trying to keep a straight face himself.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, ChengSangKing asked with eyes closed, "Do we know who the assassins were?"

"Your son dares not speculate," ChengSangMo replied.

"If you know, speak up. Speculation or not," ChengSangKing insisted.

After a moment's hesitation, ChengSangMo said, "The assassin did mention a name, but I'm not entirely certain. However, LinHuaichu also heard it. To ensure I did not mishear and wrongfully accuse someone, it would be best to have LinHuaichu confirm it as well."

ChengSangKing, curious but cautious, agreed. "Bring LinHuaichu in."