At that moment, footsteps echoed in the darkness, and an aged voice said, "Indeed worthy of being our own blood's blood, possessing such courage is quite commendable."
An elderly man emerged from the darkness, closely guarded by three figures in black.
Upon seeing the old man, Luo Beiqiao's heart skipped a beat.
It wasn't that he recognized the old man, but the man's appearance made him feel he had stumbled onto something significant.
The old man's eyes were blind, and not from any illness or injury; it seemed very likely they had been gouged out by someone, or perhaps even by himself, for in place of where his eyes should be were two seashells the size of eyeballs, or perhaps some kind of snail shell. Additionally, there was an indentation on his forehead, as if the flesh and bone there had been horrifically excavated to fit another small seashell.