The MC is racist with china no.1 mindset, if you don't like this kind of mc please don't read it. Social commentary about races, religions, or sociogeopolitics could make you really upset.
8 months ago
As I understand it, there is a clause that does not allow the publication of novels of a racist nature. I have already come across several racist Chinese novels on this platform despite the fact that there is a clause where it is made clear that a racist novel would be deleted... Hypocrisy? I am a big fan of Chinese novels, but I think that this type of novels should be regularized. It is one thing to write with knowledge and another totally different thing to write from ignorance.
7 months ago
Pretty Bad ...I Expected Much Because Of His Previous "Terror Infinity" Novel But Yeah I Retired On Chapter 20....Read At Your Own Risk...
8 months ago
I find a crisp pap smear with an icy speculum to be a superior experience to reading this.
The MC is racist with china no.1 mindset, if you don't like this kind of mc please don't read it. Social commentary about races, religions, or sociogeopolitics could make you really upset.
As I understand it, there is a clause that does not allow the publication of novels of a racist nature. I have already come across several racist Chinese novels on this platform despite the fact that there is a clause where it is made clear that a racist novel would be deleted... Hypocrisy? I am a big fan of Chinese novels, but I think that this type of novels should be regularized. It is one thing to write with knowledge and another totally different thing to write from ignorance.
Pretty Bad ...I Expected Much Because Of His Previous "Terror Infinity" Novel But Yeah I Retired On Chapter 20....Read At Your Own Risk...
I find a crisp pap smear with an icy speculum to be a superior experience to reading this. Best
The author is pretty racist and nationalistic