Section 533: The Winter Campaign (Part 4)

Although Malin's warning was strong and forceful, there were still some who observed the drastic changes overtaking that Fatty Noble and, in a bid to reclaim their once splendid past, dared to take risks. That very night, seven elderly women and two old men came together, somehow penetrating the military's cordon, and drank the undiluted No. 1 Holy Water.

Three of them with questionable allegiances who drank more met immediate ash to ash, dust to dust. The rest, by the time they were found, had been transformed by Holy Energy into beings only capable of repentance and seeking redemption.

The sacred energy is not merely Spiritual Medicine, it can save lives or judge those audacious enough to test its limits. As a species, the longer humans live, the more regrets and guilt accumulate. After all, there are very few who live a life as clear as a mirror, where all their actions are just, in this world.