Chapter 62: Spiked Leg Tailless Scorpion [Happy New Year's Eve~]

After Ma Lu and Mai Mai dealt with the runaway, they turned around to see Boggy's fight had also ended.

The knife-wielding Hunter couldn't withstand the pincer attack from Boggy and Sadie, and was quickly turned into a hedgehog.

Boggy actually didn't like fighting among Hunters; she much preferred hunting wild beasts in the desert.

But she was well aware of Black Horn's style of conduct and knew what fate awaited those they targeted. The blood scent emitted by her own kind nearby still instinctively made her feel a bit uncomfortable.

Meanwhile, Ma Lu had already started eagerly rummaging through the bodies.

"What are you looking for?"

Ma Lu tossed a black brooch shaped like a rhino horn to Boggy, "This is yours."

Boggy immediately understood what Ma Lu intended, "Are you planning on going down to find Jinjian?"