Chapter 61 The Deputy Leader is Able Again

The five members of the Twin Sunflower Hunting Group didn't move quickly, always careful and watchful, but they didn't encounter any attacks on their way.

Arriving at the area where Jinjian and his people had been active, they still saw no one.

If it weren't for the motorcycles still parked nearby, Boggy would have suspected that the Black Horn people had already left.

"This is really strange, could they have grown wings and flown away in such a short time?"

Seta just muttered casually, but it reminded Ma Lu.

"Going up to the sky is unlikely, but how about underground?"

"Underground?" Mai Mai raised an eyebrow.

"Hmm, Seta mentioned it before, right? Jinjian and his lot have been looking for something these last two days. Is it possible that the thing is underground? And the reason they suddenly disappeared is that they found an entrance to the underground."