Chapter 22 Another Wayward Fan Theory

Capital Normal University sure has an abundance of beauties, you can find girls who score around 70 or 80 points just about anywhere.

With a strong school brand and not-so-high admission scores, the normal university category is particularly suitable for the urban middle class who hope for their daughters to live stable lives, so in terms of the quality of enrollees, it's miles ahead of Qingbei and other universities.

Plus, located in the capital, it keeps up with the trends—dabbling a little in fashion and makeup, it's impossible to be ugly.

Xia Yu's eyes nearly popped out of his head, although in truth he had only encountered less than 300 female students.

By proportion, that was barely 1.5%.

But on the road, he saw at most only a few dozen male students—the proportion was terrifyingly unbalanced.

"What the heck! Huai, isn't getting a girlfriend in our school as easy as just opening your mouth?"

Xia Yu was quite excited. Although he was mild-mannered, he was also a first-year bursting with hormones, his brain filled with visions of female students.

Su Huai looked at him with a smile and reminded him, "There are even more beauties in your Music College. As long as you don't set your sights too high, stubbornly fixating on those few top girls, it'll be much easier for you to find someone than for us."

"Why would it be easier? I'm not handsome."

The naive kid looked up, his eyes full of innocent stupidity.

"It's a different kind of pressure!"

Su Huai patiently explained, "In a place swarming with top beauties, those ordinary beauties one level down feel intense pressure. Their sense of crisis and repression will force them to hurry and find a boyfriend to escape this disadvantageous situation.

So they will lower their standards for finding a partner, be more eager, more tolerant of a guy's flaws, and more willing to give you a chance.

Think about it, how hard would it be to pursue an average beauty if she were the belle of the Civil Engineering College? But in your Music College, she might feel that 'good enough' is fine.

So if you act a bit quicker and show sincere attitude, you'll definitely be able to find someone before the October break, and snagging a pretty girl should be no problem."


Xia Yu nodded with a look of amazed admiration, utterly impressed.

"Huai, you're seriously freaking awesome! Have you dated a lot? Your girlfriend must be really beautiful, right?"


Su Huai took in a breath of cold air, feeling a pang of awkwardness.

How could this kid repay kindness with grievance?

He forced himself to maintain a calm demeanor, waving dismissively, "Not at all, my standards are quite high, after all, we're not the same, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it!"

Xia Yu nodded eagerly like a pecking chick, his face full of admiration, "Although you don't look outstanding and dress normally, I believe in your abilities!"

Damn it!

This conversation isn't going anywhere!

Seeing they were nearing their destination, Su Huai hurriedly waved him off, "Go do whatever you need to do; I have important business to handle. See you tonight."

"Got it!"

Xia Yu, full of enthusiasm, looked toward the teaching building of their department, ready for action.

"I'll go scout the situation in the department. There are so many clubs recruiting today, our college is definitely going to be swarming with beauties!"

"Off you go!"

Having said their goodbyes, Su Huai headed straight for the main administrative building and knocked on Director Zhang's office door.

"Come in!"

Su Huai opened the door, standing in the doorway without entering, "Teacher, I've sorted out my side of things and came to see if you had any further instructions for me."

Zhang Yaowen was delighted, his face beaming with a smile as he gestured, "Come in and sit. Instructions? No matter how urgently I want you to work, you still have to get familiar with how things are done first! How do you feel so far?"

Su Huai wasn't sure what aspect Director Zhang was asking about, but as the only newcomer to be trusted, he didn't need to be overly cautious about everything.

So, tactfully yet straightforwardly, he responded, "Mr. Wang Zhi is a sincere man, very concerned with the students' academics. I will assist him well and handle all miscellaneous tasks, to minimize your worries."

Zhang Yaowen was taken aback, looked up at Su Huai, and internally exclaimed a huge 'wow'.

In Su Huai's brief response, composed of five short sentences, not a single word was wasted.

The phrase "a sincere man" meant he was naive to the ways of the world;

"Paying attention to academics" means he can't grasp the main focus of the work;

"Assisting well" means I will help him identify and fill in the gaps;

"Handling miscellaneous affairs" means dividing authority, and I will only stand on matters related to affairs;

"Lessening your worries" means you still have to worry about the things you need to, I'm just giving you a heads-up in advance, a bit of communication.

Su Huai didn't chat about life, nor did he talk about his own achievements. He got straight to work, and it was about setting the tone for the work. His grandeur sent Zhang Yaowen reeling on the spot.

"Su, what do your parents do?"

He didn't originally plan to ask such things, but he couldn't help it; he felt this kid's family must have at least a department-level cadre to instill such temperament.

"Ordinary family."

Su Huai smiled shyly, "My father is a minor employee at an oilfield, and my mother runs a small business. They both work very hard."


Zhang Yaowen nodded suddenly as if understanding, directly supplementing in his mind.

Yes, his father must be a state-owned enterprise leader, a high-level official in the Daqing Oilfield.

His mother, a private entrepreneur, and seeing how modestly Su Huai dressed, it's highly likely that she's involved in oilfield business and prefers not to flaunt wealth.

This kid is really steady!

Zhang Yaowen's esteem for Su Huai grew higher and more extravagant.

Actually, he didn't care about the parents' status, because even the highest status doesn't amount to much in the Imperial Capital; there is no need to fuss about it.

He cared only about Su Huai's personal qualities, as that's what would truly help him and alleviate his worries.

"Good, go ahead and do it. I have already spoken to the Student Affairs Office; you can join the Business School Student Union directly and also hold the position of Deputy Secretary-General for the time being. Focus mainly on the class, take good care of the students' lives and morale..."

Director Zhang didn't instruct too specifically, but he granted Su Huai a great deal of authority.

It seems he also knew that Wang Zhi was not capable of handling the tasks.

Su Huai stated solemnly, "Okay, I will fully respect Mr. Wang and work together to do a good job."

So smart!

Zhang Yaowen nodded in satisfaction, his level of amiability increasing by +10086.

"Go ahead, get to know the teachers and students in the Student Affairs Office well."

"Goodbye, teacher. Take care of yourself too."

He said his polite farewells and then left, crisp and efficient.

He went straight to the Student Affairs Office and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Upon opening the door and glancing inside, Su Huai saw a middle-aged staff member, a young teacher, and a senior student.

"Hello teachers, I am Su Huai, the interim class monitor from the School of Management's Big Data program. Director Zhang has instructed me to report here."

Su Huai did not bow; he just looked at everyone with a straightforward and friendly smile.

The senior student was the first to come over, grinning and extending both hands for a handshake.

"Hello, junior brother Su Huai, I am Chang Siyuan, president of our Business School Student Union. I am a senior and will be stepping down before October, currently serving my last shift for my juniors and sophomores. Come, let me introduce you to the teachers."

With nondescript looks but a very affable smile when he greeted others, Chang Siyuan pulled Su Huai to start getting acquainted with people.

The middle-aged man wearing tea-colored glasses was Director Sun Yu, in charge of all student work. The activities of the five student associations in the college were under his management.

The young teacher wearing a white shirt was Liu Xiaoguang, the advisor of the Business School Student Union and also the external coordination ambassador.

Both teachers were crucial, a fact determined by the functions of the Student Affairs Office.

Su Huai was naturally very polite, and correspondingly, their responses were warm.

At the same time, they were quietly observing, scrutinizing, and evaluating Su Huai.

The Big Data program was a new endeavor of the School of Management, currently not very significant, but important in the plans.

Even though the term had just started, it was already almost certain that Wang Zhi would not be able to cope. Therefore, Su Huai, personally picked by Director Zhang, was naturally expected to take on more.

The position wasn't high, but the responsibility was significant; this was the situation Su Huai had to face.