Chapter 23 Su Huai? Like a Cone in a Bag

Su Huai pulled out his notebook and pen, sat across from Liu Xiaoguang's desk, and began to speak with composure.

"Mr. Liu, please help me sort out what the main focuses of my recent work are."

The question was precise, and the person being asked was equally precise.

Chang Siyuan was about to step down, and Su Huai saw him organizing materials for the graduate interviews; therefore, he could skip past without hesitation.

A former chairman who would soon fade from power and whose energy was focused on his own future could be the best person to consult, but not an optimal target to strategize with.

Only children would take this opportunity to ask questions as merely a chance to ask questions.

As for Director Sun Yu, he was a leader. To start by pulling the leader aside and peppering him with questions would be quite inconsiderate, right?

So... it's you, Liu Er!

Su Huai chose his breakthrough point decisively and straightforwardly, with questions pointing directly to the core, all within Liu Xiaoguang's scope of work, compelling him to commit fully.

"Su, let me first tell you about the key points of work in the Student Affairs Department," Liu Xiaoguang said, showing great patience, and started from the beginning.

But his words were fragmented and somewhat lacked focus, forcing Su Huai to organize them himself.

"Our department is generally responsible for three specific tasks:

Student management, student services, and coordination of student affairs.

In terms of management, we deal with student status, archives, attendance, dormitory affairs, and leave approvals... The main aim is to ensure the healthy growth and safety of students.

As for services, career guidance, psychological counseling, and life guidance are the main focuses, not much related to you new students.

Coordination mainly involves dealing with the office, academic affairs, security department, and logistics office, still based on the fundamental function of handling student affairs.

Our School of Management is quite small, with only three major departments, six undergraduate majors, and one minor, as well as four majors for junior college to university transfer programs, totaling over a thousand students, with 62 faculty and staff members.

Out of these, there are only 13 administrative staff members not engaged in teaching, which is really quite inadequate.

Therefore, most class advisors are second-year master's students, and the manpower truly dedicated to work is not abundant, which puts a lot of pressure on the Student Affairs Department.

For this reason, the student council has become a frontline management entity, nearly responsible for all transactional work.

Siyuan has a desk here, and it's not just for show.

You too, once here, shouldn't expect to idle away; you're expected to shoulder responsibilities..."

Isn't it just about playing both father and mother to those brats?

Don't worry, I'm prepared!

Su Huai was very positive in his attitude after all, he was about to be called "Dad" by Gu Jiuyue, the genuine Tianshan ice lotus.

If one isn't proactive in living off a woman, there must be an issue with their thinking.

If one is too enthusiastic about living off a woman, they'll wear themselves thin eventually.

As for the right balance, the old hand Su Huai was sure to grasp it well...

Liu Xiaoguang took a sip of water and continued, "Due to the severe shortage of manpower, we are also in charge of campus cultural construction.

We organize and participate in various campus cultural activities, such as arts competitions, sports meets, lectures, and evening parties, and so on...

Oh, and the approval and training for student entrepreneurship projects have also been thrown our way, it's currently only an empty framework with policies but no resources; your part-time job within the school can perfectly be linked with the entrepreneurship center..."

Su Huai was busy jotting down notes, without giving a direct response.

That entrepreneurship center could be described as the most bare-bones of the bare-bones, not even a single hair on it.

In Su Huai's past life, students in the School of Management mainly acted independently in their entrepreneurship, and he hadn't heard of anyone applying for it.

Of course, projects such as contracting parcel pick-up points, opening cat cafés, bubble tea shops, and running errands didn't really need to apply for any policy support.

However, if Su Huai decided to start a business in the future, he could indeed take advantage of the school's conditions.

Would the treatment be the same when the referee joins the game?

If I don't end up squeezing you all dry, then I'm not Su Tengying!

"...Alright, that's roughly it," Liu Xiaoguang finished, and waited for Su Huai's response.

At this moment, Director Sun Yu, who had been immersed in writing, also stopped his pen, and Chang Siyuan leaned back in his chair with arms crossed, turning their attention to Su Huai.

Their movements were not large or conspicuous, something ordinary freshmen would certainly not notice.

But who was Su Huai?

The overtime war god of the office from years ago, nicknamed "Big Screw Ding."

There wasn't a situation he couldn't handle, an urgency he couldn't respond to, a job he couldn't fill, or a gap he couldn't seal.

From logistics to operations, anyone could get him to work overtime.

Now, speaking of it doesn't seem like anything glorious, but looking at it from another angle, not even major layoffs could knock him down. Starting a new job at the company at the age of 35 and relying on his ability to fill in without any prerequisites, he managed to make a 10K monthly salary, which was also a kind of survival strategy.

In Imperial Capital Residence, it's not easy, and Su Huai was skilled in certain areas.

Unfortunately, he only had two skills...

Before his rebirth, that definitely wouldn't have been enough; his capabilities were limited.

But now, back in the ivory tower, that changes everything. Everywhere was his stage to perform.

"I think I've got the general idea, but there are a few questions I need to confirm with you."

Su Huai spoke softly, his demeanor very gentle.

However, he immediately rattled off a string of critical questions.

"The first and foremost responsibility on my side must be the big data major. You didn't mention military training just now, but considering the urgency, shouldn't my current work focus be on assisting the school in ensuring the smooth progression of military training?

In our student affairs department, whether from a service perspective or a coordination angle, we're definitely one of the main responsible departments for military training.

You didn't bring it up, but I have to ask; that's the first thing.

Second, is the School of Management planning to host a separate orientation party for new students?

If so, then this becomes the second priority, and the whole school needs to get moving.

If not, then our big data class lacks the capability to cooperate with the school-wide party, and we would need the school to take the lead in sharing the burden.

Third, does the school have any clubs that require new members?

If so, what are the standards, requirements, and incentives?

Fourth, key members in the student council like Chang can only hold out for another half a month to a month at most, so the student council definitely needs to bring in fresh blood.

In that case, could you offer us a few exclusive spots for our class?

Our class's dormitories are scattered, and the locations for our lessons are also spread out. To prevent the big data class from becoming detached from the larger School of Management community, and to cultivate a true sense of belonging and collective pride among the freshmen, I personally think it's very necessary to tilt the balance in various aspects towards us.

As for the rest of the day-to-day matters, they are indeed not urgent; I could sort them out with two days to spare."

Liu Xiaoguang was stunned.

His expression was like that of ⊙o⊙.

Holy crap, is this a freshman?!

Chang Siyuan lowered his arms from across his chest, leaned forward with his arms on the desk, and examined Su Huai from head to toe.

From his face to his feet, nothing stood out.

Su Huai was neatly dressed in clothes from Taobao, a bit tanned from the sun, with nothing out of the ordinary inside and out.

Yet his expression was stable, his gaze focused, his posture upright yet relaxed, clearly not treating the test before him as a significant event. His speech showed he really had substance.

That ability to unravel the essence and address the key points, the courage to speak directly and argue with reason... Even among adults, it was rare to see.

Which key high school had nurtured this exceptional talent?!

Could it be he had stood out since primary school and had been the class president for a full 12 years?!

Chang Siyuan subconsciously thought: Regardless of whether he took the path of staying on campus or not, it was essential to establish a good relationship with Su Huai.

To know such a junior brother was all benefit and no harm.

Sun Yu picked up his pen, bent his head down again, and quickly scribbled a few lines in his notebook.

The first line included Su Huai's name and major, with space left to fill in contact information.

Beneath that was a brief evaluation, the handwriting quite messy—

[Quick thinker, meticulous and thoughtful, dare to strive, very confident]

[Suspected to possess extensive administrative work experience, views issues with maturity, eager to accept and tackle responsibilities, with a bit of refinement and training, could be a rare management talent]

[Chang was not as mature as Su Huai when he took over as the president of the student council in his junior year, perhaps...★]

After the ellipsis, Sun Yu placed a star, which was his personal habit, signifying a need for special attention.

Some people stand out like a needle in a bag; you listen to them speak a couple of sentences or let them handle a task, and they immediately emerge from the confines.

Placed among the freshers, Su Huai was sharp like a needle.

A prick leads to a burst of blood, leaving no room for negligence.