Chapter 24: Both Are Freshmen, Why Is He So Outstanding?

Su Huai stayed in the office until close to 3 p.m., finally getting everything in order.

Liu Xiaoguang and Chang Siyuan were very cooperative, holding back nothing in their communication.

Basically, Su Huai's judgments were spot on; his most crucial task at the moment was to work with the college to ensure the military training went smoothly.

During military training, each class must have a lead teacher to assist the college's leader in managing various tasks.

Logically, the lead teacher for the big data class could only be Wang Zhi.

But for reasons well known to all, Director Sun took initiative, having Su Huai take over most of Wang Zhi's responsibilities, leaving only a few tasks such as being on duty.

When summoned to the student's office, Wang Zhi couldn't stop talking happily, grabbing Su Huai's hand and chattering away.

Huai's scalp was tingling.

For someone who hated being taken advantage of, he would definitely seek favorable conditions for himself.

"What about status? Mr. Sun, I still need some kind of position to interact with the instructors, don't I? Class leader alone just doesn't cut it..."

"Class assistant!"

Without even thinking, Sun Yu directly assigned Su Huai a bizarre title.

"You now hold three positions: one, an adjunct member of the student's office; two, temporary deputy secretary-general of the college student union; three, assistant to the big data class and class leader.

Switch between them depending on the situation.

I know it'll be hard, but you're young, and it's time to embody the spirit of 'a brick wherever it's needed'..."


There's no need for you to paint me a rosy picture; I can stuff myself just fine.

Think about Gu Jiuyue, think about having a six-pack without exercising, think about smoking, drinking, staying up late but still living healthily to 99, then think about the wagon's axle...

Su Huai had absolutely no complaints about doing a bit more work.

However, even though I'm not short on benefits, you still can't skip giving them; the title of class assistant definitely isn't enough!

"I have no objection to moving bricks or becoming a brick."

Su Huai cracked a little joke, then put on a troubled face: "However, I'll be dealing with military training, managing the class, and also helping Mr. Wang with his missing duties..."

"Hmm, that's true..."

Sun Yu pondered for a few seconds, looked up at Wang Zhi, hesitated for a moment, and finally made up his mind.

"This is what we'll do, considering the exceptional situation. I can personally negotiate to reduce the intensity of your military training, and you should also make sure to build a good relationship with the instructors..."


Su Huai was taken aback.

He wanted benefits, but he never expected to obtain such privileges.

What does reducing intensity mean?

Isn't it just finding chances to slip away, using work as a legitimate excuse to ask for leave!

Plus, privileges have continuity. Once regular classes start, whether to attend or how to conduct them, I'll have a great deal of freedom!

Su Huai noted Director Sun's hesitant gaze, crystal clear in his own mind—on this one, I'm basking in Wang's instructor's reflected glory.

If it weren't for the need to have a reliable person to cover for Wang Zhi, why would anyone give such privileges to a freshman?

The capabilities Su Huai demonstrated were merely a superficial reason; the root cause was external, not internal.

Of course, if Su Huai hadn't shown credible abilities, Sun Yu wouldn't have made such a decision; his performance still played a significant role.

Well, I can give myself a score of 82.

Having gained a huge advantage, Su Huai just smirked to himself for a moment, then immediately stated earnestly: "All right, I have no problems now and will do my utmost!"

"Good, go ahead with it, the student's office will always be your support."

Sun Yu offered further encouragement, then glanced at the happy Wang Zhi, but didn't emphasize anything in particular to him, ending the discussion there.

And so, Su Huai instantly understood the situation—

Wang Zhi's family was very influential, yet they held no expectations for his future, simply wishing he could study peacefully, live a quiet life.

Thus, the college's attitude became very subtle.

On the one hand, they tried their best to create a favorable environment for him, but on the other hand, they didn't seek any benefits from him; there were no exchanges, just cursory care.

So, everyone helped him, but no one sought to please him.

In his previous life, Su Huai had seen such a situation once.

To tell the truth, he was quite envious.

Of course, there's no need to be envious now; Crown Prince Su is the favorite child of the father in heaven.

"Mr. Wang, from now on, I'll be working hard for you."

Su Huai casually cracked a joke that could shorten the distance between them, but it actually made Wang Zhi feel awkward.

"Oh boy, I'm really putting you out... but I do find those things very tedious... Hey, by the way, are you planning to go for postgraduate studies?"

It was evident that Wang Zhi genuinely wanted to compensate Su Huai.

But Su Huai was somewhat bemused.

I'm just a freshman, Wang!

And we're in someone else's office!

"No, no, no!" Su Huai quickly waved his hands to decline, "It's just a bit more work; I'm not at a loss."

Are you kidding, do you know who I'm working for?

Mr. Tongzi!

The hardships and exhaustion I endure now will all be converted into a home ground advantage, and I'll ruthlessly reclaim it during Operation Wolf.

Far from being at a loss, I'll be making a killing.

The only downside is that Mr. Tongzi has such high standards.

If it weren't for the restriction of 90 points and three slots, I would have been off on a wild spree long ago.

Unfortunately, the two current targets, Chen Nuanhan and Gu Jiuyue, are not the kind of girls who can be won over with money, inevitably forcing me to think hard and strive.

Those rich players from other stations, don't they just splash out tens of millions at the drop of a hat?

It must feel amazing just to throw money around and win so easily.

However, thinking from a different angle, the system's restrictions on targets also precisely control my behavior and growth rate, giving me ample time to adapt and control everything, preventing me from becoming a slave to tasks and money.

In the long run, it's a much more beneficial rule for me; it fundamentally eliminates the emergence of an unorthodox nouveau riche.

And I don't find anything wrong with that.

The certainty of the future allows me not to rush headlong into the pursuit of money.

Rebirth plus the system—do I need to hurry?

No, he just needed to take each step steadily and everything that should come would naturally follow.

This kind of solid happiness was very beneficial for Su Huai to adjust himself and enjoy the happiness of every stage of life.

In his previous college life, Su Huai spent too much time working part-time, trying to please Chen Nuanhan, and absorbing psychological junk.

All that anxiety, anger, and unease, dammit, was self-inflicted.

Starting over, being happy and fulfilled was his first goal, strengthening his kidneys and secretly becoming handsome to dazzle everyone was his second, making money to splurge and show off was his third, and only his fourth goal was to swoon three top-level beauties.

If it was getting swooned by a top beauty…

Then that would mean his second goal was far from ideal, and he needed to reflect on himself.


With extreme calm and even a hint of excitement, Su Huai embraced his new role, bid farewell to Sun Yu and others with a bunch of contact details in hand, and headed to the teaching building with Wang Zhi.

Along the way, Wang kept prattling on non-stop.

His talk was damn interesting, "Su Huai, in addition to handling student affairs, you also need to work hard on your studies, you can't slack off. Knowledge will never betray you, big data management is a promising major..."

It seemed that in his life, studying trumped everything else.

Wang's voice may have been soft, but her attitude was very sincere, and it was obvious she genuinely liked Su Huai.

He was a nice person, but his thoughts obviously didn't fit the reality of society.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh, you're absolutely right!"

Su Huai felt there was no need to argue with her and patiently humored her, chatting all the way to the classroom door.

Upon entering, Su Huai ushered Wang Zhi in first, then Wang Zhi timidly scurried to the lectern and performed a major passing of the buck.

"Hello, everybody, I am your counselor, Wang Zhi. This is Su Huai, our class assistant and temporary class president, um, Su Huai will host the following class meeting for everyone."

Damn, you're really chicken...

Others may have social anxiety just in words, but yours is from the root, isn't it?

Su Huai was rather helpless and had to take the stage early, making a splashy entrance.

"Hello, everyone, I'm your fellow classmate Su Huai. Due to some special reasons, I will be taking up my duties early to help everyone get through the military training period smoothly."

Su Huai picked up a piece of chalk and wrote down his and Wang Zhi's names, contact information, and a QQ group number on the blackboard.

"Please remember the contact information for me and Mr. Wang, and then join the class group. Once everyone is sorted, we'll continue our discussion."

A buzzing noise of confusion erupted from the crowd.

This kind of class meeting start was really something the innocent college freshmen hadn't anticipated.

It's just outrageous, you know?

So, even though most students didn't know each other, they still began to murmur among themselves.

"What's going on?"

"Is he a repeating senior student?"

"No, he admitted he's a new student of our year."

"But why can a new student be the class assistant?"

"Don't know..."

"Could he be the child of some school leader?"

"Crap! Just started school and I'm already dealing with this shady stuff? I'm so done!"

Su Huai could understand their thoughts, but there was nothing he could do, Wang Zhi was just unreliable, what could be done?

It was something that couldn't be explained at the moment, so Su Huai deliberately let them question, allowing a minute of silence.

Then, he began to simmer them with warm water.

"Alright, brothers and sisters, let's begin.

Mr. Wang is in his second year of graduate studies, with a heavy research workload, and it's the first year of the big data class without senior students to help, so from now on, we can only rely on ourselves.

I registered early, got pulled in to help out, and I'm temporarily taking on the role of class president for now. I hope everyone can cooperate with me to get through the military training period smoothly.

When the formal election comes, those who have ideas about the class positions can freely come up to run for office, so I can also enjoy the pleasure of passing the buck.

For now, don't think too much, let's start with the first agenda item—getting to know each other.

Does anyone want to take the initiative to come up and introduce themselves?"

Su Huai gave a broad explanation that sounded quite reasonable, so the fledgling chicks stopped murmuring and looked at each other, unsure of what to do.

Everyone was too embarrassed to be the first to stand out.

After a few seconds, Su Huai spoke again to take control.

"Alright, I'll set an example.

You all know my name, I'm from Daqing of Hei Province, a city known for its oil industry, my family is neither good nor bad, my studies are neither great nor poor, my personality is easy-going and proper, I'm warm-hearted and love making friends.

If you ever need help in studies or life, just tell me, I'll definitely help if I can, and if I can't, I'll shake people down for you, I will do my utmost.

OK, who's next to willingly show their spirit? Or should I call names?"

A few boys moved as if wanting to come forward, but ultimately, none mustered the courage.

The post-95 generation generally doesn't lack confidence, but since today was the first day of school, and the male students only made up a third of the student body, it was understandable they did not want to stand out.

Su Huai didn't wait any longer; he flipped through the roster and started calling names.

"Then let's go in order of student numbers. Our school organizes them according to the stroke count of surnames, girls first for the same count, then boys. Number 001, Ding Yi, come on up, let's get to know you."

Su Huai's commanding presence, decisive and no-nonsense style, and rational arrangements quickly settled the class.

With Su Huai setting an example, the girl named Ding Yi confidently took the stage and introduced herself.

After that, everything went smoothly, rolling on naturally.

As two jokesters took the stage, the atmosphere in the class gradually warmed up.

Su Huai took the opportunity to glance over the roster; he was the last one with student number 51.

And the one right before him was Gu Jiuyue.


She came to the big data major before me?

So, did she take a leave to skip the military training?

Little classmate, that's not okay…

Su Huai stroked his chin, starting to get crafty again.


Big chapter, no breaking it up.

Call me Baguette.