Chapter 25: Wholeheartedly Spilling Chicken Blood

The big data class currently has exactly 50 students, with 17 boys and 33 girls.

This ratio is considered quite high in the entire Capital Normal University already. Some classes at the School of Elementary Education only have one single male student, a scene that's probably the result of the faculty leaders symbolically distributing the scant male population evenly across several classes in an effort to balance things out.

Anyway, Su Huai could hardly imagine what kind of life that one and only male student led.

If he was shameless and thick-skinned, with a stout heart and dark mind, maybe it could be fun?

But more likely, he was overwhelmed in the tide of 'sisters', shivering every day.

It's like being in a besieged city, where those outside are envious and jealous, thinking it's so beautiful, fun, and exciting, yet those inside are suffering immensely, wishing for a do-over and considering becoming a monk.

Su Huai didn't have that kind of trouble; the environment in the big data class was quite friendly.

There were no annoying, drop-dead gorgeous winners among the boys; no one scored above 80 points, and the ugliest weren't too extreme. Su Huai, being of average appearance for now, neither stood out nor fell behind.

The average height was about 180 centimeters, thanks to being pulled up by two beasts.

One was 195 centimeters, the other 198 centimeters; damn, only 19 years old!

Apart from them, the next tallest was only 189 centimeters, so the pressure wasn't great.

Huai comforted himself by thinking: I'm also one meter eighty, round it up and we're all about the same, no worries!

As for whether it was the net height, shoe height, or any difference... Don't ask, friends don't dwell on the details.

After all, just see if my dad will back me up, the physical examination next year will reveal all!

As for the girls, the overall standard in the big data class was average.

Perhaps because of the way the course was set up, girls who were intent on studying this major well weren't usually very pretty.

Advanced mathematics, linear algebra, statistics, Python, programming, data collection... The major was full of math, computer science, with a mix of some management and economics, highly challenging.

Therefore, most of the class was composed of studious science girls, each of them plain-faced, with hardly any proficiency in dressing up.

However, there were quite a few pleasant-looking girls scoring above 70, and even a couple of beauties around 80, enough for the brothers to share among themselves.

Gu Jiuyue?

Forget about it, none of you stand a chance, if anyone's going to get her attention, it has to be me, Huai!

The peaceful environment was greatly beneficial to Su Huai. Wu Tianyou, the most likely candidate to become a major obstacle in the class, had voluntarily rolled over to the e-commerce class. With him gone, none of the remaining boys were too outstanding. Fifteen days of military training would be enough for Su Huai to get them all in line.

The "United and Friendly Class Community" plan was off to a smooth start!

Gou Huai, contemplating his little schemes, waited until all the students had finished introducing themselves before he walked back to the center of the podium.

With his well-prepared script in hand, he began to formally rouse (crossed out)... deliver an impassioned speech.

"Fellow students, the most important arrangement coming up next is military training. Our class is a unique pioneer group in a newly established major. We have no honors and no history. Any honor we create together will be writing the history of the big data major.

Starting next year, new juniors will regard us as their benchmark, watching our backs, and following the path we have laid out.

As the first batch of students in the big data class, we have inadvertently taken on some sudden missions.

Looking at it negatively, we are too alone.

Just us 50 people, needing to band together for warmth over the next four years with no one to rely on; instead, we must become the examples for our juniors.

But on the positive side, we are becoming pioneers in a sunrise industry.

Work is too far away to talk about for the moment.

Just considering our four years in school, the resources and support the school and our department will tilt towards us, to establish the reputation of the big data major, will definitely be substantial.

I've already secured three exclusive spots in the college student council for us in advance. If you want to boost your grades, improve yourself, or aim for graduate recommendation and staying at school, you should start preparing now.

And more benefits like this are going to come our way in the future.

However, the height we can ultimately reach should not just depend on support.

It must rely on you, on me, on every one of us present, to unite as one, gather strength together, and take every step of the next four years the right way!

The first step is the military training.

As the temporary class monitor, I won't demand that everyone achieves a certain standard, but everyone must realize deeply that we can't be worse off than any class in the School of Management!

We are all freshmen, all for the first time in university. Why should we fall behind?!

There's no reason to, right?


And if others fall behind, they have previous years to back them up. Who do we have?

So everyone must tighten up that string, get tense, and while completing your own tasks, you should also help each other and adapt to the collective life.

Now, I'll give you a few minutes. Each dorm room, pick a dorm leader and come to me to register.

The dorm leader will sacrifice some personal time to serve their roommates. During the military training, the responsibility is especially significant.

In return, we can't let the students who make sacrifices end up both exhausted and at a disadvantage, so by the end of the term, each dorm leader will receive an additional 5 points to their daily performance score.

Your basic quality score combined with your daily performance score will equal your comprehensive performance score, which accounts for 25% of your end-of-term evaluation.

Academic scores account for the other 75%.

The results of the end-of-term evaluations will be a major basis for determining all types of scholarship awards, graduate school recommendations, outstanding graduate selections, and competition for staying at the school for further opportunities.

So please think carefully about whether you can handle it, then communicate fully with your roommates and take this matter seriously.

Now that we've got to this point, let me make an additional announcement—

My family's financial situation is pretty good, and my position as class leader wasn't decided by a public election, so I won't participate in any award evaluations this year, giving everyone the fairest competition environment.

Got that clear?

In the end, whether you can or cannot do it depends solely on whether you actually can.

Alright, get moving!"

Su Huai, with a flourish of his hand, honestly shook the fresh-faced freshmen quite a bit.

They've been fed nothing but chicken soup by teachers day after day. How could they have experienced the spectacle of a peer standing above them whipping up a frenzy of enthusiasm?

And Su Huai's method wasn't random at all; it was damn skillful.

He started with history, making everyone fully aware of how unique their environment and their own situation were, creating a sense of belonging and mutual trust. Then he shifted to honor and duty, cranking it up notch by notch…

Finally, he slapped the benefits on the table—three School of Management Student Council slots and end-of-term bonus points. Do you want them or not?!

It's true that post-95 kids have more personalities, but Capital Normal University is a pretty good key university. The students who can get in here are, first, relatively more obedient, second, have more determination, and third, are more proactive.

Apart from the local students who weren't very enthusiastic, the out-of-province students were excited as hell at that moment.

Any slightly mature student would want to stay at the university or in Beijing, right?

And with Su Huai giving everyone something young people value most—a fair shot—the enthusiasm of those who were motivated instantly maxed out.

"Girls, I'm OK with doing work!"

"I often do chores at home, I want to give it a try…"

"Umm, my family isn't very well-off. If there is a chance, I'd like to aim for a scholarship. What do you all think, can I?"

"None of the guys want to do it? Alright then, call me 'daddy' and I'll take care of everyone!"


After a lively bout of hubbub, they quickly selected three male dorm leaders and six female dorm leaders.

In the end, only four were left hanging—

The unreported Gu Jiuyue and the cohabiting Su Huai were two of them.

The others were Gao and Er Gao, who, simply because they were damn tall, had also ended up in a four-person dorm with extended beds, just next to Su Huai's.

Watching the two of them idling with nothing better to do, arguing over who should be half a dorm leader, Su Huai quickly intervened.

"Enough, from now on you two will be my left and right guardians, the 'heng heng ha er' generals. You'll accompany me on room inspections. There's no extra points for this, but you'll have enough cigarette supplies. Deal?"

"That's a pretty sweet deal!"

"We're in, Huai!"

Their eyes lit up, finally ending the dispute.

After that, Su Huai went over the military training instructions and arranged for people to fetch the military training uniforms. Using the dorm leaders as a framework, he got the whole class of 48 people organized efficiently.

Wang nodded continuously behind folded hands, exhibiting a deep and steady appearance.

But in fact, she was already bursting with laughter on the inside.

Look at that, this is my hidden dragon!