Chapter 26 Su Huai Who Can Fit in Anywhere

After sorting out most matters in the class, Su Huai discreetly inquired about Gu Jiuyue from Wang Zhi.

"Mr. Wang, why are we missing a classmate?"

"Oh!" Wang Zhi reacted quickly, "You're asking about Gu Jiuyue, aren't you?"

"Yes, we have 50 people registered, but she's the only one missing. What's the reason?"

"I haven't met that child either."

Wang Zhi shook his head: "Her family applied for medical leave for her; Xiehe provided a certificate certifying that she is not suited for intense exercise. The school directly granted her an exemption."

Exemption? That means she doesn't even have to make up the training, right?

Su Huai was surprised and began to silently recall what he knew about Gu Jiuyue.

Well, the specific memories are quite vague because there wasn't much interaction in university, and her image after turning 30 was too glorious and dazzling, completely overshadowing her earlier youthfulness.

The only thing Su Huai could remember was her pale, almost translucent face, and that extreme, pitiable air of fragility and coldness.

None of the other beauties on the campus beauty list had her unique charm.

They were either enchanting, sexy, or innocent, beautiful in a very conventional way, while Gu Jiuyue was the kind of craziness that could make a man give his heart and soul but also not dare to get too close.

More than twenty guys in the School of Management had pursued Chen Nuanhan, but less than five had expressed their feelings for Gu Jiuyue, Wu Tianyou included.

Moreover, those few had never confessed, they all just fervently licked her boots, caring for her silently in their actions.

The scene of surrounding someone with a circle of candles downstairs from the dorm, standing in the middle with a huge bouquet of flowers making a heart-wrenching confession, had never happened with Gu Jiuyue.

"Keeping a low profile" was a fitting description for her.

This made her more like a legend, famous in name but actually not many had the fortune to interact with her.

So what exactly was she like in her freshman year?

Su Huai racked his brains and came up with a few keywords—true princess, aloof, not very lively, appeared somewhat ethereal...

Well, that doesn't sound too auspicious, does it?

People like that usually have a very closed-off inner world. He wouldn't really have to be like Gou King, giving his heart and soul in a crazy licking spree, to build up a good favorability rating, would he?!

No, no, he can't do that!

Su Huai now had the self-assurance of an elder brother and was convinced that he was not that kind of shameless person.

Well, pretty shameless...

However, his daydreaming didn't prevent him from getting the job done. He managed to wrap up the class meeting before 5 o'clock with a series of orders.

After the meeting was dismissed and everyone went back to their rooms, Su Huai invited Wang Zhi out for a quick meal.

Wang Zhi waved his hand non-stop: "You go ahead, I need to work on my thesis. The topic that my advisor is collaborating on with the municipal government is very time-sensitive, so I won't be able to go. See you at military training tomorrow."

That was just as well since Su Huai didn't really feel like having dinner with Wang Zhi.

He was a nice guy, but his aura was too intimidating to hang out with regularly.

So Su Huai only invited Liu Yutang out.

They left through the south gate of the main campus and headed straight for the Zhengyuan Restaurant near the Guangdong Building, ordering several Cantonese dishes and a nice soup.

As it was too late to return for his cigarettes, Su Huai walked a few extra steps along Beiwa Road and got a rechargeable card at Huaguang, loading it with twenty thousand yuan.

Liu Yutang's help with the transfer request surely wasn't for money, but since Su Huai struck it lucky, Liu had to have a share, and a sizable one at that.

Otherwise, once Wu Tianyou got to know Liu well and intentionally brought this up to be mischievous, how would Liu feel?

Although Su Huai was also short of money now, he would not do anything to damage his reputation.

Whether reborn or not, the principle is the same: a man can be a scoundrel or be bad, but should never forsake principles for minor advantages.

After sorting out the rechargeable card, Su Huai also bought a box of Tongmuguan's Jinjunmei tea from the teashop at the entrance—5 g per single brew bag, exactly thirty bags.

The tea cost over two thousand, and subtracting the cost of the meal, he was left with only 8,858 yuan.

At first glance, it might seem pitiful, but considering it from the perspective of a freshman, it was actually quite impressive.

In his previous life, Su Huai had gone through four years of university; when had he ever fought a battle as wealthy as this?

Impossible to spend it all, simply impossible!

Liu Yutang arrived quickly, and over food and drinks, the two had a great brotherly chat, thoroughly enjoying themselves.

However, as soon as they parted, Gou Huai pushed Liu to the back of his mind.

Going forward, he wouldn't be able to help Su Huai much anymore, nor did Su Huai need to spend much effort maintaining their relationship. Just stopping by the office to say hello and chat for a bit, and sending a message during the holidays, would suffice.

As long as Su Huai did just that, Liu Yutang would become his eyes and mouth within the School of Management, gradually and persistently spreading Su Huai's fame and reputation.

This was the meaning behind this final small gathering.

Bringing things to a close is something that's hard to achieve but can greatly enhance one's value.

The previous Su Huai may not have had a clear concept of this, but now, it came to him naturally.

Was it because his comprehensive intelligence and EQ had increased by three points?

It seems there are no other variables, so let's just call it that.

In fact, Su Huai didn't feel a significant boost in intelligence; he only remembered a third of his classmates' names, which clearly wasn't very smart.

But interacting with people had indeed become more effortless—perhaps his emotional intelligence had improved more?

Comprehensive Intelligence and EQ, it's quite vague...

Strolling leisurely back, Su Huai made a point to look up at the administration building while passing through the main campus.


Director Zhang's office light was still on?

Without thinking, Su Huai went straight upstairs and knocked on the door of the office.

"Teacher, why haven't you gone home yet?"

Familiar as if at home, Su Huai was serious.

Director Zhang had obviously had a bit to drink, with slightly reddened cheeks, languidly sitting in the executive chair.

"Oh, Su Huai... I just accompanied the school management to entertain the military training team at the small cafeteria, had a simple meal, and later I need to pick two apartments to check on, so I just stayed in the office to sober up. What have you been up to?"

Without revealing the arrangement for Liu Yutang's meal and not fully understanding the other party's character, Su Huai believed it was better to keep quiet than to say too much.

"Since you need to sober up, let me brew you a cup of tea," Su Huai offered.

Walking to the office desk, he scanned around: "Do you have a proper teapot?"

"No need, no need..."

Just as Zhang Yaowen began to wave him off, Su Huai had nimbly taken out a tin of tea from his backpack and opened it to pull out a bag.

Then he raised an eyebrow playfully, "Isn't this fortuitous?

My high school classmate, who lacks foresight, wanted to thank me and specially brought over two packs of cigarettes and a box of tea from his relative. I couldn't refuse his fervent gesture, so I just accepted them rather than turning them down for nothing.

You should smoke less, so I kept the cigarettes for myself.

As for the tea, have a taste and see if it's genuine. If it's the real deal and tastes right, you can keep it here to enjoy slowly."

Zhang Yaowen was amused and laughed scoldingly, "Kid, where did you learn all these tricks from?"

Glancing at the tea's packaging, he recognized the Tongmuguan Jinjunmei and immediately thought of its approximate price.

Decent, rations grade.

Since it wasn't expensive, he didn't bother refusing any longer and opened a drawer with a reverse hand motion.

"There's a pot here that can be used for brewing tea. Use this."

Su Huai activated the hot water dispenser at the back, skillfully cleaned the teapot, placed the tea leaves into the filter basket, rinsed them briefly with hot water, poured out the residual water, filled it again, and nonchalantly brewed a decent pot of tea.

"Teacher, have a cup to help you sober up," Su Huai said.

Su Huai pulled up a chair beside Zhang Yaowen's office desk and began to sip tea with his middle-aged Top Supporter in a slurping fashion.

The two chatted casually, with Zhang Yaowen not asking questions and Su Huai remaining silent unless prompted.

As time slowly passed, the atmosphere remained pleasant.

Toward the end, Zhang Yaowen suddenly stretched in a yawn, letting out a "Heh-aah" with a yawn.

Seeing this, Su Huai quickly started packing up and cleaning the tea set.

"That's enough, leave it there. With your klutziness, you might spit in it!" Zhang Yaowen chided good-naturedly with a smile, then bent down to open the cabinet under his right hand, pulling out a pretty little box from inside and sliding it across the desk to Su Huai.

"A limited edition fountain pen given by a former student, which I really can't use. Now it's yours as a gift. I have only one request for you: study hard and cut back on the flattery!"

But that's clearly three requests...

Su Huai muttered to himself as he looked at the box, which bore the word "Duck."


He hadn't heard of it, but it probably wasn't cheap.

Su Huai joyfully accepted, thanking him heartily, "Teacher, you really understand my tastes... I've been really lacking a good fountain pen!"

Ah, spit!

Gou Huai, who hadn't really used a pen in nearly 20 years, had no trouble spouting nonsense, yet such outlandish rambling convinced Director Zhang without a doubt.

"Good, then make the best use of it. I believe you won't disappoint me," said Zhang Yaowen.

"Definitely!" Su Huai earnestly secured the fountain pen away, looking the part perfectly.

After all, whether it was expensive or not didn't matter, nor did the ability to write. What mattered was the sense of ceremony in exchanging gifts... cough, cough, the description might not be entirely accurate, but you get the idea.

In any case, with a big brother above and loved ones beneath and the occasional dog to walk, Su Huai was bound to have a delightful college life.