Chapter 27: The Vastness of Freedom, The Freedom of Vastness


After leaving the administrative building, it was already close to 8 o'clock.

Facing the slightly cool night breeze of the Imperial Capital's early autumn, Su Huai strolled toward North District One.

On the way, he took out his phone and returned a call to his mother.

"You irresponsible child! You spent the whole afternoon gallivanting, sent only one text, and then disappeared. Do you have any idea how worried the family was?!"

It was the same old nitpicking, but Su Huai felt an extra sense of warmth in his heart.

His father, Su Aijun, and his mother, Mo Hongjuan, were not adept at educating children. In their daily interactions, his indulgent father was indecisive and rarely expressed himself, while his strict mother was always nagging non-stop.

Sometimes her opinions were right, but her forceful approach often provoked Su Huai's rebelliousness.

Sometimes her views were quite biased, but she thought they were fine, so a disagreeing Su Huai would end up arguing with her.

In his previous life, for quite a long time, Su Huai was unable to understand his parents.

Why are you like this?

So unreasonable!

But gradually, he understood.

Apart from very exceptional cases, no parents do not wish the best for their children; it's just that their own life experiences, insights, and knowledge structure meant they did not have the capacity to provide a better family education.

Providing material support alone already consumed all of their parents' energy.

After his mother became exhausted because of Su Huai and developed chronic pneumonia, he thought a lot.

He began to learn to detach from the facts and feel the emotions.

Then, he accepted their love, rejected their arrangements, and began to explore a new way of getting along with them.

The idea was good, but unfortunately, Su Huai's abilities were limited, and he didn't make something of himself before they grew old. Hence, many things remained wishful thinking.

Being reborn at the age of 19, Su Huai realized that those wishes were no longer just dreams.


Calling out to his mom warm and affectionately, Su Huai's voice was soft yet a little coquettish, "I've really been busy over here..."

"I am your mother! Are you so busy that you don't even need your mom anymore?!"

Mo Hongjuan was still as impatient as ever, but Su Huai managed to pacify her with just a sentence.

"There's nothing I can do about it, who asked for your son to be so handsome? As soon as I got to the school, the department leaders appointed me as the class monitor. Organizing them to get familiar with the military training procedures and all, I've been kept busy until just now..."

"What are you talking about?!"

Mo Hongjuan's voice suddenly rose: "You never even been a group leader before, and you've become class monitor just as the school starts?!"

"Class monitor and class assistant, on par with the counselors."

Su Huai boasted as a true 19-year-old would, "I just got out from having tea with our department head!"

"Good heavens!"

Mo Hongjuan called out for Su Huai's grandmother and then turned around to shout: "Old Su, Old Su, your seed seems to have sprouted late, but it turned out to be a class monitor!"

Ha ha ha!

Su Huai really wanted to hold back his laughter, but he just couldn't.

Then from the other end of the phone, he could hear the feigned composure in Su Aijun's reply: "Calm down, what's the fuss about? I was also nearly a leader back in the day; my seed has that gene!"

Of course, Mo Hongjuan couldn't stand to see Su Aijun so boastful and immediately retorted.

"If it weren't for the medicine that old traditional doctor prescribed for you, your seed wouldn't have sprouted at all. Three more years after three years, even the War of Resistance wasn't as long as your history of trying to conceive!"


Before, Su Huai could have held back his laughter, but not this time; he burst out laughing.

Although it sounded somewhat crude, Su Huai had not seen his parents so lively and joyful for a long time.

In his past life, after graduating, he struggled to find a job. He failed to get into state-owned enterprises or big companies, couldn't pass the civil service exam for the capital, and was stubborn about not returning to his hometown, determined to make something of himself in the Imperial Capital.

With youthful stubbornness, he was obstinate and fearless like a calf not afraid of tigers, refusing to turn back until he hit a wall.

His parents showed him immense understanding and did their best to help.

However, reality eventually knocked Su Huai down and dragged his parents into trouble as well.

After that, his mother started coughing, his father's hair turned white rapidly, and their home never again saw such rudely joyous moments.

"I'm sorry, Mom."


Su Huai spoke softly, striving to keep his voice from trembling.

"But don't worry about me after this. I can take care of myself, and I am ready to start aiming for a teaching position at the university. The department head thinks highly of me. Not only did he let me join the student union to gain experience, but he also gave me a pen. I'll take a picture of it for you when I get back to my dorm."

Rest assured, your son will make something of himself…"

He didn't talk it up too much, not a word about starting a business, making a fortune, or bringing home a rich and beautiful girl to meet his parents—things that would have scared his parents.

The mere possibility of "staying at the university to teach" was enough to fill them with hope for the future.

"Great, great, great!"

Mo Hongjuan poorly expressed her surprise, rambling on with a slew of reminders, while Su Huai hummed and hawed in agreement, insisting on listening patiently to the end, until she was content.

After hanging up the phone, Su Huai took a long breath.

The joy of rebirth is multidimensional.

Correcting personal regrets from his past life was important, but family happiness was paramount.

If a reborn person could not pass on familial love in a complete form, then no matter how much money he made, it would just be another kind of failure in life.

To live without regrets, money is the foundation, thought is the core, ability is the weapon, and understanding is the vessel.

There's no need to rush, but it's essential to be conscious of it.

Starting today, he would strive to become a person with warmth in his heart and light in his eyes.

Stop busying yourself with unhappy things.

Su Huai, you can now say no to many things.

After walking silently for a while, deep in thought in the darkness, Su Huai suddenly realized that his relationships with himself, his family, society, and time were all subtly changing.

These adjustments were spontaneous, from the inside out, naturally occurring.

Even before he had sorted out his thoughts, everything was already getting better.

Rebirth is truly f***ing great...

Suddenly, Su Huai spread his arms, feeling the oncoming wind, and laughed heartily.

This moment, well-hidden under the dark canopy of trees, was exposed when he stepped into the light of a streetlamp, coincidentally witnessed by a passerby.

"Hey? Nuannuan, look!"

Dasa Mi, Bai Huitian, excitedly pulled Chen Nuanhan, pointing diagonally ahead. "Isn't that your uncle?"


Being completely bewildered, Chen Nuanhan squinted to see Su Huai clearly, and then panicked.

"That's my classmate! When did he become an uncle?"


The dorm sisters burst into laughter, teasing her with various comments.

"As soon as he arrives, he dives into the crowd of parents, smiling so kindly—oh my, I really thought he was your uncle!"

"Right, right! Especially compared with your childhood friend..."

"Admit it! In high school, didn't he look after you just like an uncle?"

"Wow! No, no, that's too much—I can already imagine a long Korean drama with a tall, rich, and handsome older male protagonist and a young second male lead..."

"Write it down, write it down! If Nuannuan is the female lead, I'd sell my blood to follow that drama!"

Chen Nuanhan, distressed by their teasing, which gave her a headache, hurried to tackle them, subduing the Yunnan Little Potato and the Guangxi cousin with her hands.

Well, she didn't quite dare to provoke the other three, but they were precisely the ones making the most fuss...

Su Huai heard the youthful laughter coming from far behind him, but he didn't turn back, embracing the campus and the night around him like a king of the world, indifferent and carefree.

In that moment, Su Huai, neither particularly handsome nor imposing, began to emanate a unique charisma.

Chen Nuanhan glanced over unintentionally and felt something in her heart "pop," like a stopper being opened, and a wave of emotions poured out.

That immersion in solitude, the world revolving around me alone, the loneliness spoke to her, reminding her of a line of poetry—

Hoarfrost illumines a solitary figure, my thoughts bestowed upon the autumn wind.

What are these thoughts?

They are a boundless sense of freedom, and even more so, a freedom that is boundless.

At this moment, Su Huai inspired envy in her, yet he seemed so far away, as if separated by an entire galaxy, untouchable...