Chapter 8: Black Pearl Wine

Knight Commander Kendall did not enjoy his dinner at the manor's detached residence.

After announcing the Baron's will, he led the patrol knight squad, taking advantage of the last trace of twilight, and set off again on Charcoal Dust Road.

"Hans and the five hamlet chiefs stay behind, everyone else may go home." Russell ended the noisy loyalty oath segment.

The serf supervisors left, and the spectating serfs also scattered early, not daring to linger near the manor's detached residence.

"My Lord, the study has been tidied up, and you can use it at any time," reported the middle-aged butler in a proper tailcoat as he approached.

"Thank you, Morris," Russell responded with a smile.

Morris was his new butler, whom Russell had already met on the way there, originally working at a detached residence in town.

Baron Youguang possessed many similar detached residences on his own fiefdom, and each one was staffed with servants to manage it.

Including the detached residence at Wuyao Snake Manor.

"To serve you is my mission, my Lord," Morris expressed his joy upon receiving Russell's thanks and introduced the man and the woman beside him, both middle-aged, "These are the remaining male and female servants of the manor's detached residence, Mr. and Mrs. Brown."

"We have seen the Lord," Mr. and Mrs. Brown hurriedly kowtowed to Russell.

"Please, stand up, Mr. Brown, Mrs. Brown," Russell understood the reason Morris brought them forward was to inquire how he wanted to arrange them, so he went straight to the point, "Since you have chosen to stay at the manor's detached residence, you will follow Butler Morris."

"Thank you, my Lord, thank you!" The Browns thanked him repeatedly, beaming with joy.

Strictly speaking, they were the servants of the Baron, and if Russell did not take them in, they would have to return to Fluorescent Castle and wait to be reassigned.

"Morris, have someone send tea to the study," Russell casually instructed.

Then he said to Charles and Eric, "My attendants, both of you teachers come with me to the study. Hans, and the five hamlet chiefs, you come too."

The manor's detached residence was not very large, consisting of two stories and a basement.

It was laid out somewhat like a square fort, with roughly twelve rooms on each floor, five in the front row, five in the back row, and one on each side where they connected.

In the center of the manor's detached residence, a rectangular courtyard garden about the size of three rooms was enclosed.

Lords and servants lived on different floors.

Naturally, the study was also on the second floor.

"Russell, we must have a good drink tonight to celebrate your official takeover of the estate," Charles said as he followed closely behind Russell, looking around, "Hmm, the detached residence doesn't look impressive from the outside, but it's really big inside. It's quite comfortable to live here!"

"Are the two teachers planning to acquire property in the manor?" Russell asked.

Eric nodded: "Yes."

Charles spread his hands: "Russell, simply help me rent a bachelor's room. My shrewish wife is fond of the hustle and bustle of the town, and using the excuse that the kids still have to attend the Knight Academy in town, she doesn't want to move to live in the manor."

He then changed the subject playfully, laughing, "That's actually fine. I'll be comfortable living alone, able to drink whenever I want."

"The manor's affairs will still require a lot of attention from you, Mr. Charles, especially the manor's court," Russell said.

"Of course, it's my bounden duty," Charles replied with a smile.

"Alright, everyone, please take a seat," Russell said as he sat behind the desk. Butler Morris, along with a male servant, brought chairs over for each person.

After everyone was seated and tea was served,

Russell looked around at everyone in the study, two teachers, four attendants, one manor foreman, five hamlet chiefs—this was essentially the leadership of the entire manor.

"Hans, why don't you start by describing the situation at Wuyao Snake Manor?"

"Yes, milord." Hans quickly stood up and, at Russell's repeated gestures, reluctantly sat down on the edge of the chair to report, "Wuyao Snake Manor covers 19,500 hectares, with 15,000 hectares cultivated, divided into five hamlets..."

The five hamlets were Barley Hamlet, Wheat Hamlet, Alfalfa Hamlet, Lentil Hamlet, and Pea and Wheat Hamlet.

As their names suggested, Barley Hamlet mainly grew barley, Lentil Hamlet mainly grew lentils, and Pea and Wheat Hamlet grew both wheat and lentils... The original positioning of Wuyao Snake Manor within Glowing Valley was essentially to produce grains and forage.

Beyond that, the serfs also raised some poultry and a small number of livestock.

It could be said that the industry was very monotonous.

Afterwards, the five hamlet chiefs each introduced the situation of the agricultural fields in their hamlets, as well as that of the serfs living there.

In a manor, about ten to twelve serf households would form a furrow, and each furrow was headed by a serf manager, responsible for coordinating farming activities, regulating neighborhood relations, and assisting with taxation; ten furrows would make up a hamlet, headed by a hamlet chief, similar to the role of a production team leader.

Above the hamlet chief was the manor foreman appointed by the Baron, roughly equivalent to a village head.

At the same time, the manor foreman was also in charge of all the long-term laborers in the manor, such as transport workers, milkers, and shepherds, though Wuyao Snake Manor had no long-term laborers, so the duties of Hans were to manage all the serfs in Wuyao Snake Manor.

"Hans, you will continue to assume the duties of the manor foreman," Russell said.

"Hans thanks milord for your trust. Please be assured, milord, Hans will manage the manor well for you, whipping the lazy serfs every day to make sure your crops are well tended!" Hans immediately promised, thumping his chest.

He then prattled on with promises that when Russell needed grass-cutting, logging, road repairs, or land clearing, he could immediately muster no fewer than five hundred serfs a day to perform the tasks.

And there was no need for the manor to provide meals, letting the serfs fend for their own food.

It could be said that when it came to squeezing labor out of serfs, Hans had a tight grip on the reins.

Russell furrowed his brow; he wasn't yet comfortable with the serfdom system of this world. Although he had joked about being a mortgage slave before traversing to this world, bemoaning the blessing of a 996 work culture, at least he was paid for his work, unlike having to work for free and still pay for his food.


He didn't currently plan on leading a rebellion and overturning the serfdom system; after all, he was now the serf owner himself!

"Be a bit nicer to the serfs, Hans," Russell said.

Hans was immediately moved, "Milord, you are truly too kind. The serfs are fortunate to have a Lord like you!"


This flattery was too abrupt, leaving Russell momentarily at a loss for words.

Ignoring Hans's sycophancy, Russell spoke to Charles and Eric, "Father has given me three Spirit Insects, and we need to begin the cultivation of the Magic Potion as soon as possible. Tomorrow, join me in surveying the manor so we can plan out the Magical Medicine Field."

"Hm, work so soon, Russell, why not rest for a couple of days?" Charles asked with a laugh, "We have plenty of time."

"The sooner it's completed, the sooner we can relax," Russell said.

He had a whole plan ready for Wuyao Snake Manor; if he were to run such a large territory in the same old way, it would be a disservice to his identity as someone who had crossed into this world.

Charles responded, "Of course, we will follow your lead, you are the Lord."

Then he joked with a laugh, "But you can't skimp on tonight's banquet, Russell, today we must celebrate properly."

Russell, not wanting to dampen the mood, laughed, "Naturally... Butler Morris, instruct the kitchen to prepare a lavish banquet for tonight, and I recall father gave me a batch of cellar-stored Black Pearl wines, let's have it with the meal tonight."

Morris went to carry out the order.

Charles's eyes lit up, "Russell, you are a most generous Lord!"