Chapter 7: The Lord Arrives

Old Barton squatted at the edge of the field, puffing hard on his ceramic pipe, the sparks rising along with the smoldering tobacco.

When the tobacco in the pipe was finished, he took it out and carefully tapped it against the palm of his hand, knocking out the ashes.

Not wanting to damage the ceramic pipe, he dared not tap too hard.

In the past, when he used a pipe made from an old tree root, he didn't have to worry about breaking it. He could tap it on a stone as hard as he liked without damaging it.

But ever since his daughter, who worked as a servant in the castle, bought him this ceramic pipe, he had treasured it immensely. It was made from clay fired from a dragon belonging to Lord Baron's household—it was something extraordinary to be connected to a dragon!

He especially loved to smoke his ceramic pipe in crowded places.

It wasn't just about showing off the beauty of his pipe, but also to show off his own daughter, who worked as a servant in Lord Baron's castle.


Today Old Barton wasn't in the mood to show off his ceramic pipe.

After refilling his pipe with tobacco, he said with a worried expression, "The ice season receded too late this year, definitely going to delay the wheat sowing. If the manor's harvest decreases by the end of the year, Lord Baron is bound to be angry."

A few other ragged serfs squatted beside Old Barton, each smoking their own pipes.

One of the elderly serfs, spraying saliva as he spoke, said, "What nonsense are you talking about? It's not Lord Baron anymore. Didn't you hear the steward mention a few days ago? Our Wuyao Snake Manor has already been given to the new lord, we're tilling the land for the new lord now!"

Old Barton exclaimed in surprise, "A new lord? Which knight, sir? How come I haven't heard anything about it?"

"You wander around the fields all day long and know nothing. Lord Baron has assigned our Wuyao Snake Manor to the young Lord Baron!"

"Which young Lord Baron?"

"Who else could it be, it must be Mr. Russel, could it be Mr. Roland?" boasted the spit-spraying old serf, showing off his extensive knowledge, "Mr. Roland will inherit the position of Lord Baron in the future, so it's Mr. Russel who has become our lord now!"

Upon hearing this, the other elderly serfs promptly brought their hands together in prayer.

"Praise Mr. Russel!"

"No, praise Lord Russel!"

"It's Lord Russel, how dare you address the lord by his name!"

"Praise the lord!"

In the simple minds of the serfs, the lord was like the sky over their land; even speaking the lord's name in private was considered a grave disrespect.

The spit-spraying old serf also brought his hands together, "Praise the lord!"

As the conversation continued, no one dared to mention the name "Russel" anymore; they only dared to refer to him as the lord.

"What do you think, if this year's wheat is delayed, will the lord become furious?" Old Barton started worrying again, "Do you remember five years ago? That year the wheat production was less, and each of us serfs who grew wheat received ten lashes."

The spit-sprayed old serf, no longer spirited, sighed, "Let's hope the new lord is merciful and takes pity on us."

The threat of ten lashes truly had a deterrent effect.

But soon, one of the serfs said, "What do you think, with the new lord coming, will he bring spirit insects and have us switch to growing magic potions?"

"Ah!" the spit-spraying old serf got excited again, "Exactly, Lord Baron and several other Lords have all started growing magic potions. If we get a plot in the Magical Medicine Field, we wouldn't have to worry about whether the ice season is early or late, we could plant all year round!"

"Would that be our turn?" doubted Old Barton.

"Let's go ask the steward!"

"Let's go together."

The serfs stood up, each dusting off their behinds, and while smoking their pipes, headed towards the home of the serf steward.


The setting sun hung on the horizon, casting a warm glow. Even though it was nearly May, the weather was still a bit cold, with the thawing ice not yet fully melted.

Russell's convoy steadily crossed the small bridge over Glowing River, entering Wuyao Snake Manor.

"Mr. Russel, let us wait here for a moment until all the stewards and managers of the manor have arrived. Then, I shall announce the Baron's will," said the Knight Commander Kendall, the Phantom Beast Knight, who was escorting Russel's party.

Although Kendall had not yet accumulated enough military exploits to be knighted as a Lord,

the fact that he could form a pact with a Fantasy Beast and advance to a Phantom Beast Knight meant that he had the potential of becoming a Lord. In the future, he could very likely leap from being an attendant to a vassal.

Therefore, Russel was very courteous to him: "Thank you for your efforts, Knight Commander Kendall."

"You're too kind," Kendall replied.

Kendall signaled to the Knight Attendants he had brought with him to go door to door, informing the serf managers to gather. These attendants regularly patrolled the fief and were very familiar with each manor.

In just a short while,

they managed to assemble around forty to fifty serf managers, five headmen, and one estate supervisor appointed by the Baron, all in front of the manor's annex gate.

The Baron's orders had reached the manor a few days prior, so the estate supervisor, headmen, and serf managers were not surprised by the current circumstances. They stood quietly in two rows, waiting for Knight Commander Kendall to read out the new edicts of the Baron.

"Mr. Russel," Kendall looked toward Russel.

Russel gestured with his hand: "Please."

Thus, Knight Commander Kendall, no longer hesitant, faced the serf managers.

He shouted loudly, "All serfs of Wuyao Snake Manor, heed this command: The master of Glowing Valley, ally of the Clay Dragon, your Lord, the great Baron Youguang, has bestowed Wuyao Snake Manor to his second son, Lord Russel Fluorescent Fungus."

Pointing backwards, Russel cooperated by revealing a gentlemanly smile full of grace to the serf managers.

Knight Commander Kendall continued to shout, "From this day forth, Lord Russel Fluorescent Fungus will take charge of everything at Wuyao Snake Manor, the land, serfs, livestock, possessions, including rocks, water sources, trees, and even your offspring will all belong to Lord Russel Fluorescent Fungus."

He paused for a moment.

Many serfs had already gathered around the manor's annex, yet they only dared to observe from a distance and did not approach.

Knight Commander Kendall finally said, "At this moment, Russel Fluorescent Fungus is your new Lord!"

Russel stood with his hands clasped behind his back, nonchalantly.

Knight Commander Kendall stood to the side.

The headmen and serf managers were at a loss; many of them had long forgotten when the last time their lord had been replaced.

However, the estate supervisor showed no hesitation and was the first to kneel: "Great Lord, respected Sir, Hans offers his respects to you. All praises to the Baron, after longing day and night, Hans finally has the honor of welcoming you."

With Hans taking the lead, the headmen and serf managers instantly fell to their knees in a wave, shouting in disarray.

Phrases like "All praises to the Lord," "Great Lord Sir," "Greeting the Lord with a respectful bow," and "Fortune be with the Lord" were abundant and varied.

Russel was not fond of this kneeling custom.

But at that moment, he had to follow local custom, using the opportunity to establish his initial prestige: "I am your new Lord, Russel Fluorescent Fungus. Like my father, the Baron, I will continue to protect you, providing safety, housing, and food. In return, you must offer me your loyalty."

Hans was the first to react, cheering loudly, "Hans offers his firmest loyalty to the Lord!"

The headmen and serf managers followed suit, "We offer our loyalty to the Lord!"

Even the serfs who had gathered for the spectacle, carried by the atmosphere and without anyone leading them, began to kneel one by one.

"We offer our loyalty to the Lord."

"Praise the Lord, loyalty to the Lord!"

"Sam will always be loyal to the Lord."

"Ouch, you poked my butt…"

"Limping Les praises the Lord!"

"B-B-B... Bob, praises, p-p-prai... praises the L-L-L... Lord..."