Reunion of old friends

The first rays of morning sunlight like a golden veil through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, gently sprinkled on Golden Corporation's towering glass building, glittering.

Selina stood quietly in front of this behemoth, a symbol of endless power and enormous wealth, holding in her hand the resume she had carefully polished and repeatedly revised and embellished, her heart full of longing and apprehension.

Today, she comes here with a dream, eager to apply for the position of Secretary to the President of Golden Corporation - a throne that countless people have dreamed of but have not been able to reach.

Golden Corporation, as one of the world's top companies, has its tentacles in every field and occupies a pivotal position.

Selina's trembling fingers touched the edge of her CV as if it held all her hopes and a promising future. However, she knows that the battle for the job will be extremely tough and cruel, as her competitors are all top-notch elites from the world's most prestigious universities, who not only have enviable higher degrees, but also have deep and extensive connections and glamorous backgrounds.

She looked up at the towering building and courage welled up inside her. Each floor of the building was like a ladder to success, and she was preparing to take that crucial first step. She was wearing a simple but elegant professional outfit today, her long hair was neatly tied up and a few strands fell naturally around her ears, adding a bit of casual glamour. She understood that appearance was only a calling card, and that the real challenge lay in talent.

Outside the interview room, rows and rows of applicants waited patiently, some were full of confidence, some looked nervous, but everyone's eyes shone with a desire to succeed.Selina took a deep breath and told herself that she couldn't back down, this was her chance, the possible turning point in her destiny.

Adam's office was spacious and bright, with plenty of expensive antiques hanging on the walls and shelves filled with a variety of business and literary books that showcased his taste. He sat behind a wide desk and tapped his fingers on the desktop.

Among the many CVs, Adam's eyes suddenly caught sight of one. A flash of surprise swept across his eyes, it was Silvia - the girl he had crushed on as a child.Silvia had long hair like a waterfall, deep eyes, and a bright, gentle smile.Adam remembered that Silvia had moved abroad with her parents when she was 10 years old, and they had lost touch ever since. As time passed, Adam thought he would never meet again. But by chance, a thread of fate brought them together again.

As he stared at the photo on his CV, the years didn't seem to have left a mark on her face, but rather added a touch of maturity.Adam's excitement soared as he looked forward to his reunion with Silvia.

He sat behind the wide desk and tapped his fingers on the tabletop.

'Ask Ms Silvia to come in.' Adam gave instructions to his secretary, his voice calm and strong.

Selina stood up and took a deep breath, trying to calm the waves within her.

She pushed the door open and stepped into the office, everything in front of her was more luxurious than she could have imagined. He was even more handsome than the picture in the newspaper. His eye sockets were deep, as if they could penetrate the soul; his smile was humble, but carried an undoubted confidence.

Adam gestured for her to sit down, then sat down again himself. His gaze never left Selina, and there was a hint of gentleness in his voice, 'Miss Selina, you've changed a lot, but I still recognised you right away.'

Selina thought in her heart that he really remembered her sister. Reassured, she guffawed, 'Mr Adam, you've also changed a lot compared to when you were a child, you're even more handsome.'