Selina is not Silvia

Ten-year-old Adam, like a rising sun, is full of vigour and vitality. He is the son of the richest man in the world. He grew up in a world of gold and splendour, but was thus isolated by an invisible high wall. Around him, he was always surrounded by all kinds of people, but their gazes always passed through him and landed on the wealth and status behind him.

That summer afternoon, Adam was enjoying a rare moment of freedom as he swam in the pool of his aristocratic school. However, the unexpected happened when his legs suddenly cramped and his body sank downwards uncontrollably. The water splashed everywhere and his cries for help were drowned out by the water. At that moment, he felt unprecedented fear and despair. Just then, a pretty little girl ran over to him, and without the slightest hesitation, she jumped into the water and pulled Adam back from the brink of death with her tender arms. She was Silvia, a kind and brave little girl.

Adam lay by the pool, panting heavily, he looked at Silvia, a warm current welled up in his heart. In her eyes, he could not see a trace of desire for wealth and status, only pure care and kindness.

Silvia had a head of soft, long black hair that was neatly combed and tied into two exquisite pigtails, which were embellished with tiny bow hair ornaments that swayed gently with her steps. Her skin was as fair as snow, and her clear eyes sparkled with innocence and curiosity.

Her demeanour was very proper and she always walked softly as if she was afraid of disturbing everything around her. Her voice was soft when she spoke, and she always wore a smile that warmed the heart like the spring sunshine. She treated everyone courteously, both elders and peers, and could feel a gentle strength from her.

From that day on, Adam fell in love with the girl called Silvia.

However, fate always likes to play jokes. One day, Silvia suddenly went to England with her professor father, and Adam lost contact with her. His heart was filled with loss and longing, and he swore that he must find Silvia and tell her his heart.

Unexpectedly, Silvia suddenly appeared in front of his eyes one day, applying for his secretary.

However, he didn't know that it wasn't Silvia in front of him, but Silvia's twin sister, Selina.


Selina and Silvia, twin sisters, have very different lives.

Their father, Dave, a serious university professor, always unsmiling, fills his world with academia and rigour. Professor Lin, a highly respected economics scholar, holds a Ph. He is renowned in the academic world for his wisdom and knowledge, but he is never complacent and always remains humble and diligent.

Their mother, Jane, as her name suggests, is a rose in full bloom, yearning for freedom and passion, and with her unforgettable beauty, her big bright eyes and delicate features, Jane was the brightest star on campus when she was young, and she loved to participate in all kinds of dances and social activities, her life was full of laughter and endless parties. parties. Her flowing skirts and elegant dance steps became the best images in many people's memories. However, as time passes and Jane becomes Selina's mother, her lifestyle doesn't change because of her change in status.

Dave loves Jane deeply, even though he knows Jane is not a good wife and mother in the traditional sense. He respects Jane's choices and gives her enough freedom and space, but this also means that Su Jin grows up without her mother's companionship and care.Selina grows up accustomed to her mother's indifference and absence. She watched her mother dress up and go to all kinds of balls every day, while she could only play alone at home or flip through those heavy economics books in her father's study. selina longed for her mother's attention, but she also knew that her mother's heart seemed to be permanently stuck in that glamorous youthful era.

But the differences in their lifestyles and values lead to conflicts from time to time. The quarrels between parents are like a war without smoke.

One day, when Dave came home, he heard an unusual sound, Dave stood in the doorway of his bedroom, the key in his hand slipped noiselessly, and the sound of metal hitting the ground in the silent room was exceptionally ear-piercing. His line of sight was fixed on the bed that once carried countless warm memories, but at this moment a scene of betrayal that he was most unwilling to see was being staged.

His heart, as if by an invisible hand tightly gripped, pain almost can not breathe.Dave's eyes blurred, he felt a deep powerlessness and despair. His wife, the one who once vowed to spend her life together, is now entangled with another man, this scene is like a sharp knife, ruthlessly gouging and cutting his heart.

The two people on the bed were startled by the sudden noise and separated in panic, the wife's face was written with panic and guilt. The man, on the other hand, was in a state of panic and embarrassment.Dave, however, just stood there quietly, no anger in his eyes, only deep disappointment and sadness.

He turned around, and without saying a word or issuing a single rebuke, he just quietly left the bedroom. In the living room, his eyes swept over the traces of those who had once been filled with love; every picture, every furnishing, seemed to mock his naivety and folly.

His heart, too, slowly calmed down in this silence. He knew that no matter how painful it was, life had to go on, and he needed to make a choice, for himself and for his two daughters.

That day, his father Dave took his sister Silvia far away to England, while Selina stayed in the country, dependent on her mother.

After the divorce, Jane's life becomes temperamental. She is filled with complex emotions, ranging from resentment towards her ex-husband Dave to nostalgia for a better life in the past. She often gets angry and lashes out for no apparent reason, and these mood swings confuse and frighten Selina.

Although Jane cheated on her husband in the marriage, it does not mean that she does not love Dave. her behaviour may be an escape from the dissatisfaction and loneliness in the marriage, through which she may wish to seek a kind of relief. However, when she realises that Dave has really decided to divorce her, she feels a shock and loss like never before.

After the divorce, she refuses to accept the alimony offered by her ex-husband, which is a protest against his abandonment of her and her daughter Selina, and an expression of the resentment in her heart.

Jane's heart is filled with anger towards her ex-husband and nostalgia for her past life. She can't accept that she has gone from being a pampered woman to an abandoned wife. She began to spend her days hanging around and parasitising different men, trying to fill her inner emptiness and insecurity in this way. She had many boyfriends, but each relationship felt like a short-lived escape that brought her no real comfort or fulfilment.

Eventually, one time, she drank alcohol and staggered in the middle of the road, she had a car accident causing brain damage and became a vegetable, lying in a hospital bed all day long.Selina stood on the long corridor of the hospital, with the rain pattering down outside the window, which seemed to speak of the helplessness and sadness in her heart. Her mother, the woman who was once so beautiful and charming, was lying on the hospital bed, and her lustre had been taken away by the merciless disease.Selina was holding the crumpled diagnosis in her hand, and she didn't even have the strength to ask about the unfairness of destiny.

Dave refused to pay for Jane's treatment. Dave had always held a grudge against Jane's cheating, and he couldn't forgive Jane for betraying their marriage, not to mention her irresponsibility towards her family.

Dave tells Selina that he will no longer be responsible for any of Jane's expenses and tells Selina to go to her grandparents and ask them to take care of their daughter. selina is angry and disappointed, and cannot understand why her father is so cold and why he cannot let go of his past grudges and give her mother the most basic care.

Selina's life is in an unprecedented predicament. Her mother Jane's condition is worsening and requires expensive treatment, while her father Dave refuses to help. Extremely frustrated, she cuts off contact with her father and changes her mobile phone number. selina knows that she must find a way to raise the money herself.

At first, Selina tried every legal way she could think of to make money. She became a tutor, using her time after school to help other students with their studies; she handed out flyers on weekends and holidays, even though the work was hard and poorly paid. However, no matter how hard she worked, this income was a drop in the bucket compared to the huge cost of her mother's treatment.

In a part of the bustling city, the 'Night Colour' nightclub attracts a steady stream of customers with its unique charm. The neon lights were glittering seductively.

It was a rainy evening, Selina held an umbrella, walking aimlessly on the street, full of helplessness and confusion. At that moment, the recruitment advertisement of 'Night Colour' nightclub caught her eyes. She knew the hidden meaning behind the so-called 'waitress', a path she never thought she would enter.

Selina stood in front of the door of the nightclub, struggling in her mind. She knew that she had an innocent and beautiful face, and if she went for an interview, she was sure she would be accepted. But at the same time, she was aware that this was not the place for her as a student; it was full of temptation and danger.

Just when Selina is hesitating, the nightclub's Mama-san notices her. Mama-san is a woman of discernment, and she could tell at a glance that Selina's refreshingly unassuming temperament and beautiful appearance were just the type of thing that the rich and horny clients would like.

Auntie Mei walked out, a shrewd gleam in her eyes as she looked at Selina and said with a smile, ''Little girl, by the look of you, you should be in some kind of trouble. Come, come in and talk, perhaps I can help you.'

Selina hesitated for a moment, but eventually followed Aunt Mei into the nightclub. The atmosphere inside was very different from the outside world, the music was deafening, the lights were mesmerising, and people were dancing on the dance floor, enjoying the joys of nightlife.

Auntie Mei led Selina through the crowd to a quiet corner. She introduced Selina in detail about the work and treatment, her words were full of temptation: 'You are so pretty, you must be able to earn a lot of money here. Is your mother sick? I can advance you some wages to help you through.'

Selina's heart was deeply touched. She knew that accepting this job would mean that she would be stepping into an unknown and possibly dangerous world. But on the other hand, her mother's medical bills were like a boulder weighing on her heart, and she desperately needed to solve this problem.

After a fierce internal struggle, Selina finally decides to take the job. She needed the job and the money to save her mother. She tells herself that this is only for her mother's sake and once her mother's condition improves, she will leave this place.

Selina began her work at Night Colours. Her innocence and beauty soon attracted the attention of many customers, and she began to earn more money than ever before. However, as time goes by, Selina comes to feel the complexity and darkness of nightclub life.

She begins to come into contact with a wide variety of people, some customers are courteous to her, others are rude and impolite. She must learn how to protect herself in these complicated relationships while maintaining her innocence and dignity.

The job is lucrative but costly. As time went on, she found it increasingly difficult to stay awake during the day, and her part-time job at night seriously interfered with her normal routine.

She began to doze off in class and was unable to concentrate, which caused her academic performance to plummet. Although she tried her best to squeeze in time to study during the day, her tired body and heavy heart made it difficult for her to keep up with her courses. At the final exam, she failed several courses.

Faced with academic failure and family pressure, Selina felt unprecedented despair. She knew she could no longer continue to succeed academically in high school, and ultimately, she made the difficult decision to withdraw from high school. This decision was heartbreaking because she knew it meant giving up her academic dreams and future.

After dropping out of school, Selina was completely relegated to being a nightclub dancer. She began to appear in nightclubs more frequently in order to earn more money to support her family and her mother's treatment. Her life seemed to be stuck in an endless cycle, repeating the same rhythm every single day.

The continuous blows gave her a whole new perspective on life. In her eyes, the world was no longer black and white, but filled with shades of grey. She began to believe that survival and money were the most real for people like her.

Selina becomes extremely money-loving and believes that money is the most powerful tool for achieving self-worth and protecting herself. In her view, benevolence and morality are often rhetoric used by the rich to comfort and discipline the poor. She feels that only when one is no longer compelled by life can one truly talk about morality and ideals.


However, almost at the same time, Silvia was in England, living a very different life.

Under her father's careful nurturing, Silvia grew up to be a very well-educated, gentle, kind and cultured lady.

Silvia was sent to the best schools from an early age and received the highest quality education. dave understands the damage that divorce has done to his daughter, so he has done everything in his power to give her the best possible support, both educationally and materially. He wanted Silvia to have a carefree childhood and to grow up healthy and happy.

Silvia did not disappoint her father's expectations, she was smart, hardworking and got into Oxford with honours. At university, she not only achieved academic excellence, but also won the respect and affection of her classmates with her beauty, dignity and kindness.

During her time at the university, Silvia's versatility also made her the centre of attention on campus. She not only excelled academically, but also excelled in music, painting and dancing. She regularly participated in various cultural activities and clubs, infecting those around her with her talent and enthusiasm.

Silvia's beauty is not only on the outside, but also in her heart and behaviour. She is kind-hearted and willing to help others, often using her holiday time to go to poor areas in Africa to do charity and volunteer work. She hopes that through her efforts, she can help those in need and can bring some positive changes to the world.

Silvia's kindness and talent have attracted the attention and admiration of many students. She always treats everyone with a humble and friendly attitude, and her smile and warmth always bring strength and hope. She became a goddess in the hearts of her classmates, a flawless being.


Selina's relationship with her father, Dave, became estranged when he saw her mother die. The incident was like a deep rift between father and daughter and they had little contact for years.

When she receives sad news from England that her twin sister Silvia has died unexpectedly, Selina embarks on her first journey to England.

Selina stood at the exit of the airport, looking at the unfamiliar country in front of her, her heart surging with complex emotions. She gripped the ticket in her hand, which was a door to her past and a bridge to reunite with her father.

The years had flown by, and ever since her mother's accident, her relationship with her father had been like a kite with broken strings, drifting further and further away. Now, she sets foot on this land once again, her heart filled with thoughts of her sister Silvia and complex emotions for her father.

However, when she arrives at her father's home, the sight before her makes her heart sink. Her father, Dave, stood in the doorway, his figure looking so old, and his white hair looking particularly harsh in the sunlight. His eyes were filled with sadness and anticipation, as if he was waiting for redemption.

Dave looked at his daughter, whom he hadn't seen in years, and tears welled up in his eyes. His voice trembled with guilt and remorse: 'Selina, I'm sorry, your gone.'

Selina's heart was full of mixed feelings, she looked at her father, that once magnificent back had now become so fragile. She knew that over the years, her father had been in self-blame and pain.

Afterwards, Selina followed her father to Silvia's grave. On the tombstone, her sister's smile was still bright, as if she had never left, Selina's tears flowed uncontrollably as she remembered the carefree days she had spent with her sister.

They had been each other's shadows, playing hide-and-seek in the backyard together, frolicking in the rain together, and dreaming of what life would be like when they grew up. However, everything came to an abrupt end when their parents divorced and their world came crashing down.

Selina stood in front of the grave, her heart filled with thoughts of her sister and nostalgia for the past. She knew that her sister's death was undoubtedly a heavy blow to her father, and his life had lost its colour.

A gentle soul, having contracted malaria in Africa, thus withered in the heat of Africa.Silvia's life, like the charitable work she pursued during her lifetime, was full of dedication and love.


After the funeral, she and her father Dave sat in the car, the atmosphere was heavy and depressing.

Dave broke the silence, his voice carrying a hint of tremor and anticipation, 'Selina, about your mother... I'm so sorry. I wish you could stay in England and start over with me. We can live together, and I will make it up to you so that you can have a better life.'

Selina turned her head, her eyes filled with complex emotions as she looked coldly at her father, 'Compensation? How are you going to compensate? My mother became a vegetable and my life has been ruined.'

Dave took a deep breath and tried to calm himself, 'Selina, tell me, how are you doing with your studies now? Do you have any plans to continue your education?'

The corners of Selina's mouth curled into a sarcastic smile, 'Studying? I stopped studying a long time ago, I dropped out of school.' Her words revealed the helplessness of life and her resentment towards her father.

Dave's face revealed deep remorse and pain, 'Selina, stay, I'll pay for you to study, you can go to a prestigious school, and you'll be a good person like your sister.'

Selina's emotions suddenly erupted, her voice was filled with anger and sadness, 'Like Silvia?Silvia is dead! You refused to save my mother at that time, causing me to have no money and have to drop out of school. Do you think I have a chance to be like Silvia now?'

Dave's eyes filled with tears and his voice choked, 'Selina, I know I was wrong, and I regret not standing up for your mother when she needed me the most. I beg you, give me a chance to make up for my past mistakes.'

There was a wavering in Selina's heart, but her anger and resentment still prevailed. She firmly rejected her father, 'No, I hate you, and I will never forgive you for the rest of my life. I will also never call you father again for the rest of my life.'

Selina's figure disappeared into the boarding gate, leaving Dave sitting alone in the car, tears blurring his vision. He knew that he had lost the most precious thing of all, and that was his daughter's love and respect.


But Selina was hiding something.

That day in her sister's flat, Selina packed up the relics piece by piece, each carrying memories of her sister. She gently caressed those familiar items, and an indescribable pain welled up in her heart. In a pile of books and documents, she accidentally found her sister's academic certificates, the paper that proved her sister's knowledge and achievements, at this moment seems so heavy.

Among her sister's belongings, Selina also found some personal letters, among which a yellowish letter attracted her attention. She opens the envelope and discovers that inside is a love letter, with strong handwriting, full of sincere emotions. The letter was addressed to Adam, the heir to the Golden Corporation, a well-known name in the business world.

Selina's fingers gently slid over the certificates, and an indescribable feeling welled up in her heart. She thought of her own rough fate, and her mother who was lying in the hospital, desperately in need of treatment costs. Her heart flashed a bold and risky idea - she and her sister look the same, she can pretend to be her sister's identity and education, to go to the world's top 500 companies to find a high-paying job, to change their own destiny, to cure her mother.

Selina's heart was full of mixed feelings, she did not think that the famous Adam had once adored her sister. The love letter, like a key, opened the deep wish in her heart. She decided, using her sister's identity, to fight for that job.

She knows that it's a dangerous game, and that she will lose everything if she is found out. But she also knew that there was no turning back. For the sake of her mother, for the sake of her sister, she had to go forward.