Special Care

There was no doubt that Selina was hired. Of course, in Adam's eyes, he was hiring his childhood friend 'Silvia'.

This decision caused quite a stir within the company, and the next day the employees were talking to each other about the new secretary's background and Adam's true intentions.

In the company pantry, several employees sat around and whispered.

'Have you guys heard? The new secretary, I heard that Adam personally interviewed her.'

'Yeah, and her CV doesn't seem to be the best, there are many more with better qualifications than her, I really don't know what Adam was thinking.'

'I see that she looks quite pretty, maybe ...'

The words carried a hint of unspoken meaning, and the people looked at each other and smiled, as if they had all reached some kind of consensus in their minds.

And in Adam's office, Selina was sitting at her new desk, feeling apprehensive. She knew that her acceptance wasn't entirely due to strength, and that Adam's favouritism towards Silvia gave her an edge in this competition.

The employees were in a heated discussion, not noticing that Martin was coming up behind them; Martin was Adam's confidant and had quite a bit of authority in the company.

'Ahem.' Martin cleared his throat and the employees instantly quieted down, turning their heads to look at him.

There was no smile on Martin's face, his gaze was serious: 'The company is a place of work, not a cafe. It's not only unprofessional but also disrespectful for you to speculate on your supervisor's personal matters like this for no reason.'

The employees looked at each other, realising that their behaviour was indeed inappropriate, and lowered their heads.

'Adam is a fair leader, and his care for Silvia, I believe, is based on the recognition of her ability to do her job.'

Martin continued, his words carrying a hint of unquestionable authority.

Martin, as Adam's right hand man, has been here for five years. He was known for his keen insight and deep understanding of Adam.

Adam is a shrewd businessman who never makes decisions without emotion, and every investment is carefully calculated to ensure maximum benefit. He believes that there is no such thing as hate without a reason or love without a cause, everything has a logic and reason behind it.

The recruitment exercise was conducted to look for talents who could be involved in the company's future business of mergers and acquisitions, takeovers and investments, etc. Adam was looking for an experienced employee who could get up to speed quickly to help the Group gain an edge in the highly competitive market.

However, to everyone's surprise, Adam chose Selina, a young person with excellent academic qualifications but little experience in the investment world. Selina graduated from a prestigious university with a double degree in Finance and Economics, but her CV contained little investment-related work experience.

Martin was perplexed by this; he knew that Adam's decisions always had a deeper meaning, but this time it seemed difficult to understand.


Selina faced the computer screen with a frown on her face. Her fingers hesitated on the keyboard, each tap seeming incredibly difficult. This report, to her, was like an unattainable wall that she could not overcome no matter how hard she tried.

Although she had used her sister Silvia's Ivy League degree to get into Golden Corporation. Her sister's academic credentials opened the door for her, but after she actually walked in, she realised that every second here was a test of her abilities.

Selina's mind was filled with anxiety and uneasiness. Now, the shortcoming of culture became her biggest obstacle. She tried to search her memory for those magnificent words, those rigorous logic, but the more anxious she was, the more blank she was.

'Dinner together tonight?' Adam's WeChat suddenly sent over.

Her heart was filled with conflict and anxiety. On the one hand, she knew she shouldn't go because she wasn't really Silvia.On the day of the interview, due to time constraints, Adam hadn't talked to her in depth, and she had squeaked by. But now, one dinner means more conversations, more risks.

She was afraid that she would be exposed under Adam's sharp gaze, that all those carefully woven lies would crumble between the words. She knew that once she was found out, she would not only lose the job, but could also face more serious consequences.

On the other hand, she didn't dare turn down Adam's offer. In the company, Adam's authority was unrivalled, and his invitation was almost tantamount to an order. Turning him down might immediately arouse suspicion, or even directly lose her job.

After hesitating for a long time, she replied, 'Okay.'


Martin stood in the shadow of the company building and watched Selina's figure disappear into the back seat of Adam's Rolls Royce. His heart skipped a beat and shock travelled through his body like an electric current.

'This can't be...' He murmured in a low voice, 'Selina's first day on the job and Adam asks her out for dinner alone?'

Martin had originally thought that this was just the gossip of his colleagues after tea, but the scene in front of him forced him to re-examine these rumours.

'What exactly is this girl's background ...' His heart was filled with doubt and uneasiness.

For five years, Martin had followed Adam around, and he thought that his understanding of Adam was unrivalled. However, Adam was suddenly so interested in a girl who had just appeared, it was really unprecedented.


Inside the high-class western restaurant, soft light sprinkled on the exquisite dining table, silverware and crystal glasses shimmered in the faint light.Adam and Selina sat at the window seat, in front of them was a full English menu, each dish was described in gorgeous English, full of exotic flavour.

Adam's eyes are confident and relaxed, and he looks at ease with the place. Selina, on the other hand, despite her equally decent behaviour, was troubled by the English on the menu. Her eyes wandered over the menu, but her mind was at a loss.Selina didn't want to show Adam that she didn't know English, so she gently closed the menu, smiled and said to Adam, 'I'll order the same as you.'

Selina sat across from Adam, her heart beating slightly faster. She had never experienced such an upscale dinner before, and despite knowing that Adam was being so thoughtful for Silvia, she still felt both surprised and a little overwhelmed. Her eyes wandered over the delicate cutlery and beautiful flowers on the table, her heart filled with anticipation for the food she was about to taste.

The waiters began to serve the food one by one, and each course was presented to them one by one like a carefully choreographed piece of music.

Adam carefully introduced Selina to the origins and flavours of each dish, his voice low and magnetic, each word telling a moving story.

When the steak was served, Adam personally cut off a piece for Selina and handed it to her plate. The top of the steak was grilled just right, giving it a tantalising charred brown colour, while the inside was a soft, juicy pink, with a light aroma of herbs and black pepper.

Selina took a taste, the rich gravy and rich layers blossomed on her taste buds and her eyes couldn't help but light up, 'Adam, this steak is so delicious.'

The corners of Adam's mouth curled into a satisfied smile as he poured a glass of red wine for Selina, the deep red liquid swaying gently in the crystal glass, exuding a complex and captivating aroma. 'This glass of red wine is aged for many years, it has a mellow flavour and goes best with foie gras.'

Adam's gaze was soft as he sat quietly opposite Selina, gently twirling the delicate red wine glass in his hand. The piano music flowing through the restaurant added a bit of warmth and serenity to the evening. His voice was low, with a hint of undetectable concern: 'Silvia, how was your life abroad during these years of being separated?'

Adam's question was like a bomb that exploded in Selina's heart.

Selina looked up and made up in a daze, 'I've had a good life, my dad is a university professor, he gave me the best education.'

'When I was abroad, apart from studying, I also participated in many club activities and made friends from all over the world.' Selina tried to act natural and not let Adam see the signs. She tried to keep a happy glint in her eyes as she remembered those days, and every detail seemed as if it was so vivid and real.

'Silvia,' Adam said softly, 'do you remember? When you were little you suddenly changed schools, and I searched for you for a long time, but I couldn't find you.'

Selina's heart skipped a beat, and she lowered her head, her fingers unconsciously wrapping around the tablecloth.

Adam's voice carried a hint of huskiness, 'Back then, you saved my life. We were good friends. Your sudden disappearance made me feel very lost.'

Selina took a deep breath as she looked up with a hint of apology in her eyes.

'Adam, I'm sorry.' Her voice trailed off, 'At the time, my parents were divorced due to some changes. So I followed my dad to America.'

A flash of surprise flashed in Adam's eyes, which was then replaced by sympathy.

Adam was silent for a moment, then slowly spoke, 'All these years, I've been looking for you. I wanted to know how you were doing.'

Selina's heart was filled with uneasiness, Adam's gaze always made her feel an inexplicable pressure.

'Is he still in love with Silvia?' Selina asked herself, 'If he discovers my true identity, will everything come to naught?

Selina's original intention was simple, she only wanted to borrow her sister Silvia's identity to find a good job and improve her life. She never wanted to have any deep emotional entanglement with Adam.

Adam cares for Selina beyond her expectations. Every smile he gives and every time his eyes meet, Selina feels her heart skip a beat.

Adam's gaze is sharp as a hawk, and he can sense Selina's unease. In the soft light of this fine restaurant, her face looked dark and preoccupied.

'Silvia,' Adam asked gently, 'are you preoccupied or uncomfortable?'

Selina's heart skipped a beat and she hastily hid her panic, 'No, it's just a little cold in here.'

He immediately called for the waiter, 'Please turn up the temperature, I don't want my guests to feel cold.'

Adam continued, 'Silvia, what do you want at work? Tell me, I will try my best to help you realise it.'

Selina's heart fluttered and she knew she had to take advantage of this opportunity.

'I have to learn some real skills before I'm discovered.' Selina thought to herself, 'So that in the future, when I leave Golden Corporation, I will be able to stand on my own two feet.'

'Adam,' she took a deep breath, 'I've just graduated and have little practical experience, but I'm very interested in investing. I hope to have some more guidance and practical experience.'

Adam didn't expect Selina to be so career-minded and enterprising, and a glint of appreciation flashed in his eyes.' Silvia, I appreciate your ambition.' He said seriously, 'I'll train you well and develop you into an investment elite. Our company has a lot of investment training, I will let you learn under senior investment managers, and I can also personally bring you to participate in some investment projects.'

'Adam, thank you!' Selina excitedly took Adam's hand, 'I really appreciate you giving me this opportunity.'

Adam felt the warmth and trembling of Selina's hand, and a warm current welled up in his heart.

However, just then, Selina suddenly realised that she had lost her temper. Her face was instantly coloured with a blush, as gorgeous as the evening sun in the sky.

'Ah, I'm sorry, Adam, I...' Selina hurriedly let go of her hand, her heart beating like a drum, and the heat on her face seemed to remind her of the impudence she had just made.

Adam also felt a twinge of embarrassment, but he quickly adjusted his emotions and lightened the mood with a gentle voice, 'It's okay, Silvia, I understand your excitement.'

The air seemed to freeze and the atmosphere between Adam and Selina became incredibly delicate.Adam felt the awkwardness and knew he had to do something to ease the tension.

Adam cleared his throat and broke the silence, 'Silvia, it's getting late, we have to work tomorrow, let me take you home first.'

Selina was slightly stunned, she didn't expect Adam to make such a suggestion. She was a little hesitant, but at the same time, she felt a trace of warmth.

The two of them walked out of the restaurant together, and the night had already covered the whole city. adam's Ausles parked quietly outside the company building, and he opened the car door for Selina.

The atmosphere inside the car was still a little awkward, neither of them knew what to say, but Adam turned on the music and soft melodies flowed through the car, trying to fill the silence.

As the car travelled through the brightly lit streets, the city looked particularly charming at night.Selina looked out of the window, with a new understanding of the city in her mind.

Knowing that Selina lived in the suburbs, Adam's brows gently furrowed, a trace of worry welled up in his heart, especially at night. His voice became softer, ''It's not very safe there at night, I don't feel comfortable with you living so far away as a girl. I have a villa in the city centre that has been empty. If you don't mind, you can move there and live there without paying rent.'

Selina's heart was shocked, she did not expect Adam to make such an arrangement. Her heart was filled with gratitude, but at the same time there was a trace of uneasiness, 'Adam, I can't ...'

Adam turned around, his eyes carried a hint of unquestionable determination, 'Besides, I'll have the driver take you to and from work every day, so you won't have to squeeze the bus.'

A wave of mixed emotions surged through Selina's mind, she knew that Adam was acting out of repayment for Silvia, but she also knew that she couldn't owe him too much. Her voice carried a hint of tremor, 'Adam, I appreciate your kindness, but I...'

Adam gently interrupted her as he jokingly said, 'Silvia, this is my way of repaying the man who saved my life, you don't need to have too many worries. I just want you to be safe and comfortable.'

An unspeakable feeling welled up in Selina's heart and she looked at Adam with gratitude in her eyes.

Adam's eyes glanced at Selina from time to time, and he realised that Selina's side face appeared even softer and more touching under the night's reflection.

As a child, Silvia always had a dignified and quiet look. She seldom spoke and was always immersed in the world of books, giving the impression of a lady of the house.

'She was always so quiet and graceful back then.' Adam recalled, 'like a quietly blooming lotus flower, untainted by dust.'

Now, however, Silvia is full of life and vigour. Her smile is bright and her mannerisms reveal a confidence and enthusiasm that is very different from her childhood.

Despite the dramatic change in Silvia's personality, Adam finds that his attraction to her has not diminished. On the contrary, she now had a vibrancy that fascinated him even more.

'It's so strange,' Adam thought to himself, 'she's changed so much, yet my feelings for her have grown even stronger.'

Adam's heart began to struggle. He wasn't sure if his feelings for Silvia were out of admiration for how she had changed or if he was holding on to memories of the past.

'Do I like her as she is now, or as I remember her?' He asked himself, 'Perhaps, both.'

Soon, the car pulled up under Selina's apartment building.Adam got out and opened the door for her, 'Silvia, you're here.'

Selina got out of the car, she felt a warmth she had never felt before, 'Adam, thank you for taking me home.'

Adam smiled, 'You're welcome, we'll see you tomorrow.' His gaze revealed a hint of concern.

Selina turned towards the flat door, she turned back to Adam and waved. The awkwardness seemed to slowly dissipate in the night.

Selina walked into the flat and she leaned against the door, her mind echoing Adam's words and gaze. She realised that Adam's place in her heart had quietly changed.

Adam was not only the president of Golden Corporation, but also a charming man. He is handsome, elegant, talented, and comes from a famous family, confident but not ostentatious. His every smile, every deep thought, seems to have an irresistible magic, so that people are unconsciously attracted.

She knows that with more contact with Adam, her lies are likely to be exposed. Even worse, she found that the more she got to know Adam, the more irresistible she became to his charms. She's afraid she'll lose herself to his charms and forget her original intentions and secrets.