The Special Secretary

The next morning the sunlight poured through the muslin curtains and onto Selina's face. She was gently awakened by the hustle and bustle outside her window, everything seemed to remind her that everything Adam had said yesterday was true.Selina got up and stepped out of her cabin, ready to start a new day.

However, when she opened the door, she was surprised to find several uniformed staff already waiting outside. They greeted her politely and told her that Adam had arranged everything and that her luggage would be moved to a cottage in the city centre.

She hadn't expected Adam to move so quickly. She followed the staff to the villa and was almost stunned when she stood in front of the door of the luxurious villa.

The villa covered a vast area and the architectural style was a blend of modern simplicity and classical elegance, showing the owner's ultimate pursuit of quality of life. The exterior walls were made of warm beige stone, blending harmoniously with the surrounding natural environment, while the roof was covered with dark grey tiles, giving it a stable and atmospheric appearance. Entering the gate of the villa, the first thing that catches your eyes is a well-designed courtyard. There is a small fountain in the courtyard, and the sound of water adds a sense of tranquillity and vitality to the space. All around were planted all kinds of rare flowers and trees, which were carefully taken care of by the gardener, evergreen in all seasons and fragrant with flowers. Passing through the courtyard, you come to the main building of the villa. The entrance is paved with marble floors, and several valuable oil paintings hang on the walls, highlighting the owner's artistic taste. The living room is spacious and bright, with huge floor-to-ceiling windows looking out onto a manicured lawn and a distant lake that is as calm as a mirror, reflecting the blue of the sky. The interior of the villa also features a private cinema, gym, indoor swimming pool and other recreational facilities, each of which provides the ultimate in enjoyment for its residents.

Inside the villa, a kind butler and two aunts had been waiting for a long time. They introduced the villa's facilities to Selina and told her that they would take care of her daily life, Selina felt a kind of care and respect that she had never experienced before, and her heart was full of gratitude.

In the garage of the villa, there was a Tesla parked quietly, which Adam had prepared for her, and Selina knew that Adam had thought of everything, and that driving to the office in a car that was too luxurious would be a source of offence to her colleagues.



Selina sits in the corner of her office, her eyes focused but with a hint of confusion. The papers spread out on her desk were filled with terms she had trouble understanding: balance sheet, risk assessment, return on investment ... These words of business and finance were like the language of another world to her.

Adam sat in the spacious and bright office, his eyes fell on the report submitted by Selina, his brows slightly wrinkled. The report's writing was raw and logically confusing, completely out of line with Silvia's level of education. A wave of doubt welled up in his heart, was this really the girl he loved as a child?

He pressed the intercom on his desk, his voice was calm but with a hint of undeniable seriousness, 'Ask Selina to come in for a moment.'

Selina pushed the door in, she looked a little nervous, holding a document tightly in her hand, as if it was her talisman.Adam looked up, his gaze was like a torch, looking her straight in the eye: 'Silvia, this report, did you write it?'

Selina nodded, her voice a little shaky, 'Yes, Adam, I wrote it.'

A trace of disappointment flashed in Adam's eyes, he stood up and walked over to Selina's face, a hint of chastisement in his tone, 'Silvia, your academic qualifications are very excellent, but the level of this report, is far below my expectations.'

Selina's face instantly turned pale, her lips moved as if she wanted to explain something, but the words came to her mouth but she swallowed back.Adam looked at her appearance, the doubt in his heart deepened.

After a while, Selina stammered out, 'Adam, I'm sorry... I... I went abroad as a child, and I'm no longer very fluent in writing.'

Adam froze, he didn't expect this to be the reason. He looked at Selina, a hint of helplessness and guilt shone in her eyes, and a complex emotion welled up in his heart. He knew that language took a long time to build up and practice, and Selina's situation was not her fault.


'Knock, knock, knock,' the office door was knocked on and Fu walked in, his eyes revealing a hint of enquiry.

Adam looked up at Supervisor Lin, a hint of imperceptible authority in his tone, 'Fu, regarding Selina, her writing skills still need to be improved.' Adam stood up and walked over to the window, his gaze piercing through the glass as if searching for something, 'She's hardworking and has potential, she just needs some time and the right guidance.'

Fu's eyes flashed with a trace of doubt, he didn't know why Adam paid extra attention to this secretary called Silvia, could it be true that the two had some kind of unknown relationship as his colleagues in the company speculated?

Adam, the city's most dazzling diamond bachelor, the only son of the richest family, his name is always associated with all kinds of glamorous celebrities and stars.

With his handsome appearance and extraordinary temperament, he is the Prince Charming that countless women dream of. However, his heart is like the wind, elusive and hard to stay. At the most luxurious parties in the city, Shen Yu is always the centre of attention.

He talked and laughed with the celebrities around him, exuding a charming charm between his hands and feet. Their eye contact is full of ambiguity and innuendo, making onlookers think about him. Shen Yu's peach colour news always dominated the headlines of the major media, and his ambiguous relationship with a number of celebrities and stars in the city became the talk of the town after tea.

This Silvia's looks were nothing more than a clean-cut compared to the most gorgeous stars in town. Despite thinking of all this, Fu's mouth immediately promised, 'I will arrange some writing training, while consciously exercising her writing skills in her daily work.'

Adam turned around with a satisfied smile on his face.


Hellen, Adam's other secretary, also finds Selina's foundation very weak. To her, Selina's ignorance and clumsiness is disrespectful to the job and demeaning to her professional abilities.

It became unappealing, especially in the eyes of Hellen, who, with her enviable figure and gorgeous looks, was confident and proud. In the high offices of Golden Corporation, Hellen is not only Adam's secretary, but also his secret lover. With her enviable figure and gorgeous looks, she exudes femininity in every move she makes and attracts the attention of those around her.

On certain nights, Adam spends time with Hellen, but those nights do not represent love, they are more of a relationship of mutual exploitation, Adam's heart has a deeper emotional longing, he is not in love with Hellen, her beauty and body is only a temporary fill the void in his heart, Hellen knows this, she knows her own position in Adam's heart, but she also has her own goals and plans. She knows where she stands in Adam's heart, but she also has her own goals and plans. She uses her relationship with Adam to try and gain more power and status in the company. There is ambition and calculation hidden in her eyes, and behind her beauty is a heart hungry for success.

However, there is now a Selina, who has a hint of sourness in her words and actions, and always mentions Selina's shortcomings in front of Adam, intentionally or unintentionally.

By chance, Adam overhears Hellen's disparaging remarks about Selina in the pantry. His eyes sank, he didn't like the disharmony within the company, and even more so, he didn't like Hellen's unfair attitude.

Adam then summoned Hellen and Fu, he told them seriously, 'Silvia is a new member of our team, she needs time to adapt and learn. I hope you guys can give her more help and support.'

His voice was calm and firm, 'Silvia's efforts and progress are there for all to see. I hope you can give her the respect she deserves instead of making unnecessary suspicions behind her back.'

Hellen's face changed, she didn't expect Adam to chastise her for Selina. There was both loss and resentment in her heart, but she knew she couldn't do anything more rash. It was important to know that the relationship between her and Adam was only limited to the physical level, and the two of them were nothing more than bed buddies. Just because they had sex together from time to time didn't mean she was Adam's rightful girlfriend.

The reality is that she knows she needs the job, and she needs it now. Golden Corporation is one of the top 500 companies in the world! It's a dream come true for many people to work for such a powerful and prestigious company.

From then on, Hellen never dared to think the least bit of Selina. Although deep down, she has long regarded Selina as a rival, but at this moment, she really realises that this woman may be more powerful and scary than she has imagined. From now on, Hellen decided that she would take a fresh look at Selina and remain vigilant at all times.Hellen guffawed, 'Yes, we will share our experience and knowledge to help Selina improve as soon as possible.'

Selina's heart was filled with gratitude, she knew that Adam had not only given her the opportunity to work, but also the space to grow.

She knew that she had to grow quickly to match this position, to live up to Adam's goodwill and the rare learning opportunity offered to her.

Whenever night fell, Selina would return to the villa Adam had arranged for her. Here, without the hustle and bustle of the office, it was just her and a room full of peace. She shut herself up in her study, her desk piled high with professional books on finance and investment, and her computer screen open with various instructional videos and electronic materials.

She was like a sponge, greedily absorbing knowledge, from the most basic accounting principles to complex investment strategies, she attacked little by little. Sometimes she would struggle with a difficult concept, but soon she would pick herself up again and continue her studies.

In response to Adam's request, Fu himself carefully tailored a series of professional and comprehensive training courses for her, and invited a number of well-known and experienced investment giants to serve as instructors, Selina was thrilled to have such a rare opportunity to learn, which had been a distant dream for her in the past. Now that she has such a valuable opportunity to work with so many outstanding and powerful seniors and learn together, she is really ecstatic.

Selina pondered in her heart that with her sister's face, she seemed to have successfully reversed the trajectory of her life. She knew that this opportunity was not easy to come by, and she had to hold on to it and use it to rewrite her own destiny.

She understands that appearance is only a temporary advantage, if only by virtue of appearance, sooner or later she is still the fish and meat of those men in the nightclub. If you want to really realise your dream, you still need to put in more effort. So, she secretly vowed to keep improving her abilities and make herself stronger.